Lonely dinner

July 19th, 2011
I was approached by a person who plays in an actual band to do their CD cover. I know I am nowhere close to qualified to do it, but since they can't pay me, why not to have fun with it. The assignment is fairly easy. The name of the album is Dinner for One. Her only requirements were that it has to be black and white and speak of loneliness, be moody. The problem is - I never or almost never take photos of still life. I have a beautiful image in my head with black background, deep shadows, white plate... I have a tripod but no external flash. Would I need to make a homemade light box? Do you have any photos with "how to" stories that can be pointers for me? An article you read on a similar problem? Do you think I should do it at home or try to do it in a restaurant (better light there?) Any information that would help is appreciated! Thank you!
July 19th, 2011
Why concentrate on still life? I like your idea but don't be afraid to branch out from it. Why not a shot of the lead singer (the her you mentioned earlier) on a couch w/ a tv tray alone or alone on a bench with a sack lunch all dressed up? That way it adds some life to the photo but fits the parameters. You might find something about building light boxes, etc on www.instructables.com. I think photography is under the play tab. Its a how to site for making all sorts of stuff. Matter of fact, I found this site thru a couple of users on there!
July 19th, 2011
I looked thru your albums and you have some great people shots...more than enough skill to pull this off!
July 19th, 2011
I don't have many suggestions (not my area of interest either) just wanted to say that you are a champion and good luck!!
July 19th, 2011
@shadesofgrey . really like your ideas.

and to add to shady's ideas you could get someone dressed up at a vending machine..
at a restaurant with every laughing . toasting, engaging etc... at one table couple.. with either one... .looking down sad and the other one really excited on the phone....
at a diner with every one down one end eating and a really scruffy sad looking person at the other end.. looking enviously at them.

I sort of like the lonely in a group idea....
good luck and have fun
July 19th, 2011
I picture a lonely dinner as a TV/frozen dinner being eaten alone in front of the telly. The glare of the TV would be the only light. just a thought.... :-)
July 19th, 2011
I picture it as a small table at a dingy roadside cafe with condiments that incorporate a ketchup bottle shaped like a tomato :)
July 19th, 2011
maybe have "dinner for one" written in ketchup on the plate :)
July 19th, 2011
I also picture it in a restaurant because eating out alone (in my opinion) is emotionally harder than a TV dinner home by yourself. I think you feel more alone when you are surrounded by others who aren't.
July 19th, 2011
Thank you so much for your advice! Those are really great ideas (I especially like eating all alone on a bench!). But unfortunately we don't live in the same country, so I have to do that still life. I am definitely going to check that website you recommended!
July 19th, 2011
Thank you for your encouragement! I really needed some. It all seems a little overwhelming me right now.

I thought of this idea too. TV would be so great - what can be more lonely than eating your dinner in front of TV? But unfortunately we don't have one right now. Urrrgh! Wish we didn't donate that old thing.
July 19th, 2011
Wow, the vending machine shot - that could be brilliant! Would need to hire my husband as a model though :) Thank you so much for your input, I really appreciate it!
July 19th, 2011
there's nothing that actually needs the person on the cover to be the lead singer / band member. while it would be cool and mean more, I think it would be fine to just have a random - as long as you get their Model Release. For anyone reading this, yes I know that its quite subjective and also depends on where the image is taken but hey, its easier to get it up front :)

My vote is similar to what everyone's said and I think you can really use this image to tell a story. my idea of a lonely dinner would be someone sitting in their own kitchen - perfect if its one of those 1970's looking places. Small table, metal rimmed, dinner is a simple plate of half eaten food (to show the sparseness on the plate) which is something grey and unappealing . The person sitting down facing the camera with one elbow on the table, face resting on their hand, maybe blowing an errant lock of hair away from her face.

Lighting wise, I would go one of two ways. You dont have an external flash (could you borrow one?) so the first option isnt really available but if it were me, i'd point it up towards the ceiling on the angle or even bounce it on the wall behind you or to the side. Both ways will make it act as a huge soft box but the bouncing off the ceiling will give you deep shadows which you may or may not want. The second idea, just light it with the house lights or even a lamp. Youll need to pump up the ISO to take a decent pic and that'll make it grainy but this might work for the mood you're trying to catch.

If you were to do still life, I say photograph dinner half way through it being eaten. Use something that makes crumbs and scatter it, drop the cutlery on the plate and see where it lands. See if you can make it look like the person eating it really doesnt want to eat anymore. Maybe grab a photo of a random, put your hand in there holding the photo to make it feel lonely like you missed someone. Rip the photo so you're only holding half of it as if it were ripped in a breakup...

End of the day, have fun with it! good luck, it's an awesome opportunity!
July 19th, 2011
I like the ideas of eating alone in a restaurant and the vending machine.

A different take on it could be of a table with what shows a family breakfast that has been eaten for 2 or 3 people (mostly empty cereal bowls, an egg cup with an eaten boiled egg in it, toast crumbs, a mix of children plastic plates and cuttlery and normal ones). Then have one plate laid with a breakfast and one person sat at the otherwise empty table eating their meal.
July 19th, 2011
Maybe a shot of a crowded diner with one person alone at a table removed from the crowd?
July 19th, 2011
I agree about not HAVING to be the actual artist but a model. I didn't know you weren't geographically together. If you have craigslist or something similar you could look for a tv or other props for free. Might even be able to find a model or a setting that way! I have been considering posting some ads and seeing what happens. I have several shots in my head but not the props or right person for the image. If all else fails find a wig and use yourself!
July 20th, 2011
Just thought you should know, the photography category is under technology, or you can use the built in search bar....had to go check. Sorry for the mix up.
July 20th, 2011
I remembered my shot from the past : http://365project.org/janmaki/365/2011-03-20 and it used candles for lighting. They certainly can create a mood....
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