Building a client base

June 2nd, 2011
I have been in business since August and have only been averaging about 1 or 2 shoots a month...I want to be doing AT LEAST 4 shoots a month, ideally more so that I can do it full time.

I have done mini sessions, specials, you name it...but HOW do you build up a client base, one that is consistent and makes people come back to you or refer you? So far my clients have been friends/acquaintances, family and both my and my husband's co-workers. I have yet to see a stranger email me asking for a session.

So...if you are a full time photographer, please share how your first year or two in business went and how you were able to build up a client base. Thanks! :)
June 2nd, 2011
Take your camera everywhere and shoot, ask permission if you feel awkward. Hand out business cards to people who watch you or ask about photos. I'm an event photographer, I pass out cards at the events for people to purchase prints from my website.
June 2nd, 2011
be easy... @meshinka I am sure if I was at an event Chris was shooting and I had one of his cards it would take very little time for the photo to be posted on his website... not SOOC (but rather) LTCDMOTW (Let the camera do most of the work).. it would likely be one or two clicks to buy the photo and that is it...

if it takes a month to see a proof... I already don't care...

I am not a pro (I am more a mad chemist, I am using 18x24 x-ray film right now in a self-build view camera, not a huge market)... but I use a lot of pros...

read the book the e-myth... not about photography... rather about business... (I happen to be mediating a business restructuring around the book next weekend... interesting stuff in it...)

out source what you can to improve turn around times... (ie shutter bug or colour correction(yes there are people who you can pay pennies to who will retouch your photos... saves you tons of time and time is money)

DONT shoot for FREE... if you shoot little Johny of free... Sally and Jenny's parents want free photos too...

UPSELL the heck out of a shoot... make sure they buy a print for every aunt, uncle, cousin, stranger on the street... prints are often where the money is... ok what else did people write well I blathered on...
June 2nd, 2011
@aliciastacy What type of photography are you doing? I guess you've done this already, but - If portrait, put adverts in papers, set up a stand at a shopping mall on a saturday with photo's and leaflets. Look for photography trade exhibitions and again, hand out leaflets.

If its weddings, do all of the above, then go around bridal shops, ask to leave leaflets with them, or have a sample of your work somewhere & website/contact details.

If its PR and commercial, do a mail shot to all companies that you can think of in the media and follow it up with a phone call. Look for own stuff too, photograph it and try and use it, local or national press if quirky or interesting. All helps get your name known and good for portfolio.

6 months isnt a long time while trying to build up a client base. If its PR, it takes time, but if you're good they will keep using you. If its weddings or portraiture, then they'll prob only use you once by its very nature but hopefully tell their friends. Its a very hard business to get into, esp now where people think they're all photographers (digital!) but if you're good and determined then it'll happen. Just one note tho, never give up on looking for new clients even when you have a few in the bag. People chop and change all the time over who they use esp in PR/commerical. Its a full-time job getting clients. Good luck!
June 2nd, 2011
Thank you for your responses!

@Christopher - great idea. I need to be better about marketing myself in the moment and passing out cards, talking to people, etc. Thank you!

@Jordan - I definitely have the short turn-around time thing down, which I know clients appreciate. And I don't shoot for free. :) But I think you are on to something when it comes to reading about business.

@Freida - I do portrait weddings yet, but scheduled to shoot one in Oct. I did an advert but it got me no business. I don't want to spend a ton of money in advertising when we have things like websites, Facebook, etc. Everyone I've talked to already in the photog business says not to spend money on advertising. I know word-of-mouth is strong too... I know it's going to take time, but I am impatient, haha!
June 4th, 2011
@aliciastacy I'm suprised that they say no to advertising - how else do people get to know you're there? Word of mouth is the best, but it takes ages. Fair enough and each to their own I suppose!
I've done a mail shot with PR followed up with a call and it got me a few clients, and I see portrait stands every weekend in the shopping mall - it must pay otherwise they'd not do it? Best of luck!
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