Final 365 Photo

September 26th, 2011
Well, my 365th photo is finally here!

I need to give a massive thank you to everyone on 365. This is such a wonderful online community and during my year of posting I was constantly amazed at the warmth and generosity of spirit, humour and the daily encouragement from you all. Without which I doubt I would have competed the whole year and certainly would have not got out of bed, climbed over barriers, stopped the car illegally, hung off bridges and cliffs, lay down in the dirt and worked through weekend hangovers to get the all important daily shot. For that discipline, and your encouragement I will be forever grateful.

I can’t say posting a photo every day without any fillers has been easy, but the discipline of searching out something beautiful or interesting daily has certainly made me appreciate the world around me much more than I had ever considered before. This is one of the few years in my life that I’ve spent most of time in my home town, and I’m really glad I have this record of my local community, the seasons, my house and friends and the all important knowledge that whatever happens, there is a Rolling Stones song title for well, just about any eventuality.

I can can’t possibly thank you all, but I’d like to mention in particular Steve/DrWhat? @eyebrows for inspiring me to start this project in the first place and Ross @Scrivna, who has created and maintained such a fabulous site and community.
I’ll still be popping in and still commenting on your shots from time to time, but will take a break for a while before I consider doing another year. In the meantime, please consider this a massive group hug to you all. :-) xx
September 26th, 2011
Congratulations to you!!
September 26th, 2011
Three hundred and sixty-five cheers! Well done, I didn't even realise you'd done the whole year with no fillers. Very impressive! Yeah come back for round 2 when you're feeling refreshed.
September 26th, 2011
Congrats! Your photos are always wonderful! Good job!
September 26th, 2011
Well done you! congratulations
September 26th, 2011
Congratulations- and many more exciting discoveries to you beyond 365!
September 26th, 2011
I just finished too, congrats!
September 26th, 2011
@mcdougall @sparkle Aw, thank you, I've really appreciated your support.
@refriedradio Yay, congrats too, I'll have a look through your albums, well done!
@olivetreeann Such a lovely thing to say, thank you very much.
@rich57 I haven't been refreshed since 1984! Thanks Rich, may be back soon :-)
September 26th, 2011
:D :D :D Nice one Shelly, well pleased you've made it and that it's been so good for you :)
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