Popular Page

August 24th, 2011
I notice in looking at pics on the popular page that they seem to be taken the same day or maybe the day before the date posted on 365. I wonder if that is a criteria of being considered for the PP. I wonder if they pick any shots taken earlier? Would anyone know if that is a requirement?
August 24th, 2011
I don't think so. I had a pic on there that I'd taken about 3 weeks earlier, but had then added as an 'extra' pic.
August 24th, 2011
One time someone wanted to show people something on a Google map, which they copied and pasted from the internet. This was on the Pop Page for several days. I'm pretty sure it didn't have a date. :-)
August 24th, 2011
@5unflow3r I remember that photo, it was a google map photo with an airplane smack dab in the middle of it!
I think that in general it needs to be uploaded in the last day or two. Building on others theories, the PP appearance has something to do with amount of views vs. favs over a period of time. The longer your photo is in your album, the less views it gets, therefore the less likely it is to be on the PP! I highly doubt this is all the magic monkeys use as criteria although I'm sure it plays into it.
August 24th, 2011
I like the PP. I've been there a few times. I also think that it should change daily. I browse it everyday. I've found people to follow there and some great ideas. I think that sometimes it seems to be the same old, same old. 24 hours, that should be the time limit, as far as requirements? Who knows, a matter of opinion, I guess. I'm just here to enjoy all of the wonderful talent. It's a blessing to be a part of this awesome project. It gives me inspiration every single day!
August 24th, 2011
The closeness to "now" does matter, and must do, or the page would be useless, but it's far from the only factor.
August 24th, 2011
@shadesofgrey Yes! And while it was awesome and I got a chuckle of it, I felt it shouldn't have made the pp

There are lots of photos that do well w/o the pp too. i have one right now, 84 views, 9 favs, 46 comments, that is doing better than several photos that are on the pp, but somehow it didn't make the cut That can be a little frustrating. I guess the magic monkeys don't feel it's up to snuff.
August 24th, 2011
(@5unflow3r) I have the feeling that the amount of followers does count too; if you have 8 folowers and the pic has been fav'd 4 times and viewed let's say 27 times the populairity is much higher than when you have 100 followers and 4 fav's.... Since my amount of followers has gone up and over a 100... it's been harder to get up the pop page..... LOL I don't mind, as long a I like what I'm posting ;-)
August 24th, 2011
@elke Yes, me too, The PP is definitely not a deal breaker. :-) I look forward to coming on this site everyday. just making the point that the PP is not really as predictable as you would think. :-)
August 24th, 2011
The duration that a pict stays on the PP is also mysterious. I have had a pict stay on for two days and other stay on for 6 hours.
August 24th, 2011
Thank you all for your responses. I'm not able to take a pic every day so many times I'll take several a day and have a little library of them so they may be a couple of weeks old when I get a chance to post them. Oh well, I guess we'll never figure out the PP monkeys. :)
August 24th, 2011
@5unflow3r - yes i saw that and thought that it was wrong - should not have been on there as it was not a genuine photo
August 24th, 2011
i think the length of time the pic is on for depends on how the amount of people viewing it is going.
say if its been on for a day and 50+ have viewed it, another has been on and only 15 have viewed, that one will come off and leave the more popular one on .....thats how it seems to work wwhen i've been looking every day for a few days in a row
August 24th, 2011
@dune1953 Yes! And I've had a pic that was basically "dead in the water" stay on for what felt like an eternitywith no views for over a day, and then another got a fave and was gone the next hour! Very mysterious!
August 24th, 2011
@kmrtn6 @5unflow3r - When the picts on up for a short amount of time, there is a very good chance of missing them on PP. It would be great if there was a notification via email that we made the PP. I don't know how many of mine made it that I did not know about, especially early on when I just started.
August 24th, 2011
@dune1953 @kmrtn6 Yes! For instance, I wonder if I made the newbie page before I even knew about it. :-) An email could be helpful. :-)
August 24th, 2011
@dune1953 I had one on there that lasted about 5 minutes, it seemed.
August 24th, 2011
@dune1953 I am actually surprised I saw it!
August 25th, 2011
@dune1953 e-mail ross with the idea - i think its a good one
August 25th, 2011
@mittens @dune1953 @5unflow3r I look at the pp to see how to improve my own photos. I have seen pics on there with about 35 views and 15 favs, that tells me that the criteria for the pp is up to how the Magic Monkeys feel on the day.
I also believe that being able to comment directly on someones pic on the home page reduces the amount of views a pic gets that could/should be on pp. I think you should be able to see the pic only on the home page and have to open/view it to comment. I always open people's pics, its nice for that person to know that people are looking if not always commenting.
I agree about being informed by email if any of your pics make it to the pp or newbie page. I did not know about newbie page for about 5 months.
Sorry I seem to have ranted again ;-0
August 25th, 2011
@hagscat I agree about going into the actual page to look at the picture. I think it's the best way to really get a good look at it. I hadn't thought that it wouldn't register a view if you comment on it on the home page. Good observation.

I also think it would be great if they informed people by email if they make it on the PP.
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