Advice please! I messed up with my uploads!

May 28th, 2011
So I'm several weeks behind with my uploads but I've been slowly trying to catch back up. The other day, I uploaded a shot for May 8th then I uploaded a shot for May 9th. What I didn't realize until now is that both photos are from the 8th! So now I'm a day off. Should I pick one to take down, or should I just stay one day off?

May 28th, 2011
went to both photos... the top one says 9th May .. although in the info on the right side says taken on the 8th
and the bottom one says 8th May.. also taken on the 8th.
what does it matter what day it was taken ?? if you dont mind a different days photo then leave it.. if that upsets you then put one from the 9th on..
Your project , you can do what you like with it..
If you remove a photo and people have commented then you will loose those comments..
May 28th, 2011
I'm kinda split. Because I want to show with my project what I come up with each day but having the dates wrong kinda messes that up. :-\
I think for now I'll just keep uploading one day off.
May 28th, 2011
Hey Sara, If my memory serves me right, the only rule of 365 is you set your own rules for your project. Do you really have to stick to consistency of the date your photos are taken and the correponding date on your album? If this is so, then take off the May 9th slot and leave it blank.

Personally, I don't mind. What's a day a filler? Very nice shot, btw. Cheers!
May 28th, 2011
if u want to upload a new one for the 9th , but not take any down my advice would be to edit the one thats currently siting on the 9th move it to an old date in december then slot your real 9th of ** in its place :) but nowt wrong with a filler anyways :)
May 28th, 2011
@bugik I know there's no set rule about it. I'm just indecisive about what I should do. There's not really a filler- there's just a photo from the 8th in the 9th spot and so the photo for the 9th is in the 10th spot. Thank you!

@flamez I hadn't thought of that! I think that's what I'll do. Thank you! :-)
May 28th, 2011
The situation has been rectified!
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