shameless plea for views

May 26th, 2011
A long time ago I accepted that I am an amateur. That the popular page is not important to me. I post pictures for myself and anyone who might like to see what I see. Every now and then a picture will surprise me by getting a higher number of views and comments (yay! a pat on the back is always nice). I figured out early on that only about 10% of my followers will actually click in and look. Even less would comment. I try to leave comments for people I follow as much as possible and several times a week I find others. Just the other day I posted the picture below. I am very proud of it and I allowed for just a moment that maybe this time, it was good. Actually good and just maybe, the monkeys might like it too. It got 17 views. So now I'm curious. Maybe I'm not improving after all? Please feel free to offer critique (real critique - I can take it!) on both my albums because ultimately, my goal is to improve my skills.

This is a wonderful community and I love being a part of it so I know you'll forgive me for this little plea for a couple of views, right? HUGS!

main 365 album
my other album

May 26th, 2011
hi Sandra, I'm finding the same thing so I'm making an effort this week to sort through who I follow and try and get some new ones by commenting on the New faces page. BTW I am now following you :-)
May 26th, 2011
Ooh yes, it is a fabulous picture - I love the clarity of that eye - I'm sorry I missed it first time around. I'm afraid I'm guilty of posting and running these days as I find I have so little time.
May 26th, 2011
It seems to be happening to a lot of people lately, I know my views and comments have dropped. Don't let it discourage you, people are getting busy these days and not able to spend as much time on here, like myself.
This photo is amazing though! You definitely should be very proud of yourself :-)
May 26th, 2011
This is an awesome shot and you have every right to be proud of it! I've noticed a marked drop in views as well. Can't explain that, but you've got a new follower - your work is wonderful!
May 26th, 2011
yep same here, been making an effort on the new faces page
May 26th, 2011
I've become really rubbish at keeping up with everyone and that sucks because I used to get around :p

I *will* stop at your page later this evening, Sandra. I'm putting it on my phone, even! :)
May 26th, 2011
I find that as it warms up in the northern hemisphere more people are not staying inside and so that mean less time for the computer. It will probably pick up again. I would say that about 15% of my followers have not posted in over a month. It is easy to get rid of those you follow that have quit, but impossible to remove the ones who have stopped posting.
May 26th, 2011
Same thing goes for me, I only have a few people who follow me, even less tend to view my pictures, and even less tend to leave a comment. I know how depressing it to publish a beautiful picture and not get any replies on it. I'm checking out your project right now and if I like something I'll post a comment. (hope you'll do the same for me)
May 26th, 2011
It's a wonderful picture, I have no idea how it didn't get more views. Some weeks I take pictures and feel they're really nice and others on here feel the same and it makes me happy. But most often the pictures I find wonderful and am really proud of get fewer views than I imagined. That's life I guess - it's sometimes just unfair... I hope you don't let yourself get discouraged and keep up the good work!
May 26th, 2011
Sandra...this is a wonderful photo and of one of my favorite subjects. I will hop over to your album(s) now to take a peek! I'm glad you posted the thread!
May 26th, 2011
This is a very good photo, and there are some other ones in your albums that would also deserve more comments and a few favs! Same goes for me with the low viewing rate. And the more followers I have the less views I have (in percentage). Some of my followers even never left a single comment, while I did because I looked at their work even if I don't follow them. Oh well, that's life, but I can understand it is discouraging some days.
May 28th, 2011
@msk1p2 Hi Sandra! You are not alone and Thanks for posting this thread! I am off to go check out your other photos because this one is awesome!
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