365 paradox

July 13th, 2011
Over the past few months many of us have noticed a dramatic drop in views and comments and in my case I have accepted this reality as part and parcel to the fact that I am a father of four who works 6 days a week and often 10 hour days and barely have enough time to keep up with photography let alone participating in the reciprocity of commenting on my followers work.

I have sort of accepted the drop off in comments/views as not a reflection of my photography but that people's lives are just as hectic as mine which actually gives me peace of mind knowing they understand my plight.

When I first started 365 new followers were pretty frequent which really inspired one to keep up with improving on their work but as we progressed into spring/summer many of us have noticed a drought where new followers were incredibly rare and on the same hand we have actually lost a follower or two.

All this being said in the past few days/couple of weeks I personally have retained the low views/comments coupled with the paradox of a new steady stream of new followers while at the same time retaining most of my current followers despite Ross's culling the dead accounts. *keeps fingers crossed*

Another creative outlet for my wife and I to keep our photography fresh despite any discouragement we may have from the downswing of activity on 365 was the creation of a joint Facebook photography page to inspire not only us but non-365'ers as well: http://www.facebook.com/pages/She-and-Him-Photography/116640895086436

Has anyone else experienced a resurgence of new followers? are we now at the beginning of a new upswing of activity? I personally am very excited about all the new faces!
July 13th, 2011
I don't know - could be. There are constantly new people joining; with it being summer and all, there's a lot happening in people's lives that they want to remember. Just wait 'til next January :p
July 13th, 2011
Well thank you! I just joined recently and I am just as excited to see the "old" faces... haha! I am already in love with this site and I am recommending it to several friends! I have already learned so much just in the past week and can't wait to learn even more!!! I love the challenges and themes! This is keeping me very busy in a very good way!
July 13th, 2011
Summer always seems to be a slow time in internet land. I can't wait to see January though, seeing as I started in Feb. of this year.
July 13th, 2011
@sbb1980 TOTALLY AGREE! I thought I was being very enthusiastic about this experience, but it's cool to know I am not the only excited newbie haha
July 13th, 2011
It seems so funny to me that the first three of you would even have a thought about this when you have hundreds of followers. Some times I feel so good about what I've put up for the day and it's a great eventuality if 30 people look at it and some days it's just a handful. When I get to feeling bad about that I come across something wonderful by someone who has had 2 or 3 people check in. I'm trying to check in on the recently posted more often so I'll catch more views of people who might slip under the wire. The PPs are often people we're all familiar with - for a good reason, it'd be good if there were more ways to see more people, but maybe that's covered by all the little discussions where people can post - I do a lot of those and they're fun and great places to find other interesting work. I find a lot of good stuff in the weekly show your best shot and other such discussions.
July 13th, 2011
I have to say I did get about 10 new followers last week before the cull started, not sure whether they are newbies as haven't had time to check on them yet. But maybe there is a new influx .Not everyone starts in Jan, I certainly didn't. Actually I got someone to join last week - @lizziecoombes and they've got some great photos up already!
July 13th, 2011
I made it through the cull somehow, but in taking over the Fav Fav of the week, I am able to see a whole new group of people and also have them see me. I still have my regular commenters that make it really worthwhile, but I get a few extra people comment now. Also, I have gotten more favs in the past week than I usually get in one month. I think that it all comes down to putting the effort in but also I find that my diversity of photo style may keep an interest level up.

