What should you do when...

June 30th, 2011
... you get a new follower that you know isn't age appropriate for your artistic expression. Being that there are no "privacy controls" on 365 we have NO ability to discriminate who can & can not view our work.

Would you:

1) censor yourself

2) discourage said follower from following you & contact his/her parents in the event they don't oblige

3) contact @Scrivna and ask him to intervene

4) Quit photography all together and enter a Buddhist monastery in Nepal and meditate that you don't come back as a cockroach in your next life for permanently scarring an impressionable innocence with your filthy depraved art....


Troubled Misunderstood Artist
June 30th, 2011
5) Carry on regardless
June 30th, 2011
4 for sure.
June 30th, 2011
yup 4
June 30th, 2011
What @eyebrows said.
June 30th, 2011
@eyebrows --- I totally agree.
June 30th, 2011
yep what @eyebrows said!!
June 30th, 2011
I think 2, but w/o the parents part and then 5. After you let him or her know how you feel, it's out of your hands entirely, and you'll have nothing to regret.
June 30th, 2011
cuss as much as possible. this is the innernetz. this is the real world.
June 30th, 2011
omg how much I have laughed at ..I mean with, yeah with you today. Yeah I was followed by ,well pretty much a baby when I did my Toy Story escape so then i was hesitant to post my beer pics, but then I thought well as young as he is MOM has got to at least be in the room, KWIM? I think it is the parents responsibility to monitor and do what they feel is best.....but being a mom yeah I have the guilt, but I am a hover mother so I know what my kid is into.
June 30th, 2011
you already warned said youth that your sensibility may not be a good fit w/his beliefs. so you're done. carry on. he can, and probably should, UNfollow you.
Not your problem my friend.
June 30th, 2011
June 30th, 2011
Agree with @eyebrows and others who agreed. Censorship ruins art. And self-censorship is the most crippling.
June 30th, 2011
June 30th, 2011
@eyebrows Absolutely!
July 1st, 2011
Carry on and be artful...This is who you are and this is your journey. We are just followers...
July 1st, 2011
I would carry on with your style, you can't worry about underage or appropriateness all the time. Granted, that this is a family community with all ages on here so perhaps save your photo onto a second album with a link to it (attached to another photo) Just an idea.
What on earth are you thinking of posting anyway... now I'm intrigued!?!
July 1st, 2011
@keithdavid as a parent, it's my job to monitor what my youngster is viewing online and discuss with them anything about which they have questions, or over which I have concerns. as others have noted above, your job is 5 - carry on regardless. and for what it's worth, in my 6 months on this site (and in going back through about three months' worth of your work), I have yet to see any photo that I wouldn't allow my children to see - there are photos that would be the subject of discussion in our house, but I wouldn't ask anyone on this site to change what they are doing to "protect" my child.
July 1st, 2011
Ahhhhhhh I can't wait to get internet reception. I can't believe I'm missing out on this. But my vote is #5. You ROCK my bud. You have an awesome artistic talent.
July 1st, 2011
4! No doubt!
July 1st, 2011
You can only choose who you follow and hope that those who choose to follow you are doing it for the right reasons. Has this young person made any inappropriate comments that need to be drawn to his parents attention? If not then I follow the crowd in saying "choose 5".
July 1st, 2011
As a teacher, "technology natives" frighten me. They are able to do things with and on the computer I still can't imagine. I would love to believe that an adult would step in and help, but alas that isn't the case in many situations. #2 sounds good, but the reality is the computer is at their disposal and you censoring your work is...well, it would be nice if the world would censor themselves, but that isn't happening either. So #2 then #5, this is your project, I would be saddened if someone other than myself stopped me taking photos. Good Luck and Very important discission.
July 1st, 2011
5! No censorship! You are an awesome artist and I love your work. Even Ross agrees.
July 1st, 2011
Keep your style. I would also discourage the follower too. I have a 6 year on this site, but I don't let him follow strangers because I wouldn't want his viewing to get in the way of anyone's art.
July 1st, 2011
Their parent should be watching what they do on the computer anyways! depends on the age, but most kids are gonna look anyways at risque things. Keep on keepin' on!!!
July 1st, 2011
5...absolutely... or maybe 4 actually...i would love to see you do that and i bet i can get such great photos of you in your orange robe...i ask that you not shave for 4 months first and spend days in the sun so you can get some real character lines...yeah...and please let me shoot your photo before coming back as a cockroach...please

