
August 8th, 2011
i KNOW it's off the photography topic but i hope all londoners on here are doing okay and staying safe. it's pretty scary what we're seeing on the news and (for someone who was born after the 80s) pretty unbelievable.
i'm sure there are load of people on this website thinking of you all and hoping that the looting and burning ends soon.
August 8th, 2011
Here here Amy, though as a child of the 80's I have some recollection of the Brixton riots, but this seems to have gone beyond rioting/protesting, this is about looting and violence and it's terrifying.
August 9th, 2011
This is not even rioting, just acts of mindless thugish behaviour. Most of them don't even know why they are doing it. They are not protesters they are just F***ing idiots.
August 9th, 2011
It's kind of surreal it has to be said - i was meant to be going to Croydon tomorrow - but going to give it a miss now I think! It's nuts - these are areas i've spent lots of time in - can't believe they are almost annihilated - some great buildings comletely destroyed - pointless destruction. thoughts out to those most severely affected
August 9th, 2011
@miley89 is absolutely correct.

I was in Camden a few days ago - I played at a venue overlooking Camden Lock - now I've seen pictures on Twitter of it on fire. Shocking. And completely mindless.
August 9th, 2011
@manek43509 i heard the electric ballroom's been smashed up, i'm so gutted by this. don't understand how anyone can do this to their own city!
August 9th, 2011
I've not seen the pictures. .. But it's saddening

August 9th, 2011
@grimbo, @miley89
If you're on Twitter, look up these hashtags: #LondonRiots and #UKriots - lots of photos being posted by people who are there at the time.

Electric Ballroom has been vandalised, yes - along with Rockbottom Music Store in Croydon, which was run by a well-known figure in the drumming community, someone whom I know.

"Understanding" doesn't really come into it, I'm afraid, Amy. It's mindless violence. An opportunistic, irrational, greedy mob with zero respect for anything or anyone they see around them. They have no "cause", and no "agenda" - they are looting and stealing for nothing more than personal gain. It's so sad. The fact that we've let it go on, now, for three nights, without bringing the situation properly under control is, if anything, even sadder.
August 9th, 2011
Yes I heard about The Electric Ballroom in the early hours, Although Camden was open for business as usual today, I think the communities are doing a great job in coming together to clean the streets. I do not agree so many status updates and Tweets though. It's hard to believe how simple minded some people actually are. Yes it is just mindless behaviour, but the saddest part... it probably will achieve something.

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