July 13th, 2011
Just one thing to factor in mind is that new followers could always just be hankering after a reciprocal follow, not necessarily actually wanting to follow you specifically. That kind of activity can explain the low comments coupling with new followers...
July 13th, 2011
@eyebrows I hear ya however in my case I am so busy I have kind of put a freeze on adding more to my big pile of follows and actually follow someone that follows me first :)
July 13th, 2011
I have experienced a drop in comments and views, which was very discouraging. But you are very right and being a parent of two kids under the age of 5 and working part time, I know from personal experience that time is valuable and there may be many more like me who do not have the time to view and comment on every new photograph that is posted by those I follow. At first I felt it was me and that my few months reprieve from photography resulted in the dwindling of my skills, but I have have to take a step back and look at it from my point of view too as a busy person and remember that others are just as busy, if not busier.
July 13th, 2011
Everyone is thinking that it's the summer that has brought the drought, but I didn't have this little following a year ago. This started a few months ago. It is very discouraging, but I signed on as Ace so I am not quitting because then paying for this would all be for naught and I am not wasting my money. I do realize that I am repetitive in a lot of my photos these days (lights and such), but I found something I like photographing. And I do have the occasional surprise thrown in (like today's Turkey Trot ... a bunch of wild turkeys trotted right in front of my car so I obviously had to get out of my car and snatch a shot while I could!). Just keep up on it for you and nobody else. I keep getting told that and that's exactly what I'm doing. I like taking pictures. It gets me out of the house and gives me something to do and it started me noticing the beauty in everything around me.
July 13th, 2011
@prttblues keep on path my friend I find myself wishing I had my camera at all times and I think everyone will agree we do photography ultimately for ourselves but rather than keeping our photo's collecting dust in some desk drawer we post them to the universe comments or not
July 13th, 2011
Ask yourselves why you started 365! Of course views and comments are nice but I really think it should be your own project. If you have some followers and you follow a few yourself it's easy to give comments but the more you follow the more you scan new entries without commenting. Unless you have no wife, kids, other hobbies or work...
Just forget about views and make great photos :-)
July 13th, 2011
@loztsoul Thanks.... I do hope you did manage to venture over to today's photo and take a gander at my turkeys and listen to the youtube video that goes perfect with it. I never leave home without my camera because you never know what you might come across. I did find that I like taking pictures of light at night and shadows of objects without getting the object in them (which is wicked tricky, but worth the effort). I live in the country so you might see a deer (which I have and of course posted) or a moose (which I am DYING to get on camera) and hot air balloons flying over the valleys. It's very scenic here.
July 13th, 2011
I know that I, personally, am feeling the summer slump something fierce. I know not to take it personally but my views used to average 100+ and now I am lucky to hit 20. A little depressing. I miss the feedback. I obviously posted a bust yesterday that resulted in one comment. It happens. I am okay with that. I know that I don't get to comment as often as I used to and would like but I sure hope things pick up again soon. I know I am trying to do my part. I have been doing this project for myself and my growth and progress as a photographer are phenomenal but I really miss some of the social aspect of this site. Part of my growth has been from the feedback I have received - positive and negative - receiving little to no feedback at all makes it hard.
July 13th, 2011
@autumnseden keep your chin up my friend I love love love your photography and its a pleasure to follow you on facebook as well as my photography page because I find it very useful for me to see your work as it comes on my feed...I am trying to find a way to be more active on your work and thanks for putting up with my slacking ways...lack of comments is not your photography as well and its a pleasure having you as part of my 365 family
July 13th, 2011
@loztsoul I love you, too! It is the wonderful friends like you that I have made here that have kept me here for so long. Most people finish a year and leave. This site is more than just a place to post a picture. I have developed friendships and relationships that will last well beyond when I finish my second year or stop altogether. I know you hear me loud and clear on this. And I know that readers seeing my comments understand it too. 365 is a very unique experience with amazing people and I hate to see it "fizzle" regardless of the reason.
July 13th, 2011
@autumnseden I never thought I would make it this far, contemplated giving up countless times, yet the community makes the thought of that dreadful...needless to say I never thought about photography until I started dabbling in it and now I can't imagine my life without it so I am afraid 365 is stuck with me I am going to be here for the long haul....plus facebook and my she/him site is another way to get my tentacles around everyone and keep them in my life lmao
July 13th, 2011
@loztsoul "but rather than keeping our photo's collecting dust in some desk drawer we post them to the universe comments or not ".

You totally read my mind :-)
July 13th, 2011
July 13th, 2011
I have to say I am glad that you have not given up. Both you and your wife's work are incredible and should be shared for all to see. I am in the situation that situation that you have described. I have lost followers and was at a stalemate for new followers for quite some time. Commenting on people's work that were never giving my work a look. I persevered and am noticing that more people are commenting on my pictures. I understand how busy all our lives are and never expect someone to comment on every picture nor every day but every now and again is nice. I share the same philosophy I return a follow of someone following me but have started following some people first when I see work that I truly love (like you and your wife). I feel that there are some people who actually turning up in similar circles are taking the project a bit more seriously at the moment then some others. I am currently in the process of moving from one area of the country to another I am taking pictures but do not have the time to upload and fix and upload here so when I have time at the end I will do a mass upload. For now though I get on here once a day and comment on people's pictures because I still love all their work. I have been enjoying this project so much and my only fear is that I will continue further than the one year. Heheheee it really is not a fear.
July 14th, 2011
I think a lot of it has to do with the season Trevor. Of course many of us (myself included) may not be uploading everyday. I have noticed more followers within the past week or two, myself. Hopefully this is all cyclical and we'll see an upsurge in our views and comments.
July 14th, 2011
@vanessapwalters lol and thanks for making me smile!
July 14th, 2011
love your photography and that of your wife:) i have seen your FB page and it is terrific! i too have noticed a bit of a slow down, but i also know that my subject matter can get rather boring after awhile. lol...i hope i can make people smile with my pictures- i love the huge amount of inspiration and talent i see here everyday:)
July 14th, 2011
Huh. I just thought people didn't follow anymore. I don't have any.
July 14th, 2011
@ceffy I thought you said you have zero followers :P
July 14th, 2011
@loztsoul :) Not anymore!
July 14th, 2011
I've definitely experienced a drop in followers/comments, but I've also not commented as much as when I was new. Partially, due to summer, and another poster mentioned. Work is busy, high stress, I don't spend time on here at work at all, and I'm not home much.
I don't take it personally. It is what it is. I've toyed with starting a FB fan page, but don't feel like I"m worthy enough. :) Maybe someday. Once things slow down a little and I'm home more, maybe I"ll be able to pick up the pace and in turn, that will be reciprocated. If not, no biggie. I've still enjoyed this site.
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