don't worry - my photo's

August 2nd, 2011
Yesterday's photo was genuine, today's and possibly the rest of the week- not. Yes, I am very unhappy about something which I have no control over but no, I am not going to do anything remotely close to what my shot's depict.
I'm just trying things.
August 2nd, 2011
I'm sorry to hear you've been unhappy, I hope things pick up soon. I remember when i was young I used to write down my feelings, or play them out as a musician, these days it is often through my photos - I guess this is what you are doing.
August 2nd, 2011
It is, and it's also a way of making me think about my shots again. I found when I did the SP challenge, I spent a lot more time thinking about the shot. Then it finished and I stopped and went back to 'snapping'. So I'm trying to make myself think more about the shots I take, and this is what I'm concentrating on at the moment...but there is def a lot of working it through.
August 2nd, 2011
@voodoochild It is good to express feelings of frustration etc and to be brave and show them through your photos is a wonderful thing. I think making people aware through a general thread is a good idea. I am not brave enough to show how I am feeling through my pics as at the mo I am signed off work for mental health issues. I dont want to look back and be reminded. So I wish you well with your pictures and will 'follow' if you dont mind, I hope the world becomes a brighter place for you soon x
August 2nd, 2011
i am sorry you are feeling so low but very glad to see that you photos are just a way of you dealing with those feelings rather than your inten xx i hope your mood lifts soon x
August 2nd, 2011
And - as I've commented on your page - you have such skill at photographing emotion. Hard to do; hard to show. Well done.
August 2nd, 2011
Very cathartic and brave of you to post those. I'm sorry you're going through some tough times.
August 3rd, 2011
Hope things start looking brighter for you soon.
August 4th, 2011
Hi, I really am fine. Truly and honestly but I think my shots are starting to worry people. So I'll stop them for now. It's easier to take shots of happy/picturesque things. It's also easier to self portray happy/picturesque things. I don't always like to take the easy route but for now, I'll stop .
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