
September 24th, 2011
I've been stuck in a total slump :( I haven't had a change of scenery in a while and my surroundings have become a total bore! I even won a new camera through a facebook photo contest but I can't find anything that I want to take a picture of :( What do you guys do when you feel stuck with no inspiration? I need heeeelllpp!!
September 24th, 2011
Follow the kid around for a walk. Go play with the kids toys. Pick up a challenge like the A to Z, movie, song, ect. I definitely have had slumps. Life has made for one lately for me as well. You take beautiful pictures, Jaqie. =)
September 24th, 2011
focus on just one color or looking for shadows or reflections...
September 24th, 2011
oh believe me. My last slump lasted 2 months. ;) they happen. I ended it by looking at some of my favorite work on here from @gavincci and @arielmagyawejr. Maybe you could look at some of your favorite people and emulate their work purposely until you feel inspired again?
September 24th, 2011
Don't panic. It doesn't matter if you miss a couple of days - you can either back-fill, or just accept the gaps in your project. The inspiration will come back. Just take your camera with you everywhere (or as much as possible) and you will see something that you want to photograph. Even if you end up with only one photo, that's still a photo! Try editing it in different ways to fill the days in your project, that has helped me in the past. Good luck!
September 24th, 2011
I firmly believe that we get stuck in a rut because we stop seeing the things around us. When we see things every day, they become so familiar that we stop seeing them. Go for a walk in a different part of your city, pretend you are a tourist - you'll see the wonderful place you live in with fresh eyes! Good luck!
September 24th, 2011
Sometimes when I'm stuck and don't know what to photograph I make up a game to challenge myself. It goes something like this: Ok, I have 1 minute to shoot as many things in black and white in the kitchen as I can. I did that once when I was stuck in the car waiting for someone and didn't have time to find something to shoot. So I gave myself 30 seconds to shoot as many things I could from the front seat. Sometimes those little games are just enough to get you going again. Another thing is to get down on the floor. It's incredible how different things look from the floor. Don't feel bad- everyone struggles with this once in a while. And don't pressure yourself to post everyday if that is adding to the stress. This project really should be fun and creative- not a burden or drudgery.
September 24th, 2011
i've been in a slump aswell,i have pictures on my camera but i haven't got the oomph to upload them as my camera is upstairs and i'm down them and can't be bothered,i will get caught ups soon, i'm hoping after tomorrow as there is an event in the local park which should provide ample opportunities for picture taking and get me back in the mood,plus i've got 3 days off work to focus(pardon the pun)
September 25th, 2011
beer. so far to date, every 365er who has been in a slump and has taken up my prescription of beer (or their chosen tipple) has had an awakening! And if you choose not to imbibe, then heaps of caffeine based drinkies or even super strong cordial for the kids.

and make sure your batteries are fully charged.
September 25th, 2011
@lolanae @parisouailleurs @amyhughes @hehe1308 @timandelke @olivetreeann @sallycheese @bobfoto

Thank you guys so much for your help! I will definitely try all your tips including the beer! lol
September 25th, 2011
Well...I cry, do physics problems, cry some more, take pictures of my physics solutions. Get pissed off at my homework. Play with my action figures unitl I have a decent picture.

That's what happened when I took this photo:

Action figures are the best souce of photo ideas. Even if you have no idea how to pose them, you can play around for hours and eventually find something you like.
September 25th, 2011
Drink a lot.
September 25th, 2011
I find something that makes me happy each day and turn my project into a diary. Then, inspiration hits again...
September 25th, 2011
I agree with @hown.
September 25th, 2011
@hown @manek43509 - giddy up!
September 25th, 2011
@jsbp Loads of good advice here. Mine? Just shoot. Anything. Make the attempt to shoot it well. If you find you subject boring, at least improve your technique.
Shoot things you would never have otherwise. Shoot with post-processing in mind. Shoot a series with a theme.
Just Shoot.
September 25th, 2011
@jsbp Maybe it is time to take some daytrips to places you have never been to before. Have you tried the weekly themes or some of the challenges. One of the ones I tried was photographing your ABC's. Is there any particular subject that you have never tried before. Maybe give that a chance
September 25th, 2011
@jsbp i did something similar to @olivetreeann. I went downtown, stood at the corner of the intersection and watched cars pass, people walk by, traffic lights change. I stood there, waiting for something unique to pass by. After a couple of shots that seemed boring, I heard sirens coming down the street.

Would never have taken that shot. But I did. Play a game with yourself, make it fun, and think outside the box. You can't take the same shot the same way twice if it's a moving object.

@olivetreeann i love that you sat in the front seat of the car. Not so easy when you have so many obstructions.
September 25th, 2011
Thanks @jeancarl It's not as hard as you think. This was the result. It's before I had Picnik, so it's the photo program that came with the computer. And I think my "eye" for a shot has improved since then, but this is how I finally presented my 30 second challenge:
September 25th, 2011
@remirixjones @hown @cfitzgerald @lilbudhha @bkbinthecity @jeancarl @olivetreeann Thank you for your tips!! Starting tomorrow, I am going to do what everyone of you suggested to get me shooting again! yay!
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