Scary notifications...

September 27th, 2011
Just checked my notifications to find I had mentioned three times by a chap called Adam 4 hours ago. His picture is half a face with blood smeared all over it??? When I clicked on the link to see what the comment was as I don't recognise his name it takes me to a page which says 'sorry this page can't be found right now' can any one shed any light on this it's rather worrying :-(
September 27th, 2011
that sounds like @alk1991. he's not scary really! :)

not sure why his page can't be found right now...
September 27th, 2011
I think he'd written that he'd left 365 recently - I'm sure I read on one of these discussion threads that he'd lost or broken his camera and can't afford a new one right now... Then maybe he was just responding back to some comments you'd left on his pics???? It's the only explanation I can think of.
September 27th, 2011
I've had the same. Three notifications saying I've been mentioned by him in a discussion.
September 27th, 2011
oh - that makes sense - I did comment on a thread about some one breaking their camera he must have really of meant he was leaving and has deleted his account.

Thanks I can calm down I was rather worried :-)
September 27th, 2011
@yumyum46 I had the same thing happen and thought that it was the person who'd broken his camera. But I can't even find that discussion any more, so it does make sense that he may have deleted his account. Too bad, he had so many people offering suggestions on how to keep going and encouraging him to keep trying. Oh well.
September 27th, 2011
As I recall - he said he'd keep viewing even though he couldn't post. You could look it up - it was just a few days ago. I'd do that right now, but I have to run. He sounded perfectly nice. Some times people's ID photos are a little scary to me too - like some of the single eyes - it's all to individual taste I think. I've just never liked clowns, masks or single eyes - I blame the Grimm Bros. somehow.
September 27th, 2011
Oops - reading back I see the account, and thus the discussion, have prob. been deleted.
September 27th, 2011
I had the same thing. I am guessing he did a mass reply , edited or re-did it twice and then the discussion got deleted somehow. His account is still "active" since I searched it and pulled up his intro page and calendar, matter of fact he already found another camera and posted a new shot . Maybe @eyebrows could shed some light on why we got three mentions in a deleted discussion?
September 27th, 2011
@smevvy @kimmiesue @wormentude @olivetreeann @reba @shadesofgrey Thanks every one I guess it just looked scary as I couldn't find the comment then the imagination took over! I did try to click on his name as well but that also came up as not available which just made me ultra wary.
September 27th, 2011
lol - I saw his goodbye post the other day and checked out his photos for the first time. He tends to use a lot of blood in his shots. Very creative. I didn't know he had deleted his account though, too bad - cause he had some pretty creative and well done shots!
September 27th, 2011
@pwallis , he's still here. I guess he simply deleted his thread. His name is Adam and he got a replacement camera the same day his old one died. (alk1991)
September 27th, 2011
Lost his camera and could not afford to get a new one. Within a day has a better replacement. Hmmmm, I need to find his benefactor. Let's see, if it takes two days to upgrade, how many will it take to work my way up to a hasselblad?
September 27th, 2011
Well @shadesofgrey yes I can!

Now, pay attention, because there'll be a test at the end of this.

Firstly: databases are comprised of a bunch of "tables", and each table stores a specific thing. There's one to store "users", one for "photos", one for "comments", for "discussions"... and "notifications".

It's all down to how the database works and what protections and "sanity checks" Ross has had time to do on it. Some are mission critical, such as the check, when uploading a photo, that you don't already have one in that album on that day, and some are less so. What's happened here is one of the latter - a bit of database tidying that could be done, but doesn't really matter if it isn't.

So - homeboy over there added his post, and mentioned whoever's name he mentioned. This by itself does nothing, but when this is being inserted into the "discussions" table, part of Ross' code checks for these names, and then inserts a record for each person in the "notifications" table. The record is tied back to the original discussion that caused the notification to be inserted.

The contents of this table, per-user, is then displayed at the top of the page, in the little speech bubble icon. Each entry in there also has a "has it been seen yet?" flag, so it can be marked as read. So, your notifications are generated from a separate physical list.

Now, when homeboy comes along and deletes his discussion (with the data removed from the "discussions" table), it's possible for Ross' code to then delete the records from the "notifications" table, as they're still linked together, but he hasn't actually written any code to do this, because it's not really mission critical. It doesn't matter much if once in a blue moon someone gets a notification that points to a deleted thread. The database as a whole isn't compromised, and everything still works.

Now it's time for the test!

Question #1
Does anyone fancy cooking my chilli con carne for me because it's been a long day and I really can't be bothered?
September 27th, 2011
@eyebrows i make a MEAN chili. just sayin.
September 27th, 2011
1. My chili takes a day to cook, probably not feasable time wise for your needs however, I will avail my services should you see fit.

2. How the heck do you delete a discussion? If this is a new feature, then I just missed it and it's on me but I was not aware that a user could delete anything like that, only super smart admin types such as yourself and Ross. I am truly only asking because I want to see what he said, for my own curiousity. I don't mind a "dead" notification in my inbox once in a while, no big whoop. Just figured that if this many people got the notification that he must have had something very meaningful and engaging to say. -_0
September 27th, 2011
@stepheesue I'm taking that as an invitation ;)

Piecing it together from what's left in Kit's thread, I reckon he posted something about that, thinking, bizarrely, that it was aimed at him, when it was pretty clear who it was a direct pastiche of. Don't know for sure though. Internet drama, eh?!?! Always fun :D

As to deleting threads, I'm pretty sure you can delete any you create. Let's do a wee test...
September 27th, 2011
Yup, just as you get the ( edit | delete | reply) links next to your own posts in threads, if you click delete and yours is the first post, it deletes the entire thread :)
September 27th, 2011
@eyebrows Good to know! Guess I will always make the first post, just in case I start some drama! (or inane conversation)
September 27th, 2011
Deary me. I deleteted the topic. No point in having something there that's collecting dust and that's going to get brought up over and over again. I did comment you all, once but when I pasted something, it pasted all your names twice and I was a little quick to hit post thus the three notifications. As for my camera, it came a day late, with love from my grandma. Bless her :) the end of another thread. And don't be scared of someone display picture ;)
September 28th, 2011
@eyebrows I am learning MySQL as we speak! (Well, not literally as we speak. But I *am* learning it.) It's fun!!
September 28th, 2011
@eyebrows come on down!!
September 28th, 2011
@stepheesue On my way!

@pocketmouse INSERT INTO discussions (message) VALUES ('Oh cool! Learning it yourself, or being taught it by someone/something?');
October 2nd, 2011
@eyebrows lol! My crazily smart boyfriend ( @mednez ) is teaching me. :D I'm using it alongside php to build my photography website. Which will come to life sooooon!
October 7th, 2011
@eyebrows @pocketmouse

A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"
October 7th, 2011
@mednez @pocketmouse
Hahaha oh man, I laughed a bit too loudly at that :D
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