Nobody looks at my project!

August 14th, 2011
Any idea how I can encourage people to look at my project? I have followers and friends, all of whom can see my project, but NOBODY looks at it! None of my photos for this week have had any views at all.

Compare this to the project started by my dad which is constantly being viewed. What am I doing wrong? I mean, it's not that I mind that people aren't looking at my project, but I go to a lot of trouble to think of things to photograph, especially on days when there isn't much happening in my life, and on top of that I'm not a very artistic/creative person. Having said all this, it WOULD be nice to have at least SOMEONE view my project. I mean, I look at the photos posted by my followers and by people I follow.
August 14th, 2011
Hi Samuel,
I have no idea how to have people look at projects. I have the same question. I do not do any post processing and this seems to be what gets the comments and views. I believe in getting it right in the lens. The last thing I want to do is sit in front of a computer processing and using filters when I can be out Shooting. I have to say I usually will not comment if an image has like 22 posts already.
August 14th, 2011
Looking at your most recent 8 photos, they're just photos of "stuff". "Stuff" that might mean Everything to you, but Nothing to the uninvolved casual observer. This sort of thing is termed E/N. I had no view/comments either (aside from chums I already knew) when I was posting E/N stuff, but when I stepped my game up and tried doing arty stuff, trying to take photos that actually encapsulated some idea, some... some "thing", anything, then things started to change.

So my advice is, try to be more creative/artsy than just the blog angle. But then we do have a lot of very open and willing sorts on here, so you might get a few comments, and chances for rapports to be built, just from this post.

Oh and, obviously, go and randomly find other people who you like the work of, and comment on their stuff. If you don't like a lack of conversation, fire one up!

August 14th, 2011
@eyebrows speaks wise words! Commenting on other people's pictures is a good way to start. Follow folks. Post on Browse and Peaks. Take up one of the challenges or a theme. A to Z has been a popular challenge lately. We've also had Black and White, Children, Movies, Selfies, you name it.

August 14th, 2011
Thanks folks!
August 14th, 2011
I agree with Mr Teddy Bear, if you do a fair bit of commenting on other peoples work, people and inclined to stop by and have a look at yours and sometimes comment, I find if I slack off commenting for a few days I notice views on my project dip, this is a very reciprocal site...
I also post my photos on facebook and get a fair bit of views (and faceboiok comments) from doing that...

August 14th, 2011
@iandec The Facebook idea is a good one! I started doing that a while back but stopped....maybe I should pick it up again!
August 14th, 2011
Browse and Peaks? lol. I think you meant Browse and Picks.
August 14th, 2011
@mej2011 - lol I did. Typing + headache = no good.
August 14th, 2011
I just took a look at your pics and agree with @eyebrows . There's nothing wrong with your pics but they're probably not as interesting to others as they are to you. If 365 is a kind of journal in pictures for just you then that's totally fine, but since you're asking this question, then my suggestion is that you get yourself out and try looking at the world around you eg, nature, sunsets (a bit cliched I know, but you get my drift!)
Since I began in March, I've learned to take my camera everywhere and try to think outside the box and REALLY look at what's around. There are also lots of articles and threads about how to improve etc, on here too. Something else to think about is using the free Picnik editing site to 'play about' with your pics. Take a closer look at other's pics too and decide who's style you like and follow them. Good luck.
August 14th, 2011
@kimmiesue That's a good point...I suppose it's a toss-up between wanting something just for me that I can look back on over the years, and having something interesting for my followers to look at. The only problem is that I frequently lack inspiration! I can rarely find anything interesting to photograph! Maybe I'm just one of those people who doesn't lead a very interesting life....
August 14th, 2011
@samuelholmes82 - you certainly haven't got to go to exotic locations to get that awesome pic of the century. Trust me, take your camera out, say on the weekend and really think about what you're seeing outside. Even if it's a cool reflection in a puddle!! Or perhaps decide one day you're going to capture a pic of, say a bird....
August 14th, 2011
@kimmiesue Ok, that's useful advice, and I'll certainly bear it in mind! Maybe it's time that I took my camera everywhere with me, instead of leaving it at home and missing opportunities for great shots!
August 14th, 2011
Well, then the first choice @samuelholmes82 is obviously whether you want to continue the blog thing or move on to a more "photography"-oriented angle. Inspiration can be hard to find, yes, but that's the point of the project anyway, otherwise where's the challenge? Most of us on here have a few shots we're not happy with, it's just par for the course.

Once you start looking, though, you'll start seeing more. If you really do struggle with ideas, then whenever you do get one/more, make sure to jot them down somewhere, and use them for another day. Or perhaps, when you hear little turns of phrase or catchy sentence snippets, see if you can come up with an idea for a shot to represent that; could turn into an interesting little source of ideas. I did a "title first, shot second" workflow plenty of times.

On an unrelated note; @kimmiesue just looked at your profile! Have many people in the 'States even heard of Wales?!
August 14th, 2011
@eyebrows Thanks for the info.

