How has the 365project changed you?

July 29th, 2011
I've been here only some days, but I already started to feel some changes in my everyday life.

I'm more motivated to take pictures. I see everything as a potential subject for a picture, and every moment could be the right moment to capture something unique. As I walk, I look everywhere, trying to see if there's something special, just waiting to be discovered by my eyes - and camera.

The challenge that is taking one picture everyday is a mere excuse to live life at it's fullest. You have no choice but to go outside, meet people, go to those places that you woudn't usually visit to get something unique. Taking a simple picture becomes an experience. Every single shot has it own story - a before and an after "it" -, how did I get it? Under what circumstances? I look at my pictures and remember those moments. I have a privileged relation to the subject in every single one of my pictures. No one else can see them as I do.

What about you, how have you been living this whole experience? Has it changed you - your way of seeing photography or life itself? I've only been here some days, I said earlier. I guess people who've been around for quite a while will have some stories to share.

I hope you'll share your experience, let's get a conversation going!
p.s : sorry for my english, it's not my main language.
July 29th, 2011
Oh, gosh, where to begin! This project has helped me find fulfillment as last year I stopped working to stay home with my kids for a couple of years. It has helped me see the world around me. I have found the beauty in my state, since I am not living where I love to live. I also have to mention the SKILLS I have studied and learned in just a few months. It has awakened creativity in myself that I thought adulthood had killed. It has pushed me to take photos even when I don't even want to pick up my camera. It has taught me to enjoy the lessons from the bad days, not just the good days. I have been given a place to write down cute stories I want to remember. It has helped me strengthen relationships in my own family since a few of us are doing this project. My son has recently started and it's great to have SOMETHING in common with him as we are COMPLETELY different people. I could go on and on. Those are few of the general ways in which this project has helped me and changed me. Great discussion and welcome to 365!
July 29th, 2011
@cfitzgerald Hey, thanks for your answer. I can totally see some of the stuff you said - such as "seeing the world around you" - in your pictures. By the way, most of them are great!
July 29th, 2011
it has made me explore what i have and view things differently, i look for the photographic potential in pretty much everything now, it has also given me confidence to take pictures of stuff other than my kids,before 365 i felt a bit of an idiot putting pics on fb of more random shots and artier things so i didn't really take them, now i have somewhere to show that work off i take more pics like that. strangely enough it has helped my son out even though he isn't directly involved, his granded(my ex's dad) is/was a photographer and when my son told him i had bought a new camera he started popping round more to bring me his photo mags when he is done with them which means my son gets to see him a bit more often
July 29th, 2011
so many has made me really get to know my camera and see the world differently...i feel i have captured my children in ways i never would have and for that will always be grateful:) i have met both online and in person, some amazing people that allow me to be inspired by their vision and talent, and i have been given a creative outlet to express myself in some way that doesn't define me as someone's mommy....this project is both an obsession and an outlet, a burden at times, and a release.....overall a wonderful thing and i can't wait to see it through:)
July 29th, 2011
In 12 days I'll be posting my last photo of my first year, and I'll have a lot to say about how this project changed me.
July 29th, 2011
@alecio - can't wait:))) i am sure it will be an amazing photo:)
July 29th, 2011
Right now it changed me in setting my priority. Simply put, after having done 50% I have to drastically cut down on my daily photo taking and focus more on my work. I do love taking photos, do love the community, but doing this project makes me loose focus.

July 29th, 2011
Wow, what a great question! I am amazed at how much this project means to me on a daily basis! I have always had a desire for photography, but this project has spurred me to try new shots, pay attention to details, learn new skills (like HDR), and not to take the scenery around me for granted! I also appreciate the amazing talent on this site and try to learn from so many of the photographers here! There are many great discussions from other photographers that have taught me so much about how to enhance my photos and sites for photography that are useful!
In short...this project has created an amazing creative outlet for me and a desire to take my photography to another level!!
July 29th, 2011
It makes me see everything around me differently!
July 29th, 2011
Wow! You've only posted a few days and have discovered what many never discover. That is what will keep you interested in photography for a lifetime and what differentiates photographers from everyone else. It's a passion that is a part of our lives forever. Maybe it's the artistic side of us that never goes away.

As far as changing me? Of course it has! What started out as a daily record of what happens in my day has opened a part of me that has long been buried inside of me.

A few years back I got my hands on a digital camera and started taking pictures for my cooking challenge page on facebook. That was the turning point for me.

I love taking pictures and I love editing my own pictures. I did not realize how much editing my own work effected my pictures. Leaving it up to a store who runs the film through a machine did not do anything for me. I would look at the pictures and feel the stir inside me but I didn't know why. I would put the pictures back in the envelopes and store them away.

I learned doing my own editing transforms my pictures into something more meaningful. Even doing my look back series brings out a greater sense of accomplishment than looking at the picture as it was original developed. Those pictures just look sad and lacking.

Doing this project has allowed me to have a creative outlet that is really much more personal. I am now sharing these pictures, with everyone here, friends and family, and out in the community. People are getting to know me and it feels good to be doing work that others appreciate.

