To my wonderful followers

June 27th, 2011
I am sorry for the lack of pictures this month, but thank you so much for continuing to follow me even though I've been MIA.
I have been feeling uninspired. I went through weeks of feeling as if my camera was not up to par, even though I was always completely satisfied with it. I had not taken any pictures since June 11th at the Taylor Swift concert.
And then @ukdanae said something that made me realize how ridiculous I was being. She said "the best camera is the one you have with you." And it made me realize that I was too focused on how small and unprofessional my camera is as opposed to how wonderful it's been too me.
I don't know why I doubted myself or my camera, because I've always told myself that even if I had the most expensive camera money can buy, it's not going to do me any good if I don't have the passion, the love, the eye.

So thank you so much @ukdanae =)
June 27th, 2011
No worries, Brittany! We all have days/weeks where we just aren't feeling it. :-) I'm glad you found some inspiration.

I am a huge fan of your pictures. I think it's often hard on this site to get caught up in comparing your own work to that of others. But you take both wonderful shots AND stay true to the 365 day theme. Each of your pictures tells the story of what is going on in your life - and you do it so creatively and often with a lot of humor. That is what this is all about!!!

Looking forward to seeing more when you're shooting again!
June 27th, 2011
@kissmycoffin you are more than welcome! There is actually a whole community and book built around that famous phrase - you can check it out here, maybe it will give you some more inspiration for making the most of your camera!
June 27th, 2011
I used to call my camera "rinky dink" with the same feelings as you had about yours. I'd look at some of the awesome photos here and remember when I could take better pictures with my 35mm. But one of my followers offered some instruction on taking macro shots and things turned around. I can't believe some of the shots I'm getting now and I'm happy with my camera. I love that phrase and I'll have to hang it up somewhere in case I start complaining again! Hang in there and keep trying different things with your camera. I think you're on the right track!
June 27th, 2011
@jennalcp Than you so so much!!
June 27th, 2011
@olivetreeann I've recently started using macro as well. It does help out a lot!
And it truly is a wondrous quote, I'll have to put it on my wall as well.
June 28th, 2011
I absolutely love your photos, don't doubt yourself. =)
June 28th, 2011
Well said! I have a little Canon P/S that I carry with me everywhere. There are so many times when I couldn't or wouldn't want to lug my expensive Nikon around. And then when I have the I have the proper lens on it when I need it? Often, the shots I get with the little "dumb broad" Canon are better than the ones I take with the Nikon. It's not the equipment. It's the opportunity, the eye, and the passion. Keep it up. I have seen tremendous strides in your photography since you began this project.
June 28th, 2011
I have been using my iphone camera with apps more often than not, so it really does not matter the camera, but the vision, composition, perspective, and ideas you have and make a reality.
June 28th, 2011
Brittany I am using a 4 megapixel wonder and I love the images I get with it. I know its limitations and if they photos need adjusting I sometimes adjust them. Your eye is what is important. And throughout the course of a year it improves and develops into a fine artistic weapon. You will start to see things differently and begin to watch for certain things like colour, shadow, compositions and macro possibilities. Cameras are only there to record what we see before we push the button. Dont beat yourself up, there are lots of wonderful images in your stream. Keep at it. ~:)
June 28th, 2011
@brumbe Your shots are lovely. I always said that if I were to get an iPhone, 90% of my reasoning would be because of the camera.
June 28th, 2011
@noo Wow. Thank you. That was very inspiring. And so true.
June 28th, 2011
Brittany, I always checked out shots and never checked out your camera... I am happy to have followed you to date and will continue to follow as long as you take photos.

Take care, and enjoy what you have with the camera you have. I'll still be here.
June 28th, 2011
True words :) But it's normal to be less inspired at times - at least I hope so because I feel uninspired some days as well :D
June 28th, 2011
Just went back and checked my photos. Since May 1st, I have used my iphone 37 times for my 365 project and the majority of my theme album since May 15. Thank you for the fllow.
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