Where did everyone go?

June 28th, 2011
I know I have been a little absent last month but where did everyone go? Back in January, Feb and March, this site was loaded with people making comments, discussions, tips etc... I'm lucky if I get 50 views on a picture with 4 or 5 comments. Back a few months ago, it was easy to get 200-400 views with 15+ comments for critiques and tips. Anyone know whats going on? Did everyone give up after making a 'New Year's Resolution' or did people just get busy with life. Just curious. Maybe some of the lurkers will come out and start getting excited about this website!!!
June 28th, 2011
People just got busier - there've been several people bringing that up. The enthusiasm dies down a bit after awhile too; same thing was happening towards the end of last year, but the influx of new people in January made the site busier.
June 28th, 2011
I noticed the same thing. I just figured it was because I wasn't as active in the discussions as I used to be, therefore getting less exposure. Apparently everyone else has been busy doing other things, like me.
June 28th, 2011
@carajill @indiannie_jones That's what I figured.....I have been so busy myself and have been so much less active as I was back in the beginning. Just figured I'd throw it out there and see what other people were thinking.
June 28th, 2011
It's sad, isn't it? I've noticed the same as of late--definitely a drop-off in enthusiasm and commenting. I thought for a moment that it was the time of year, but in going back to this time last year, there was more going on. Even the commenting on the Weekly Theme winners and Top 20 have dropped off in a BIG way.
June 28th, 2011
I've been away too, with not much commenting so I thought it was me. But I guess it's more than that? Apparently. Just saw one of my pics hit the popular page with 16 views, which would have never ever happened before, so maybe things do even out overall. As long as the people that are still here, still care, the numbers don't really matter. :)
June 28th, 2011
I think it's a mixture of life taking over, loss of enthusiasm and maybe summer being here. I know personally I don't get to spend as much time as I would love to on here and when I do get on here it's very brief. It's a shame but I suppose it shows how life is these days.
June 28th, 2011
I definitely had a lot more enthusiasm when I started but the combination of low picture views and comments can be disheartening at times. however I still post daily and I still try to comment on people's pictures when I can- sometimes life gets in the way but it is nice to see all the lovely photos that are on here.
June 28th, 2011
@jameshayward Disheartening, yes, the exact word. Akin to saying "hello" in a crowded room and hearing the echo of silence!
June 28th, 2011
Same here! >_>
June 28th, 2011
Posting pics/comments/etc. have been put on the back burner for me, as well....but I'm back now and look forward to interaction with my fellow shutterbugs.
June 28th, 2011
Dang! I thought i was the only one who was slackin. Annie is right, in that I just got busier, w/a new job, and just let go of my project!!! Bad Jo! tsk tsk.
Well this post was the perfect read to get me back into it. & i'm excited! Yaay! I encourage everyone on here as well, and will be referring more peeps to join!
June 28th, 2011
Post photos of attractive young women, that usually helps bring up your stats ;)
June 28th, 2011
How come when I mentioned the exact thing about the number of views and comments dropping, I get accused of seeking attention? I've noticed the same thing, but I was told I posted just to gain attention, when in fact, I just wanted to know what happened to everyone. I wound up deleting my post. And yes, James Hayward and Faerie Moon, it can be disheartening.
June 28th, 2011
I have noticed a drop too, I think everyone is a bit busier as summer is upon us , well alot of us anyway. Kids, vacations etc maybe? I have also noticed that not everyone i follow are showing up on my feed and I am missing seeing alot of photos because of that. Weird. I spent a ton of time on here yesterday trying to catch up with viewing and found so many fantastic photos that i had totally missed! So i am going to make a concerted effort to try and stop by!! :o)
June 28th, 2011
@prttblues i would say, in answer to your question ... you have a range of 30ish follwers/followees, so there are only 30ish people who see your photos in their newsfeed. That being the case, it seems like a more "valid" or "certifiable" observation for someone to ask the same question when they have 200ish or 500ish follwers. I have over 500, and I am getting less than 20 views most days. Thing is, it don't matta! I love browsing and I hope people see my work and enjoy it, even if they don't comment or even open it up in full view.

Yes, it's kind of sad to see so many people drop off, but they'll be back...and those of us who remain will have lots and lots of photos for them to enjoy when they do get back :)

June 28th, 2011
way to much work for school for me to comment on photo's :(
June 28th, 2011
I agree with @sdpace ! "It don't matta"

For the people complaining about no comments and views from their current followers go and find new people who are active and commenting. They are out there.

June 28th, 2011
I am one of those people that have fallen off the project.......maybe I will get back into it, especially since I'm on summer vacation! Thanks for the motivation.
June 28th, 2011
I've definitely been a lot busier these past few months which has cut into the amount of time I've got for browsing/commenting, etc but also after having been around here for a while I've found what feels like a comfortable niche where I'm keeping up with between 10-20 people on a regular basis, just about. Anymore gets too difficult. Every now and then I'll comment on someone new or someone old and that feels good too.
June 28th, 2011
@jameshayward Yeah, sometimes It's kind of a bit sore to look at the numbers isn't it? You have some really good photos and I look forward to seeing them, unfortunately life (and a busy summer season) have managed to get in the way :-)

All I'm getting at the moment is time to dump and run, hopefully I'll get some time to do more after the season is over,
June 28th, 2011
I personally had a bit of a dry spell creatively speaking. I needed to back away for a few days. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt that way.
June 29th, 2011
@indiannie_jones @clarissajohal @elephantgirl @coolgirlsar @jameshayward @clarissajohal @suomiiiii @lindib @jos_photo @vikdaddy @harley84 @luka @meggageg @bks @rich57 @pete21 @rbobh69
Thank you all for taking the time out of your day to respond. It gave me a great insight as to what happened when I was gone. I am the first ao admit things got busy for me too and this (unfortunately) got put off for my other 3 jobs, my 10 month old and my second master's degree (crazy that I even have ANY time). Anyway, I completely understand and thanks again. I think if we all make it a point to go on for 10 min a day and comment on a photo or 2 we can al get back up and running again. Vik.....July 7th I am having a "Boudoir Marathon" so that whole week I am sure I will be posting pictures of women in Lingerie. Stay posted!!
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