Main or backup sites?

July 16th, 2011
Hi all,

Just like to know if you use other blogs, flickr, multiply or others as your main or backup online site for 365 photos? What do you recommend? Thanks.
July 16th, 2011
I use a few different flickr pages as I keep the shots below 200 (and ergo not pay for the "pro" version)

I also have a "blogger" based blog which is photos and words

And I use photobucket for forums that support HTML.
July 16th, 2011
I use flickr as a place to share lots of photos. I would never put every photo I have on there or anywhere just for backup purposes. Nor would I want to have to keep track of who can see what. It's a lot of thinking to figure out who can see what.

The next question may be what about archiving? I've been putting film to dvd's only because they hold a lot of pictures. Even still I worry that the dvd can get scratched and now want to make another copy just in case. These are permanent records that I don't want all over the internet.

I've been hearing some conversations on the radio regarding Comcast and band width usage. Exceed their maximum and they ban you for a year. Well, it's happened recently to someone who watches movies online in addition to playing online games, and uploading stuff for backup. Band width usage is becoming a real issue. There are companies that will backup your entire pc online as a service. That sounds good, maybe. Gotta think about time, bandwidth, and security.

So, I'm not convinced there is any good way to backup the photos or anything else except at home and multiple copies.
July 16th, 2011
@dmortega Thank you Dorrena. I was thinking about online album type of service. I use a few hard drive to store identical images of my photos at home tho there is an issue with the "life" of hard drives. I used to store photos on blogs, smugmug, zenfolio etc, but blogs have restrictions and smugmug or zenfolio type have become too complicated. Perhaps flickr?
July 16th, 2011
I use flickr, but only for displaying them. Nothing online (or "in the cloud" as blingwads call it these days) for "backup", I use 2 x internal hard drives and 1 x network drive for actual backups of stuff.
July 16th, 2011
@dmortega only problem with optical discs is they might not live as long as you expect them to. You'd probably need to do checks on them, and have multiple copies anyway. Sounds too much hassle to me. With multiple hard drives you don't have to "do" anything physical at least, just drag and drop some files around (or better yet, get some software to automate it, but I've yet to do that).
July 16th, 2011
Bring back 35mm I say!!! Still got thousands of slides from the last millennium backed up in a fireproof safe. Not too portable though ;-)
Give it a few years and we'll all be working in the cloud anyway.
July 16th, 2011
Saw your starbucks picture and while a great photo, I thought my response here would be better. My dad mentioned early on in the project that I should create a photo book for each year I do this. That means that I put all my photos into a folder on my computer and then upload into the book online. I also use my external hard drive to store photos and like @eyebrows I have two external hard drives.
I would hate to lose a years worth of hard work myself.
July 16th, 2011
@brumbe @flyden @eyebrows @dmortega @bobfoto
Thank you all. For backup the 365 works on the web, I think I will open a flickr account :-)
July 16th, 2011
I actually can create online albums through Picasa and gmail account for free also
July 17th, 2011
@flyden And the best thing of all is that in 50 years you can still pull out those slides and look at them. Who knows if anybody will be able to open today's digital files 50 years from now ;)

I don't "back up" my 365 project anywhere. I have all the photos saved on my computer, so it's really no biggie.
July 17th, 2011
I should add that I have all my images saved on external hard drives which are located in different buildings that I have access to. They get updated, kinda regularly.
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