I'm not in Wales though....
August 14th, 2011
Yeah that's why my last paragraph has @kimmiesue 's tag in it, as I was replying to her in that bit :P
August 14th, 2011
P.S. Sorry if any of my writings come across harsh, bluntness is a trademark I can't seem to stop using (especially at 3am)!
August 14th, 2011
@eyebrows - Ha! The answer is NO!! Many haven't heard of Wales (well maybe now because of a certain Royal wedding) or if they have, they think it's IN England! Most don't know that England is just one of four in the UK. I'm always happy to air-draw a map to enlighten them!
August 14th, 2011
you might try checking out
Everyday they post a photography assignment.
August 14th, 2011
@eyebrows You? Blunt? I hadn’t noticed. Now pardon me while I go look up what “Wales” is. ;)
August 14th, 2011
When you say "no views", your followers will see it in their feed. They can see the thumbnail and part of your description, but unless they click on it they won't see the larger image and it won't register a "view". So it doesn't mean that literally no one has viewed your photos, just that no one has clicked for a closer look. I think ppl can even comment from their main page without it registering a view, because I once had 3 comments and 1 view.
August 14th, 2011
@samuelholmes82 Samuel I probably have the most boring life ever, so I second your sentiment. I too agree with everyone else on this thread. I take my camera with me everywhere and things just start to pop out at you when you see them.
I always feel like I lack inspiration but I think a lot of people have the same problem. Its really hard to have 365 interesting photos but thats the challenge I guess.
August 14th, 2011
@deebug You do know editing a photo takes 5 seconds. Literally i spend less then a minute on a photo if i like it and it can make all the difference. Getting it right in the lenses is important, but there is lots of aspects to photography, and you do know when film was the main source of photography post processing was a big part of photography even then in darkrooms. Try it out :D

@eyebrows Agreed :D
August 14th, 2011
@eyebrows May be blunt but he is also right.


Follow plenty of people and comment and they return the favour (or if like me you have awesome followers they very kindly understand when life gets busy and you don't have time to comment on theirs but still comment on yours). 365 has a wonderful community it's all about getting involved.

As for photos you don't have to go out of your own home to get shots, heck hardly any of my project is taken outside of my home (just looked and on my main project only 5 are taken not in my home/garden and that's out of 223 photos), it's just a matter of looking at something differently. For example say your latest photo of the jeans you could still have done your documentation of what is going on in your life but have tried a different angle on the jeans, maybe have gotten closer and tried to capture the pattern of the fabric, things like that. Seriously you'd be surprised at what you can find just around the home to photograph.

The important thing though is to enjoy your project and to remember there are no set rules it's whatever you want it to be.

I'd also like to say All the Best for your up coming wedding, it's one of the most special days in your life, hope it all got well and the sun is shining brightly.
August 14th, 2011
@samuelholmes82 Inspiration is not something which just falls into your lap most of the time. Currently I am involved with 3 themes; the weekly theme of eyes, the monday selfie challenge and August abstract. The thing is you have to put a bit of effort in and then you reap the benefits and I agree with @balkaj. The majority of my photos are edited. I use Picnik because a) it's free and b) it's possibly the simplest editing programme there is. It doesn't take long and it's actually fun. Give it a go :o)
August 14th, 2011
Ha ha ha ha!!!!! i nearly fell off my chair laughing - I have looked at your more recent photos and you have truckloads of views, for me 14 views is enormous, you're up to 65, 75,80 views! Posting this has worked well for you I'd say!! great to get encouragement from the others here!
August 14th, 2011
@eyebrows Ah ok! Silly me, I misread the thing, I have a habit of doing that! :-P
August 14th, 2011
@coolgirlsar Thanks for your good wishes!
August 14th, 2011
@threeplusone Was just thinking the same thing myself! ;-)
August 14th, 2011
Agree that if you take the time to comment on others pics then they take the time to look & comment on yours. I had a lot of time when I began the project and often made it to PP but recently things have got a bit hectic and as I haven't had much time to spend looking at others pics my comments have dropped dramatically
August 14th, 2011
@eyebrows @kimmiesue There may not be many people in the states that have heard of Wales but I am one and was disappointed to learn Kim is now living in the states. It is much more broadening to see pictures from other countries and thereby learn about them than to confine our interests to one continent only.
August 14th, 2011
@grammyn - Forgive me, but I'm not sure what you're saying. When you say "I am one", are you saying you're Welsh, or that youve heard of Wales, or you haven't heard of Wales? Either way, I don't get why you're disappointed I live in the US?? I love Wales, I love the US and am thrilled I get to share my Welshness with Americans. I have struck up more conversations and friendships because of where I'm from. I just wanted to clarify your comment, because I meant for my initial answer to @eyebrows to be funny, nothing else.
August 14th, 2011
I find you when I look at my followers pictures I tend to read the comments others left for them..something interesting or witty I click on their profile pictures right next to their comment and look at their pictures.when I like them I comment on at least 8 of them..usually when asking a question in your comment you get a reply and then I make them my friends by clicking on the follow. not everyone will start following me back . when you post your pictures add something may it be what you like about it or where you found the subject, tell about yourself.. these pictures you'll find get more comments. there are so many ways to go about having your pictures seen..and for finding followers go to the pp and click on a picture you like and take it from there or better yet find the newest 365er they need followers so give them a try. I do agree with the suggestions I read on this page. good luck..
August 14th, 2011
@kimmiesue Why would you think people haven't heard of Wales in the US? Just asking...because i can't understand how they wouldn't have.
August 14th, 2011
@5unflow3r because of such incidents as when reports come out of school kids in US and A, when asked where Americaland is on a map, pointing to the former USSR because it's the biggest land mass. Because of such incidents as whenever any celebrity from US and A seems to think "England" "UK" and "London" are all interchangeable.

Also: we're only being lighthearted.
August 14th, 2011
@kimmiesue I think she's one of the Americans who have heard of the valleys.
August 14th, 2011
@5unflow3r - Hey Trina. You'd be surprised how many haven't because they've told me!!! Many have however, but have admitted they don't know where it is and that's fine because I get muddled about where certain US states are too!!!
August 14th, 2011
dont worry Samuel ...
me too dont have that lots of viewer ...
hehe ...
August 14th, 2011
but you had 100plus views in your last 5 photos! =))
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