To Watermark or Not Watermark?

September 15th, 2011
Hey gang.
I'm 57 days into my project and I'm having a ball. I'm glad i stumbled upon this site.

While browsing your photos, I noticed a lot of you have watermarks on your photos. Is this something I should look into doing? What are reasons for/against doing it?

I post a lot of pictures on my blog too (confession: I'm a dad-blogger) do you recommend watermarking those photos?

Thanks in advance for your input & keep those pictures coming.

September 15th, 2011
for me it just gives an added sense of ownership so there is no doubt the image is by me, watermarks dont make your images any more secure than an un watermarked image as any decent editing suite can take out a watermark by cropping or cloning but anyone trying has to work to get an image and that in itself can put people off trying to take what is not theirs
September 15th, 2011
not that there is anything wrong with a watermark, but I just find that sometimes they can be really distracting and take away from the photo. I personally do not use them because I have never really thought my photos needed them. I do agree with @asrai that it gives a sense of ownership, even though he has such a great personal style that I usually can recognize.

September 15th, 2011
@asrai @jinximages @brumbe Thanks for the quick replies. I'll have to think about it.
September 15th, 2011
People have their reasons for using them, but I find them really distracting. I especially dislike it when the watermark is "Soandso Photography." It just turns every image into an advertisement.
September 15th, 2011
Oh, I love how @sdpace handles her watermark. Sometimes it is easy to see and other times she blends it into her photo.
September 15th, 2011
I use photos in class all the time. When I borrow something from the web, I'm always careful to list the source where I got the photo. When my students don't see the source code, the first thing they do is look for my watermark. If they don't find a watermark, they'll call me on it. Once was enough. I make sure I have the source for other images or my watermark.
September 15th, 2011
Honestly, I don't go that deep the understanding that I should watermark my pictures so it won't get stolen that easily. It still can, you can just crop out that watermark, or as they say photoshop it out. But I do put my watermark, as a personal thing. It's like it's my mark. I see my pictures as works of art... a painting... usually, paintings have little initials of the painters so that they can say, this is their work. That is why I do mine.

When I watermark though, I always change it's color and opacity so it won't be that strong. Sometimes I do, to add more color and style on the shot. Even when I start to do the PP, I already have an idea where to put my watermark. Maybe you can visit my project and see that you may put watermark on your photos too, but can be flexible at the same time. :)

All in all, if you want your watermark in your art, like I do... put it. If you want it there to secure your photo from theft... think about it first, because no amount of watermark these days can save your photo due to advance technology so why bother. :)
September 15th, 2011
For me, I don't because in most cases the watermark interferes and spoils the image. If I was going to do it, I would make it small, just type, and the placement discreet. It doesn't really prevent people stealing one's photo because it can always be 'shopped' out.
September 15th, 2011
I would do if I were a professional that earns a living from my photos just to protect them. Otherwise I don't really think it's necessary and usually ruins the photo for me. I also find it amusing when I see a terrible photo with a watermark on it. It just seems pretentious.
September 15th, 2011
watermarks distract. I have seen some amazing photos on this site destroyed by over zealous signatures! Ones that could be cropped out by a photo-thief, so they're kinda wasted and useless.
September 15th, 2011
I love using watermarks. I like being creative and making them blend with my pictures. And yes, if you are sharing them to multiple places, it's good to have them to be safe that your photo is clearly yours.
September 15th, 2011
I don't use them either, like most responders to your question. But I have to mention I'm not a professional photographer. You don't have to do it for ownership since there are good alternatives for that and a watermark doesn't proof anything by itself. Do it because you think you should but be careful not to spoil your image! Many watermarkers on 365 make great pictures but do not know anything about typography. If you don't I suggest not to watermark. Or use any other text in your shots.
September 15th, 2011
I use a frame to add my image title and website. Not sure what people think of it, but it works for me. For clients, they receive high-res images of their photo shoot with no watermark. I also include low-res images, and I do watermark these. Most of the low-res images are used on faceboook, and it's great advertising for me. Effective, cost efficient, and I don't believe it takes away from the image as I put a small logo in the lower right corner.
Interesting post, thanks!
September 15th, 2011
One more thought. I like to take photos for myself, family and friends and not necessarily for people outside that circle. It is a personal hobby so I feel that a watermark would take away from the printed and displayed photo.
September 15th, 2011
@bobfoto I loathe the watermarks that are in the center of the photo and ruin the entire background
September 15th, 2011
I just started putting a watermark on my photos. I make them small and blend in, almost hard to see.

But I have a very good reason, besides the obvious: A couple of weeks ago, someone that I know in person and views my project regularly were talking. She pulled out a stack of photos that she'd just sent to walmart and printed in their photo lab.

I was shocked to see MANY photos from this site.Not only mine, but YALL'S too.
And the worse part is, the print quality was horrible!
September 15th, 2011
@moonpig @brumbe @webfoot @thebluegnu @payyourrates @bobfoto @amyhughes @mastermek @mackena @sweett

Thanks for all the input. I think I'll experiment on pictures of my kids(on here and the blog), but not on all of my photos.
September 15th, 2011
I watermark our images for work with our radio station's logo. I have my own watermark but I never remember to do it - but if I post elsewhere on the web, I do it simply as a deterrent, nothing more.
October 4th, 2011
Finally had a chance to take pictures....It's been a long week.
Original - kinda dark right?

After Mod
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