carry on...you need to continue with your art
July 1st, 2011
Im sorry for causing you all this trouble Keith. I just really like your style and thought it would be nice to follow you, and learn something.....
I will. sob, sob. unfollow you if that makes you feel better...
July 1st, 2011
@sdpace ..for shizzle..
July 1st, 2011
Looks like the "5's have it! Good luck with that! LOL!
July 1st, 2011
I am a pretty conservative person and I say... 5! I took a quick look through your photos and saw nothing that wasn't art... not necessarily my "cup of tea" art, but nothing vulgar, just art. And I totally agree with Reba about censorship and art... especially the part about self-censorship. Let your follower's parents worry about what he/she should or should not view.
July 1st, 2011
#2. I actually had a nine year old follow me and I thanked her, but told her I would only be comfortable if she had her parents permission because sometimes I was not going to be age appropriate for her. Someone else said the same thing. The next day quartzkat's mother followed me so it put the responsibility where it should belong.
July 1st, 2011
I would like to see privacy settings on the site...Maybe similar to facebook?
July 1st, 2011
I think 4 but if not 4 i would go 5 8)
July 1st, 2011
5. It's not your responsibility it is the child's parents. But I agree there should be better privacy settings on the site. Like a no followers under 18 setting.
July 1st, 2011
July 1st, 2011
5. definately
July 1st, 2011

carry on regardless. If they're underage I'm hoping their parent agreed to them being on the site. If they've 'followed' you, they've looked at your work already. You have no idea how many under 16's are looking at your work.....not your issue.
July 1st, 2011
My almost 13 year old just joined today. I monitor what she looks at elsewhere, I'll be doing so here.....then again unless you're posting pics of yourself involved in sex, ripping something's head off or similar, I wouldn't actually have that big an issue.

Just quickly skimmed through your project to date, and there's nothing there that I'd have issues with. I'm sure some of the shots have darker meanings....but only those in the know are going to get those...otherwise it's probably a safe bet they just like your style.
July 1st, 2011
it's art.. no matter what it is it's appropriate, and i'm sure your art cant be as basd as what they can see on tv or other websites o nthe interwebz, i'd carry on and not worry about it.
July 1st, 2011
I like number 4 and i will pray you do not come back as a cockroach :) @keithdavid
July 1st, 2011
Every child is an artist-the problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up~~~
PICASSO..Just keep goin'--if s/he still wanna follow you then----call 911.!!
July 1st, 2011
Regardless of whether or not someone is following you, your stuff is still available for others, even the underagers to see. You didn't censor yourself when you didn't know who was viewing your stuff. Why should you now? It is up to the parents to decide and monitor what their children view. This coming from a mother...and as the saying goes...MOTHER knows best. As everyone else including Ross has said: Carry on, regarless.

Art is art. There is no room for censorship in art, as long as you keep your work in a tasteful artform. And as I have said on similar threads: As long as what you do is done tastefully and not meant to be viewed as pornography, then you are in the clear. You are not encouraging sex, you are not encouraging pornography, so you have nothing to worry about. So carry on :)
July 1st, 2011
It's the parents job to be parents, not everyone else. Simple as that.
July 1st, 2011
No.4 sounds like Nirvana, but then again, so do the Foo Fighters at times.

Carry on regardless!
July 1st, 2011
depends on how old they were.
July 2nd, 2011
Number 4, absolutely.
That's a good question, actually. Maybe an email to @Scrivna would be your best bet. I doubt you will get the person to unfollow you now that they've delved into your depraved head, lol Unsupervised kids on the internet (unfortunately) is rampant these days.
July 2nd, 2011
...although I just checked out your photos and don't see anything too inappropriate(?)
July 2nd, 2011
just looked through your shots and as a mum of 3 theres nothing there that i would have any problems with my kids seeing so just carry on :)
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