Photography is an artistic medium that brings a tremendous amount of personal satisfaction and no one can take that away from me. It's no longer about documenting my day. It's about the day-to-day things in my life that I have taken for granted for so many years. It's the miracle that we all are a part of every day. It's a photographic journey through my life.
July 29th, 2011
I started 365 as a way of focusing outside myself because I'd got far too introspective - and stay-at-home - for my own good. That's certainly changed - I get fidgety if I have to stay in now! When I started I didn't even know how to upload pictures or do any post-processing of any sort and I've got more creative with that, too, although I don't do anything sophisiticated. I've re-discovered the art stuff I learned at school and have learned stuff about the things I take pictures of. I notice a lot more things too. It's much more fun to look out on the world than to keep looking in!
July 29th, 2011
I look at things differently. I look more carefully at things too. In general, I'm more aware of what and who is around me, and I like it that way.
July 29th, 2011
I just recently got a camera for my birthday and my best friend who showed me this website is also a very talented photogropher herself, and 365 project changed my outlook on photogrophy, instead of looking at it like a hobby its become more like a lifestyle. I love looking at the things around me and thinking 'huh i bet that would be an amazing picture' and to have other photogrophers comment on your pictures and giving advice and compliments is an amazing thing. I kind of think of 365 project like facebook for photographers. :-D
July 29th, 2011
well, it's helped me be creative every day. I love all types of art, but with a little one right now I am very limited on what I am able to do. Picking up the camera is very convinient!! I may not have all the time in the world to set up a shot, or really take the time to learn everything, but at least I can do something to satisfy my creativity or get it going each day. So important!!! I'm much happier and more productive in the other areas of my life because of it :)
July 29th, 2011
I think 365 has definitely changed me. Like many others, it has really made me look more closely at the world around me. Sometimes the details will jump out at me, other times humorous or quirky things I might have let slide by, and sometimes the touching or sorrowful. I think I'm more engaged with what I see too. Learning about my camera is helping my mind to stay sharp and getting to know the 365 community around the world has allowed me to visit places that I can't travel to (just yet). 365 has definitely stirred up my creativity in the area of photography which was sort of on the back burner for a while. It's also stretched me because the kind of camera I have isn't always capable of taking the shots I want so I am forced to think of other ways I can reach my goal with what I have. I started out thinking that my photos would be mainly SOOC, but being encouraged by other photographers to try some processing and other additions has improved my pictures. On a personal note, after a year of ups and downs employment wise, the project helped to keep my spirits up- it was something to look forward to as I thought about what I might take pictures of each day and read the comments from my followers. All in all, I'm really thankful my friend thought of suggesting 365 to me. It's a wonderful adventure and I'm so happy to be on it!
July 29th, 2011
It's helped me learn to find the neat things in my day. And that a photo doesn't always have to be technically perfect to be meaningful to me. If other people think it rocks, then that's even more special. I've also learned a good bit about the daily lives of folks from other parts of the world - from Asia to the Mediterranean to Europe to just the other side of the US.

I will say that I discovered processing. lol. I also still need to get comfortable being in manual full time. It's still a work in progress.
July 29th, 2011
Wow...I have no clue how to put it all into words. I am using my camera's manual settings always now. I understand how it works. I know what exposure is. I can edit a photo in Photoshop really well now. I look around all the time these days to find something to take a photo of. I've learned history about my county just from driving around looking for things to take photos of. I've learned so, so much and it's from here!
July 29th, 2011
The 365 project changed me in all of the ways that you mentioned, but it also changed how I felt about myself. I have always been so insecure, and looking at all of the beautiful photos of people that weren't "perfect", but were accepted as amazing for who they are made me take a much deeper look at myself. Posting self images was a huge step for me. I just finished my project, and went out with a self portrait. In the past, I would have fussed about how big my bottom looked, or other self image issues. Now I can just look at it for what it is. I also gained friendships through this project that are priceless to me. Several friends, and a relationship with a girl that I refer to as my heart daughter. She has come to mean the world to me and my family, and it's so cool!! I hope that Ross @scrivna truly understands what a gem he has with this amazing project!! Enjoy your first year. :D and Welcome.

July 30th, 2011
life changing for 180 degree shift. i never picked up a camera before day 1 of this husband did all the photos...i never had a creative outlet before only exercise...i never had so many friends around the US and the world before...i have never really "seen" i look at life differently...every movie is a totally new experience, i see flowers, trees, the sky, raindrops...i have met so many interesting and beautiful street people that i would have never ever talked to.....i am inspired daily by everyones work...perspective..point of their images of daily life from all over the globe...OMG...this is the best thing that i have ever done. I am so very grateful for the friends i have made on here...i feel like i have made some real close bonds with some of you and i feel so blessed...and i have to thank Stephanie (@stepheesue)..because without her....none of the above would have happened! i have sooo much to excited to continue this photographic journey
July 30th, 2011
it has opened doors for me. i see things in a different light now. there's beauty in everything if you just have the patience to wait for the right time. this also gave me a chance to express my creativity... something that i was doing when i was in school as i love to write but have just forgotten as an we have responsibilities/work that are a priority. as a mother, this is also something that i consider my "me time". what a great outlet it is for me! i thought i am not a technical person but now, the words f stop and shutter speed are like music to my ears. i wanna learn more for sure! 365 made me commit to using my camera and be expressive as i have been reading photography books but never really taking a lot of pictures. i also have learned a lot from this site from fellow camera lovers. i am so glad i joined!
July 30th, 2011
I used this project to document my year apart from my deployed husband. It started off as a way to show him part of my every day life and a way to keep busy. This project got me to actively search daily for the days image and what the story is behind the image. It got me more into photography then I already was. It also got me out of my comfort zone a few times to get that perfect image. It even got me to open up with other people and share with them who I am and what life is like in my corner of the world...which is something i've never done before. I'm glad I joined. :)
July 30th, 2011
Thanks for the answers, everyone! It's funny to see how many of you gain something very positive from this project, while others seem to loose focus on every stuff because they're obsessed with it.

One thing's sure : everyone here is in love with photography.
July 30th, 2011
I actually know things about photography. (My biggest change)
July 30th, 2011
@alvarop This project has certainly made me look at things differently. Things that I have seen so many times before now look totally new to me. I love seeing the perspective of other photographers and it is so much fun "meeting" so many new people
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