Burn Out

June 3rd, 2011
I assumed this would be a topic before, but I searched and came up empty. When life gets in the way, how do you re-motivate for this project? Lots of chaos in my life (not bad, just very BUSY) and I have been without my camera a ton.. and without the internet. I do not like having blank spots in my project. I suspect I am not the only one who feels this way. What do you do to get back "in the game"? Suggestions, please! :)
June 3rd, 2011
I'm currently not very inspired either but it comes and goes, just hang in there :)
June 3rd, 2011
When I'm not very inspired I keep taking boring things. It comes back eventually. Challenges help some. Like the A-Z or selfies or whatever. If not, then sometimes I get inspired while doing something boring. I'll think of a way to make it better and go from there.
June 3rd, 2011
I've been burned out and stressed and too busy. I also got sick. But I try not to make myself feel guilty when I don't get to post a photo a day. I just try to catch up when I can. I just posted 2 weeks worth of back logged photos yesterday. Hehe...

I see some people here post from their phones. Others, like me, bring their camera's with them everyday. I bring my point and shoot so it's not too bulky.

You don't have to give yourself such a hard time. Like @nikkers mentioned in another discussion. You can do whatever you want with your project. You can post today or the next day. From phone or camera.

The www.dailyphotoshoot.com can provide some suggestions. Also the challenges in this site can also provide some ideas. The junegratitude challenge just renewed my motivation today. :)

June 3rd, 2011
i'm the same lately, have lost my mojo i think. I feel i am lacking inspiration a lot of the time and don't like a lot of the pics i do take. I have been taking some pics on my phone as well as my canon as its with me all the time- in fact i added hipstamatic app today which i love lol
June 3rd, 2011
When I'm feeling unmotivated or uninspired, I take pictures of the silliest things then see what I can do with them. For example, a few days ago I was really down about not having a good photo for the day. I was at a Bass Pro Shop with my husband and I happened to have my camera with me. Bored while waiting on him to pick out a pair of boots, I just started snapping away at the boot wall. I had to laugh at myself because the other shoppers were looking at me like I'd totally lost my mind. But that laughter turned to excitement after I got home and processed my boot wall photo. It actually turned out pretty cool (imho). You can see it here if you'd like: http://365project.org/dejongdd/just-for-fun/2011-05-28. Anyway, that little episode snapped me out of my dreary mood for a day or two. Don't give up on yourself. And if you end up with empty spots in your project, you can always fill them later on. It's your project - no one is going to judge you if you post a photo that doesn't fit the calendar perfectly. Chin up, my friend!
June 4th, 2011
hang in there Nicole! maybe come up with a personal list of things you want to capture or challenge yourself with....think of what you would want to look back on a year from now and document some of those moments...what i love so much about my camera is that it is like my own personal time machine where i can capture something in the here and now that will stay that way forever....:) you have a great project....just keep going:)
June 4th, 2011
when I am uninspired I set out with the intention of taking the least inspiring shot I can, its only when you try to look for uninspiring stuff that you realise how interesting even the mundane can be :D
June 4th, 2011
I keep shooting and try to find something to shoot like light trails, carnivals, macros etc. I am also in a dry spell so am doing diary shots until inspiration strikes again. Hang in there.
June 4th, 2011
You keep going :)
June 4th, 2011
ha ha ... i feel burn out everyday. Like @pocketmouse , just keep going.

Make sure I have a camera with me at all times, phone, point and shot or DSLR or whatever.... I almost stopped so many times I can't remember, but always managed shoot and post daily. After all, it's only a pic a day. Nobody said it has to be perfect or even pretty photos!!
June 4th, 2011
@viranod I think you give the best advice!

I've gotten behind, and worried how to catch up. I just decided yesterday: focus on today! When I take a photo, I can go to sleep that night feeling fulfilled. I don't like holes either. But I'm just gonna let it work itself out for now!
June 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones Thanks, Annie... although you, uninspired? HA! ;)

@triciaanddazzle I have been considering the A to Z thing... I might end up there.

@carrieoakey Thank you! And thank you for the website!

@cariadon :) I hear you!

@dejongdd That picture is awesome for "uninspired" ;) I think that is great advice.... I need to just keep snapping away!

@4stories I like that! Personal time machine!!

@asrai Yes! Awesome advice! That right there is motivation. I don't know why, but your words speak to me. Thank you.

@cfitzgerald @pocketmouse Thank you :) I'm workin on it.

@viranod I think that may be what I am hung up on. I don't want to un-pretty photos ;) *sigh* but, you are right. Posting something will make me feel better than not posting at all.

@sweett New mantra: Focus On Today. Thanks for that.

To everyone: Thank you for replying. There is a lot of great advice here :) I will, well, just keep going. I love this project, and I want to see what a year in my life in photos looks like.... keep going keep going ;)
June 4th, 2011
@nicolekos Let's do the a-z! I started yesterday. :)
June 4th, 2011
@carrieoakey Oh! Well, then I would be behind!! ;) But sure... I can start on "C" since I took photographs of the "C" family today LOL I'll start tomorrow... I think this will be fun!!
June 4th, 2011
@nicolekos It'll be fun! But go ahead and start from A, it'll be so interesting what we all come up with. :)
June 4th, 2011
@carrieoakey I will :) I was kidding about starting with "C" ;) On to think of things that apply to "A"!
June 4th, 2011
@nicolekos Awesome!!!
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