extreme frustration Adobe Elements to 365

May 23rd, 2011
I edited my photo in Adobe Elements 9 which is a new experience for me. A while after I posted it, I noticed that it was small for the space. I deleted it and went back to Elements and saved it some other way (I"ve been through so many efforts on this I've lost track). It looked fine in iPhoto where I keep my photos, but it wouldn't select for 365 (probably too big was all I could figure). I then saved it as a GIF (other saves were as JPEGs) and used "save for web." I was then able to select and post it, but the quality isn't as good (color looks kind of grayed). Reading between the lines in some other discussions, I think "save for web" probably isn't a good choice. Any advice you can give me on how to get my edited photo intact from AE9 to 365 would be greatly appreciated.
May 23rd, 2011
i have AE9 and usually just resize to 750x500ppi and have had not even bothered with saving for web...i am happy with the way they look...try that instead of the save for web feature:) HTH
May 23rd, 2011
Love your beautiful photos. Thank you so much for this excellent advice. I am so blown away by how immediately helpful people at 365 are.
May 24th, 2011
I use both Photoshop Elements and Photoshop CS3. I just save my final product as a regular .jpg and it's fine. I think of the "save for web" function as an option for people making websites or people who want things to load really fast. I think it lowers the quality quite a bit, but I'm not sure.
May 24th, 2011
I, too, just save my final draft as a regular jpg and it works fine. I have experienced the frustration you’re describing. It can drive you to the brink of insanity.
May 24th, 2011
@4stories @snispnap) @lisjam1 Thanks to all of you. I still didn't accomplish getting the photo posted looking the way it should, but I give up. I feel like an insane person at this point having struggled with this off and on all day. I'm beginning to think I hate AE9. I don't seem to be able to save things there in a way that the browse tool in 365 will let me upload from there. So, I contrive to put them in my iPhoto program and then 365 won't let me select the version that looks right. I KNOW this makes no sense so I don't expect a response. I just need to learn AE9 and how to save photos there if I want to use that program to edit. Thanks for listening.
May 24th, 2011
I have to bump up my vibrance before I post here. I have no problems with flickr or facebook, but this does something to the depth of color.
May 24th, 2011
@cdford That's way too simple of a solution when I can drive myself crazy all day (lol). Really, thanks.
May 24th, 2011
@reba, maybe yr file size is too big..if I'm not wrong, max files size is 10MB (standard member).
Use "save as" and select a smaller file size..a JPEG Option window will pop up, move the slider to the left (small file) until it's about 2 to 3MB..you can see the file size change as u drag the slider.
The above works for me in Windows OS with Photoshop CS4.
All the best.
May 24th, 2011
You really *do* want to be using "save for web", just make sure the quality slider is about 85% or more and you're on JPG (PNG will be *far* too large a file size and GIFs can only have up to 256 colours in them - hence how grainy they look) but I really don't know what the actual problem you're having is. The maximum size of the longest edge of any image in the standard view here is 550px. In the magnified view, 1,024.
May 24th, 2011
@ tosplant and @eyebrows - thanks. Size doesn't appear to be the problem. I think the problems center around adding AE9 to my prior setup of storing photos in iPhoto. I can't seem to get AE9 to recognize my camera and accept upload of pics. I moved photo from iPhoto to AE9 and edited it, then to get it uploaded to 365 had to move it back to iPhoto (in many, many versions - none of which 365 seemed able to recognize). I'm usually good at figuring out a way through or around computer issues, but yesterday was an exercise in frustration. So - I now think this is not one that's going to be answered at distance - too many variables. Need to get my camera and AE9 getting along in the first place and then to get 365 to let me browse AE9 as a place I have pix stored. I posted a simple sooc already this morning and will get on with my day limiting my 365 fun to browsing through all of your lovely shots. THANK YOU!
May 24th, 2011
Well. To phrase it in a kind way, the phrase "then to get 365 to let me browse AE9" does give me a pretty good impression of your level of computery knowledge :P

I think you're right in your analysis of this being unlikely to be solved via distance, but I'm going to have a bash anyway, because... just because :) And I'm going to start from the very basics, so do forgive me if I've underestimated your abilities :)

Ok so. iPhoto, AE9, and "365" (or more accurately "the web browser in which you open the 365project website") are all just programs running on your PC/Mac (I suspect Mac) and they all live in, and store their information in, the same filesystem. A filesystem being, as far as we're concerned here, a hierarchy of "folders" all living within a "drive". PCs and Macs have different notations for drives, and different ways of trying to separate program data (such as the AE9 program itself) from user data (such as your photo files) by storing them in different folder structures, so this bit is different depending on your platform.

So in fact, yeah, if you want me to carry on trying to help (which I'm perfectly happy to do) let me know whether you're PC/Mac and I'll take it from here. Fundamentally though the lesson is that all these three programs can all access the same folders, so it's just a case of someone showing you how to better navigate and organise them :)
May 24th, 2011
@eyebrows You ARE very kind. And - I"m not the idiot I must sound - I'm just awful at jargon and used to figuring computer issues out just by trying different things until in my compulsive way and some times hours later, I work it out.. In the process of trying to write a clear message in response to your offer of more help, I did figure out the answers to what I concluded were the two biggest issues.

I need to be able to upload (please don't laugh - hope I have the language right) photos from my cam to AE9 and I need to be able to download from AE9 to the "web browser in which [I] open the 365project website." Yesterday when I opened AE9Organizer (where files are stored in AE9) I concluded that it was not recognizing my camera since it wasn't making any move to upload photos. I drew an incorrect conclusion I now see - the problem was that there were no photos on the chip - I'd purposely erased them. And since I had no photos stored in AE9Organizer, when I went to 365Project "Choose your photos - browse," only photos I had stored in iPhoto were offered as an option.

So - I think I exhausted myself yesterday moving photos between AE9 and IPhoto and trying to figure out format and size questions which probably weren't even real concerns and getting into trouble trying to upload a finished product to 365. In the process I made some wrong assumptions. I still hate the way yesterday's photo looks (brownish rather than orangey) and maybe I'll replace it some day . . . (after pulling and replacing it about 10 times yesterday - what a NUT!).

Again, you are kind and funny. And I love your new photo. And thank you very much. What a bunch of great people are assembled here at 365Project.

May 24th, 2011

I mean I love your new profile photo.
May 24th, 2011
Well, ok, if you've sorted it now, then cool, and thanks for the photo compliment :) Didn't mean to imply any idiotness, just unfamiliarity with computer knowledge :)
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