What's the trick?

June 12th, 2011
I've been on 365 for 6 months now, and can't figure out how to get more followers.
I've found that participating in discussions has helped a lot, but what have you found that's helped you get more followers?
I am no more than an amateur photographer, but I've seen a significant improvement in the style and quality of my photos since I first started. I accredit that to the feedback and encouragement I get from the followers I do have, and would simply appreciate more of it to help me reach that next level.
All that being said - what makes YOU want to click that little "follow" button?
June 12th, 2011
You don't have to follow people for them to follow you - being pleasant works for me :)
June 12th, 2011
I only have 40 myself , but find reading their comments , looking at theit=r pictures and commenting on those fill my time.
I'm probably a gossip at heart so love to read about other people's lives , feelings, setbacks... possiblty there are more like that.
think about how you feel whwn you read the comments of some-one like geertje k . what made YOU follow people? can you use that knowledge to attrct more yourself?
if youv'e already done that , I apologise .
June 12th, 2011
@indiannie_jones @june
Thanks! I appreciate both of your insights :)

Last thing I wanted was to come off sounding desperate, but I think you've gotten my thought process, so thank you.
June 12th, 2011
when I first started one photo could get me to follow someone.. or if they followed me I would return the favor, but now I can hardly keep up with the few that I follow all the time.. due to.
Cleaning the house.
Playing with friends.
Taking photos.
Editing photos.
trying to get some sleep.
and lastly using the bath room every so often..

What makes me click follow? when I make a connection with some one. Thats about it..
June 12th, 2011
sometimes it is that one photo that causes me to follow, others it is a personality, and some it is a connection like @nikkers mentioned....i love those that photograph their kids because my whole project is my children , and i can get inspiration from theirs. I also love those that do something completely different from what i do- there are amazingly talented people on here that just blow you away...i would say to get involved in all the competitions, try to comment daily(it is hard, lol but rewarding) and most of all, love what you are doing and your photos will attract!:))
June 12th, 2011
I like for someone to have a description on their profile, first off. Second, I see if they post regularly, or if there are gaps in their calendars. Third, I browse through their thumbnails and see if the photos really stand out to me.

I don't try to get followers, but I've gotten way more than I ever expected to get. Commenting on discussions helped a lot, I think. I've been on the popular page a few times, and I always get followers after that. Otherwise, no idea how to get more. Just focus on taking really nice photos, not on the followers. People will start following once they see your work.
June 12th, 2011
I usually need some personal info about someone to start following them. I like for people to fill in their profile and to have a few lines with each shot to have some context. Like @triciaanddazzle I also check calenders to see if people post regularly. And of course and most importantly their photos need to appeal to me in some way.

I am almost halfway through my project and I don't tend to follow new people that much anymore. I get overwhelmed sometimes already as it is. The last two months I only started following a handful of people: two people who I know IRL and started the project recently, two people I "met" through the selfie challenge and three people whose shots appealed to me enormously. I do comment on a lot of photos, also from people who I don't follow.

As for my own followers: appearing on the PP several times has probably gained me more than half of my followers. The rest I gained by commenting on other people's shots or participating in threads on the forum.
June 12th, 2011
I have to see more than just the photos that interest me. Some information on the profile about where they are, why they're doing the project. Captions under their pictures so I know why that was the photo of the day for them.
The picture has to appeal to me as well. I've never been on PP, but I do post my pictures on threads and take part in discussions quite a lot, so that's probably where most of my followers come from.
June 12th, 2011
@nikkers @4stories @triciaanddazzle @halkia @minxymissk
Thank you all for taking the time to respond! I appreciate the support, and you've all helped in narrowing my focus.
I've realized my concentration should be on taking photos that matter to me/ that spark something in me - because it's really what I like most about others' photos.
June 12th, 2011
do you participate in the challenges and browse and pick type threads? i find people to follow from doing those. i am now obviously off to browse your pics so you may gain another new follower ;)
June 12th, 2011
I have done the Browse & Pick a lot, but I will definitely start trying to get in on the challenges when I can.
and thank you!
June 12th, 2011
Better be careful, Katrina. I started a very similar discussion to this about two months ago and I met my girlfriend, @katiegc24. Are you married yet? haha

I follow people based on discussions. I don't understand why some people follow hundreds of people, because then it is just impossible to keep up with all the photos. Quality over quantity. So, as I read discussions likes these, I'll take a gander at their project, and then decide if I should follow.

I follow a person if they consistently upload photos, if they've been on the project for awhile and not just brand new and already seeking followers. The quality of their photos makes no difference; I joined the 365 to help others learn photography. I always give feedback. Whether you want it or not :P

P.S. I am now following you

@minxymissk The only thing you need to know about me is I am the Greatest Man on Earth. Follow me. Haha

@nikkers Same goes for you. I'm following you now. I can't believe how many times we've talked through discussions and I've never clicked on the little "follow" button. I shall now perform an act of spanking oneself as punishment for not following you. I'll try not to enjoy it.
June 13th, 2011
@jasonbarnette . lol Oh please enjoy away. Im getting a kick out of picturing you spanking your self...

are you wearing black leather?? (please say yes , please say yes, please say yes..) lol
June 13th, 2011
I like to know a little about the shot you've posted; not a great screed, but if it's a scenic shot then it's good to know where the spot is, for instance, especially for those on the other side of the world. Just a few words in the commentary placing the shot and maybe saying why or when or in what circumstances you took it often make a difference and help to personalise your shots. A few words of appreciation of your followers' shots is good, rather than just 'great shot' or the like. Say what in particular you like about their shots. It takes a little more time but I know I always appreciate it and am more likely to return the follow.
June 13th, 2011
@jasonbarnette @girlie
Wonderful feedback! Thanks a bunch!
And Jason, luckily I'm in a committed relationship - so maybe i'll just make some great friends? Thanks for the follow :)
June 13th, 2011
@nikkers No, I am *not* wearing black leather. Currently, I am with very little apparel, however, cause it is 9PM and still 89 degrees outside. I *love* living in a beach town.

However, I do own a pair of black leather pants from a Halloween costume a couple years ago. Before you're mind drifts too far...the costume was Michael Crichton from the TV show Farscape. He always seemed to wear a black t-shirt with black leather pants, and so I bought the same haha.

Picture *that*.
June 13th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Am I not following you already?? I know I am following your better half ;)
Although I now have a worrying image of nudity and leather pants in my head that I'm not sure will disappear quick enough lol!!
June 13th, 2011
@minxymissk Waaaaaaaaaaait a minute! Where did nudity come from? Nobody said nudity. Nobody mentioned nudity!!
June 13th, 2011
@jasonbarnette In my mind "very little apparel" translates to "I'm wearing nowt" :) I await a new follower! :p
June 13th, 2011
For me the process starts with seeing a pic that I like. Then I will look at more work by the same person. If I feel that work 'speaking' to me, then I'll click the follow button. Sometimes it can be a picture in a thread like this that starts the process or it can be looking through the 'browse' button.

Like you I don't have many followers (I've just made it to ten after being 20%+ through my project) but I find that the people I do have, comment on my work and slowly my confidence is building to the point where I will post in these discussion threads.

As has already been said, a little info in the bio profile helps me as does a short background on the days picture.
June 14th, 2011
Thank you so much!
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