Catch-up amount limit?

August 14th, 2011
So everyone has times when they need to do a mass upload, and next week I'm moving house and won't have internet for a month so I was thinking: what's the biggest amount of photos that 365 etiquette says is okay?

If there's loads and loads of photos, do you just skip over or even unfollow?
August 14th, 2011
I know it gets a little frustrating when my entire feed is full of one person playing catch up for the week. My thoughts are, if you need to "play catch up" then simply upload your photo for the day, plus one, and call it done.

To flood the home stream is rather rude - but that is my position... and I generally don't carry the popular one... lol.
August 14th, 2011
I am going to be in a similar situation Amy in a months time, so I sincerely hope people don't unfollow! My way of working the situation while I was in Aus and unable to load at will was to process each picture so it was ready to upload and then next opportunity I would upload. For a month's worth of pictures I would possibly upload them over a week, say 5 a day, that way people are more likely to view them. I get most views on a Sunday, so maybe that's the day not to do it as it were as it's probably the busiest day for uploads and your photo's may get missed. I really hope your move goes well. It may also be worth investigating the email route (then you can do it via phone) or if you have a smart phone doit via that? Anyway, good luck again and I will look out for your piccies!

August 14th, 2011
Although I know I shouldn't, I tend to just skip them on the stream rather than look at them (don't ask me why - there's absolutely no rhyme or reason, it's just the way I've noticed it happens) - and as a result they don't get as much attention/views. It doesn't make me unfollow.

There are times in all our lives when it's not going to be feasible/practically possible to upload on a daily basis. A couple (or three) every three days on a regular basis wouldn't worry me.

If someone's been on holiday for 2 weeks, then that's cool too!

If you already know it's going to be a whole month, I have to admit that if it was me (and that I'd been able to take the photos in the meantime), I'd be tempted to just put them all up at once. BUT, that would probably take a lot of MY time aswell as clog up everyone else's maybe catch up a week at a time? i.e. Upload your daily photo as usuall, and then add an extra 7 photos every weekend for another 4 weeks?

I dunno - whatever suits you - you won't lose a follower in me, either way - good luch with the move! x
August 14th, 2011
when I was on holiday for 3 weeks I loaded today's photo and 2 others from previous...I was caught up in a week and a half and I don't think i annoyed anyone!! Good luck with your move
August 14th, 2011
My home page had 2 mass uploads this week and while I know this can happen to people for whatever reason and they cant upload daily, I find it frustrating for the simple reason is that when I want to view someone's shot large, or to fave say, I am brought back to the top of the page again and I have to scroll down again and it is tedious. I cant see why if somone is a week/month out, upload 2 shots a day for a week or month and catch up that way.I would not unfollow somone, but when time is limited and I want to see as many of the people I follow as I can and somone has 20 shots up I do not get to do that. Sorry for the rant... Good luck moving house.
August 14th, 2011
I'm not too opinionated, other than if your doing A LOT try to do it when it doesn't seem busy on here....BTW- If I just flooded anyones "latest" wall I'm really sorry I uploaded about 6 photos and went to the browse latest and it showed each of them 4 times, hoping that was just happening on my computer??
August 14th, 2011
i think 3 pictures a day is just find-----overloading,honestly is a painly annoying specially when you want to write a comment to all your 10,000 followers and you have only limited time ..
August 15th, 2011
I don't see why it matters if you put a lot of pictures on at once. It's your project, put as many pictures up as makes you happy. I don't see why some people are complaining about too many photos in their feed, they know they don't have to look if they don't want to.
August 15th, 2011
@jodimuli I think 3 a day is enough, i understand that people fall behind ( i do all the time) but its better to catchup slowly and then people will look at your pictures instead of just skipping most of them @grimbo x
August 15th, 2011
@cookie123 Just a tip (that may or may not be useful), when I'm looking through my feed and I want to see a photo full-sized, I right click and choose "open in a new tab." Then I can just go through my open tabs, one at a time, instead of starting over on the feed each time. I use Firefox and IE, and I think most browsers have tabs now for exactly this reason. It's much easier.
August 15th, 2011
@pprmntmochamama - I'm with you. I find it discouraging to look at the "new" page or my home page and see a flood of photos - all by the same person. I think the current day plus one would be excellent etiquette.
August 15th, 2011
@cookie123 @cytherisa Holding ctrl and clicking does the same thing as right clicking and selecting open in new tab...just a shortcut I found by accident!
August 15th, 2011
@jodimuli You somehow manage to find time to comment on just about every person's profile that is currently registered! I have no idea how you do it. I will find a random person from the latest or new faces page and 9 times out of 10, you will have already commented! You are amazing!
August 15th, 2011
It's a hard thing to judge, yes sure it can be frustrating at times to have a wall taken up solely of one persons photos but I understand it can't really be helped. What I do think would maybe be a good idea in these situations if say more than 5 photos are goign to be uploaded at once is that a link put in to say "so and so has (amount of photos) more uploaded, please visit their album to view." and the person could have some one photo alongside. Does that make sense?

Or maybe something similar to how flickr does it where you can view all uploads but only one by person or click and vew all photos of that person.
August 15th, 2011
Eh, do what you want and that's that. I think it's obnoxious to unfollow *just* because someone was away and is trying to catch up. Perhaps you could spread it out and upload one every few hours?
August 15th, 2011
@cytherisa @shadesofgrey Thank you so much, I will try that and hopefully it will work for me.
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