Theme/Competition Question

August 9th, 2011
I asked this on another discussion but I never got a response. Most competitions require that the photo submitted is uploaded and taken at a certain time. I know that near photos there is a description that gives the date it was taken along with the camera used and date uploaded but I'm assuming the taken date comes up because it was taken with a digital camera. My entire 365 project is just film photography so there's no way for me to show what date certain shots were taken on. Does that mean my photos can't be considered in competitions? Or is there a way to specify when my photos were taken that I don't know of?
August 9th, 2011
not sure but I think that you can't be selected at least for the official weekly theme. Ross is very carefull about dates. Does it mean you scan all your pictures to upload them here? you might not be able to uplaoad the same day, aren't you "late" in your calendar?
August 9th, 2011
I explained what I do in my project on my profile, I take a roll at least once a week and upload it throughout the next week, I guess that means I don't qualify but sometimes the times I took the shots do correlate to the week of certain competitions, I can't be exact with the dates but that's a restriction from doing film not because I have a choice
August 9th, 2011
for the weekly themes i'm sure it would be ok for you to enter them if you get them uploaded during the week it runs,i know if it were up to me i would be happy to trust you,shame i'm not in charge really ;)
August 9th, 2011
even if you were uploading them the week after you take them, your date will be a week behind for the weekly themes anyway? wont it?
August 10th, 2011
its not that i upload them the week after, just the 7 days after taking them, like if I took the photos on monday, i'd upload them (develop on tuesday) wednesday thursday friday... etc that time frame varies a lot but there are times my pictures would qualify for the weekly themes
August 10th, 2011
@nbedi I have the same problem Neil. I was going to post this very question. The vast majority of my photos are film, polaroid to be more specific. I most certainly dont have to wait for the film/photos to come back, they are SOOC literally.
This question bothers me as it highlights an uneven playing field. It should be a level playing field.
I have decided not to enter any more comps.
August 10th, 2011
I have to admit this has bugged me a little lately too. Honestly, I wish we could rely on the honor system for people to only post photos they've done for the theme that week but I guess that's asking for too much. Not that I think my shots are theme-winning caliber but two of mine for the TV show theme last week have the wrong exif info. One because I used a downloaded background and the other because I used Picnik to compile them into a collage. A shame to think I could never be eligible because of things like that. Even worse that you film photographers don't have a chance. Definitely seems unfair but I can't think of a good workaround for that either. I have a feeling you'd be OK entering the informal themes and competitions going on around here, just not the official one.
August 10th, 2011
@nbedi thats kind of a grey area, yes predominantly it's based off of the Exif information, however that can easily be faked. So there's a little give and take.

Enter the themes anyway as you will definitely get more exposure.
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