365 on Pintrest

August 16th, 2011
I was browsing on pintrest just now and I came accross a heap of 365 pics that have been pinned! I have pinned a couple myself, but thought you all might be interested to have a look.
Who else on here is on Pintrest? I know there are a few of us :)
August 16th, 2011
I'm on there! haven't pinned any photo's from here yet, but thought about it :)
August 16th, 2011
I'm on there (truely addicted!)
I'm also the evil person who introduced @canberrabec to another web addiction ;-D

I find it great for my work (architecture/interiors), for photographic ideas/inspirations, dreams of travelling, forever laughing at the funny quotes/statements (whatever you choose to call them), wishlists etc etc and I also know that alot of people use it in preperation / ideas for their upcoming weddings too...
August 16th, 2011
@wadey @bekahbell it is awesome isn't it, I have only been on there for a month or so, but I am totally addicted. So many ideas. We are building a house extensionat the moment and I am getting lots of ideas for fittings, tiles etc... also lots of crafty ideas, I actually did a 365 photo of rainbow rice (tactile play for kids) that I found on pintrest.
We should all follow each other, I am LittleBlueWren (bluebell was taken unfortunately!)
August 16th, 2011
@bluebell @bekahbell
thats me, though at the moment my account wont stay logged in... it's really odd - each time I open a new thing to repin it's logged me back out again, so I'm a little puzzled by it.... hmmmm
August 16th, 2011
@bluebell I just joined it yesterday after looking it up because of your rainbow rice! Haven't pinned anything yet but I am following @wadey now. I didn't find LittleBlueWren...
August 16th, 2011
August 16th, 2011
Yes - I blame @wadey ! But I loooove Pinterest so it's okay :)
@bluebell I must check out some 365 photos on there - I didn't realise they were there!
August 16th, 2011
And oh my goodness, I'm now a little giggly and all girly excited to see a couple of my photos tagged as 'inspiration'........

Excuse me whilst I go and lie down from all the excitement .......
August 16th, 2011
@canberrabec how cool is that!!! I found my friend @mimmablue on there too :) I am off to find you on there now.
August 16th, 2011
@canberrabec Yes I meant to tell you when I looked at the link that I saw 1 that I definitely recognized as yours (you & your hubby) & another (rainbow socks on 'lil T') maybe???

Cool reaction! What a wonderful compliment! Great shots!
August 16th, 2011
@wadey Yep!! I saw those two :)
And then when I checked out the pinboard and person (I had to have a snoop!)who'd pinned the one of the boy & I - she also had the one I did a couple of weeks ago of our feet 'dancing', with my shoes off :) ........
Makes me think I need to watermark more though!!

@bluebell Whoo hoo!!! I'm off to find you too :D
August 16th, 2011
I remember looking at this site a while ago but never (for some strange reason) signing up. Just signed up today although haven't properly looked around.
August 16th, 2011
Not that I know when I'll get time to get on there!
August 16th, 2011
I am! I'm http://pinterest.com/wrighty

I have to say I've pinned quite a few 365 shots myself!!
August 16th, 2011
@canberrabec Yeah had the same thought about watermarks... It's a great compliment & especially through a site like which is specifically about keeping the original links & credits to the owner (or at the bare minimum, where the image was 'discovered')... But we need to make sure we mark the images A/ so that our 'ownership' is retained (sort of) & B/ so that people have some kind of information about the photographer, should they want to find out more... Etc etc
August 16th, 2011
@coolgirlsar I send you the warning now Sarah..... it becomes addictive!! I am so amazed at the huge collection of gorgeous photos on there! :)

@wadey So very true! I am so chuffed, and just a little scared at the same time!!
August 16th, 2011
@wadey @canberrabec yeah, that is true about watermarking.....it is great that pintrest gives original credit because it is so easy to share images on there!
@wrighty I just found you :)
@coolgirlsar you will find time, it is addictive!
August 16th, 2011
Addicted to Pinterest!
August 16th, 2011
@pickles really?! Hadn't noticed :P

Hehe I am addicted too. There are just too many pretty things to be pinned!
August 16th, 2011
Just looked through your photography inspiration page. Wow! I might have to set up an account...
August 16th, 2011
@roejan oh yes you should!! :)
August 16th, 2011
ooooh, i'm intrigued. @bluebell your rainbow collection is fantastic, great ideas there... think I found a new time eraser.
August 16th, 2011
I didn't know there was so many of us on pinterest! We're like a secret club that joins forces everywhere!

So everyone that posted a link, I'm gonna follow!

August 16th, 2011
Will someone invite me?? :) Pretty pretty please?
August 16th, 2011
@nicolekos you don't need an invite, you just request one :) it can take a while sometimes.
@myla thanks :) I have so many new things I want to make I am not sure I will ever get the chance lol
@sweett lol I like the idea of this secret club
August 16th, 2011
@sweett Ooooohhh I LURVE your B&W board!!! I'm only on my phone right now but next time I get a chance to log in on a computer you'll know about it from my mass repining session!!!
Great boards!
August 16th, 2011
@wadey lol I JUST mass repinned a lot of your pins!

@nicolekos what's your email? i think it goes faster if i send you an invite.

@bluebell :]
August 16th, 2011
I just setup an account so I have not done much out there yet but you can find me at autumn_eden. =)
August 16th, 2011
@sweett Thank you hon, I got someone to do it (if you didn't notice, I am following you lol)
August 17th, 2011
I just got on there yesterday because someone mentioned it on their picture a couple of days ago as one of their favorite things. I haven't totally figured it out yet.
August 17th, 2011
okay... knew nothing of Pinterest but after looking around, I signed up. looks really cool even though I don't need anything else that takes up my time. oh, who needs a clean house =)
August 17th, 2011
one of my photos was pinned :) totally made my day! im on pinterest and love that site! never saw my photo on there though!
August 17th, 2011
@sweett We need secret handshakes! :P
August 17th, 2011
Count me in as a Pinterest addict who has, on occasion, pinned some 365ers lovely photos as inspiration.
August 18th, 2011
would love to follow more of you, but I dont know how to search for people, help??
August 18th, 2011
I am in love with pinterest! http://pinterest.com/ibelayni/
August 18th, 2011
What a fantastic site! How come I've only just heard of it?!?!? Joined :)
August 18th, 2011
@bluebell Thanks for posting this topic as I've been hearing about Pinterest from my daughters for quite a while. Now I'm in/on there but have no idea what it's all about or how to navigate it. This week has been a very busy one as two of my three daughters are here visiting. I'll figure it out in time, and I know I can refer back here if I need to.
August 19th, 2011
So far I love it. I really need to create a watermark though.
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