Manual modus

June 1st, 2011
Last weekend I´ve got some people commenting and wondering about that fact that I use total manual setting for all my pics, including the one that involves action. I do not even use the AWB option and even the focus I got to use the manual option. I just feel the autofocus is somehow too slow.

So... now I am the one wondering... how many of you go on total manual modus?

Thanks a lot for all the replies ;)
June 1st, 2011
I don't often use manual mode. Not entirely anyway. I only got my SLR at Christmas and I'm still getting to grips with it. I still don't entirely understand the exposure triangle and why I get some of the results I do, but I'm experimenting with it. My new compact has been rather useful, in that when I change some of the exposure settings, the screen becomes lighter or darker depending on what I have changed, so I hope that that will help me with getting to grips with it. I am also going on a photography course later this month, so I'm really hoping that will help a lot as well. As for manual focus, I'm not really confident with it yet. I shoot a lot of photos at cricket, where things move very quickly, and I'm not sharp enough yet to be able to focus quickly enough. I do however use a couple of semi-manual modes on occasion, depending on what I'm doing. Like I said, I'm still learning, so hopefully I will get to grips with it soon!
June 1st, 2011
I just got my DSLR in January and used auto for a couple of weeks. Now I use manual almost always. I've been playing around with catching birds in flight and I use manual for the settings, but flip the switch to AF and AI Servo. It is slower than manual but how can you keep fiddling with focusing when something is constantly moving?
June 1st, 2011
I've only had my SLR for a few weeks, but have been playing around with manual. If I can find the time to spend alone with my camera I prefer to shoot in manual. But usually I'm with my family and don't have the time to experiment with different settings. I'm hoping to get faster and more knowledgeable so I can use manual more.

As far as AF, it really depends on what I am shooting.
June 1st, 2011
I tend to use aperture priority or speed priority settings and adjust the other. It depends on what I'm after. I've been using manual focus mostly, but it depends totally on the nature of the subject. With the focus, it may not be necessary for a super quick focus change and I will opt for the auto--but I prefer manual more and more. Sometimes I'm just not quick enough and my eyes aren't good enough with manual, so I miss something I really wanted to captured. :-(

Oh. I usually adjust my WB as well.

Getting away from the auto settings, for me, has happened gradually though, as I've learned the different features and "science" of photography. One must practice something new to really begin to make those discoveries.
June 1st, 2011
I do total manual mode on specific conditions, but it's rare I don't use the autofocus, of which I'm pretty happy. And as I am wearing glasses or lenses, my camera is usually more accurate than my eye to focus correctly. The most common for me is aperture priority, and then manual mode. Rarely use speed priority because when I want to control speed I generally also want to control aperture, hence the manual mode.
June 1st, 2011
I go totally manual. I just feel more in control? Only recently Have I been playing with auto focus, but i still prefer manual.
June 1st, 2011
I sometimes experiment with manual focus, though I prefer autofocus, but other than that, everything is manual. Only the first few days I had the dslr did I use the other modes, to get a feel for what the settings generally are in those situations.

June 1st, 2011
I´ve noticed that the autofocus on my new lens (tramrom 18-270 mm) is just too slow. And even when I use, or try to use, the VC I just cannot get focus.

I´d love to use at least the autofocus since I also started to have some eye problems... but so far what I manage is to use my left eye (which is the best one... rs rs) to get that focus right.
June 1st, 2011
My main camera system, a rangefinder, is probably 99% manual, including manual focus, aperture setting, etc. I take better pics with it than with my DSLR with all the fancy stuff. I feel much more in control :-)
June 1st, 2011
I´ve the same feeling Nod ;)
June 1st, 2011
I love being in control and seeing what my camera can do for me, so I spend most of my time in manual mode! I love it and have been very happy with figuring out the settings myself. It has been a challenge at times and I have learned so much! I figure with the digital technology, I can snap away and change the settings if necessary based on the previous shot!
June 1st, 2011
I've noticed when I feel lazy and use autofocus that the shots come out flatter, lacking depth and colour.
June 1st, 2011
All manual, I often use autofocus when I'm working because the adjustments are small so it stays accurate and I don't have much time to fiddle...

Though on manual focus I like the autofocus beep function, when the shutter's half depressed it'll beep when it thinks you're focus, so it's nice in low light when you can swing to the right spot and adjust as so...
June 1st, 2011
All manual. I really appreciate having total control of the camera.
June 1st, 2011
Anything moving gets taken by my good friend Otto.
June 1st, 2011
I use a little bit of everything depending on the situation. If I'm in a hurry and can't fix the settings I throw on the auto and shoot what I need and fix it later if I have to in processing. I use the manual setting on the camera a lot and play around with the settings to try and get better with exposure when I can take my time. I've got some vintage lenses that I like which are manual focus only, but I use autofocus on the lenses that have it. I got a new dslr recently so I've been using the scene modes a lot until I get used to all the extra buttons it has. I also just got a point and shoot and use the scene buttons for that. So far I'm jack of all trades, master of none!
June 1st, 2011
I just wish I could get to that level of knowing my camera. I do adjust the ISO, white balance, flash and AF on almost every shot. Just have not quite really gotten the balance right on aperature and shutter to my satisfaction, but I am working on shutter alone right now.
June 1st, 2011
I shoot in manual for the most part- I feel it has given me a chance to learn my camera a lot faster- and learn some hard lesson through missed shots:0 I will occasionally put it on the "little green box" if I see the light is constantly changing..
June 1st, 2011
Thanks everyone... I am delighted to read everybody´s feedback ;)
June 1st, 2011
i sometimes use manual settings and sometimes use manual focus, but always use AWB! =)
June 1st, 2011
i really should use manual, i know how to, but im very lazy and end up using aperture priority for most of the time. as for focus, with my macro attachment i actually cant use any focus not even manual - the only way to focus it to actually physically move to the correct distance from the subject - its taught me a lot about having a good eye and i hope that i will start using manual focus in most situations from now on!
June 1st, 2011
As part of this project, I am working on manual shooting. Trying to learn the manual controls of my camera a little at a time. I do adjust the ISO, WB, shutter speed, or aperture, but not always at the same time. Sometimes I use manual focus, if AF can't seem to get it.
June 2nd, 2011
I always use manual, when I first started here I used AV or TV (aperture or shutter) but now I only use manual and will even go so far as to 90% of the time use manual focus. Just perfer more control. I always set my white balance by custom depending on what I am doing. However if I am working outside I will have it on AWB
June 2nd, 2011
sometimes I don't even meter (like with my bodies that don't have built in meters) ... but 99% of the time in 35mm/ DSLR to let the camera do the work...
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