when life gets busy...

October 5th, 2011
Question...when life gets really busy for you, how do you stay on top of your creativity? It seems the busier my life has been getting, the less room I have for my creative outlet. It is really frustrating for me because I love feeling excited about an image I have taken and processed.

I'm just so tired. Working three jobs is tough. But I know other people have just as busy lives, if not busier, and they still produce stunning images. Any thoughts?
October 5th, 2011
I think I have an ebb and flow with my photographs. Some days it just feels like a chore, and other days it's exciting. I've been super busy lately too. One way I try is to have my camera with me more often, that way I don't miss an opportunity. I would love to get more creative with my photography, but I'm so right brain most of the time with my job...it's hard to get into that frame of mind (pardon the pun). I get motivation from other's photos as well.
October 5th, 2011
Drugs. And kitty cats.

EDIT: Oh, and don't sleep. Ever.
October 5th, 2011
@gurry drugs and kitty cats pretty much go hand in hand.
October 5th, 2011
@gurry lol thanks. I usually default to cat and dog photos when lack of creativity strikes..but I see a thousand cat and dog photos on this site every day.

appreciate you suggestions though. haha.
October 5th, 2011
@pwallis Yes, yes. Very true. In fact, Socks and I usually smoke a few joints of catnip and take pictures of each other around the apartment.

...And so my 365 account was created!
October 5th, 2011
@gurry I'd be interested to see some of his work.....
October 5th, 2011
When I finally find the time to take some pics, I take a bunch of them so when I don't have time one day I can always use one of my extras! Cheating? Na!
October 5th, 2011
@orangecrush no that's not cheating because I've done it too! hahah :) It's your project, do what you want! :)
October 5th, 2011
@pwallis HER work.
October 5th, 2011
@orangecrush @kmwilliams That is cheating! :|
October 5th, 2011
@gurry Sorry Socks!
October 5th, 2011
Don't forget the wine. :)
October 5th, 2011
Challenges! I take the oh-no-what-am-I-going-to-point-the-camera-today out of it by doing challenges. I've been doing them non-stop since May :)
October 5th, 2011
I find 365 consumes a lot of my mental faculties, which are pretty much strained as it is. I tend to panic a bit when it get to around 16h00 and I haven't taken anything. I've pretty much exhausted everything in the house as a prop...
It helps if you get out a lot (or have a life). @gurry is right: Recreational Pharmaceuticals, pets and NO sleep! And string.
October 5th, 2011
@orangecrush @kmwilliams ...absolutely.

i have days that feel exciting and inspired to be taking shots, and these make up for the no camera or time days.
my project has evolved into how i want, influenced by what is realistic to my lifestyle..

..can always do a mini-series thing eg: inside fridge each day/week.. daily self etc..
October 5th, 2011
Read yesterday's discussion on being uninspired for some ideas... http://365project.org/discuss/general/8683/feeling-uninspired
October 5th, 2011
When I'm really up against it timewise I turn to my iPhone as it's always on me. Not saying it increases my creativity but as @aj1268 said at least you can grab any opportunities that come along.
October 5th, 2011
I am constantly on the road and it is impossible to take my DSLR with me everywhere I go so my P&S has to be my best friend. What this project has taught me is that whilst there are styles of photography that are not what I would call my forte my situation has forced me to try more stuff that I am unfamiliar with. I am never in the street to try street photography, but I am in airports a lot which has similar challenges - or for instance hotel dining areas / bars. I try and look for the unusual in everyday and I have had to accept that I don't have lots of time to practise editing techniques. It means time with y DSLR and down tinme at home is something I really look forward to - saving ideas and themes for the weekends. Oh and to echo other comments - I don't sleep much!!
October 5th, 2011
@kmwilliams when my wife and I spend a day out doing photography I try to maximize my photography time...and post a few days ahead just in case I succumb to the exhaustion that is my hectic life
October 5th, 2011
I'm going to come at this question from a different tack. Years ago I was involved in a group for leadership development. One of the assignments we had was to write out a mission (or sometimes called purpose) statement for our lives. At first I thought this was utterly ridiculous, but I've come to see the wisdom in it over the years. When life gets busy, it helps me to re examine the things I'm involved in and why I'm doing them. It has helped on some occassions to pare down my activities which in turn has left me time for the creative things I love to do. Now, I realize that you do not always have control over what your job does to your time, but we do have control on how much tv etc. we watch, how long we pop around the internet and putz around the house. So when I find myself overwhelmed and "busy", I take a good long look at how I'm spending my time and if I find things I realize are sapping my creative juices, then I make some hard decisions and clean house. This may or may not relate to you, but it might give you something to work with. Just my 2 cents worth. (And in the line of what the others have said- I carry my p/s camera everywhere and keep my eyes open!)
October 5th, 2011
I channel all my creativity / energy into what really matters; 365 can wait.
October 5th, 2011
Same as Jerry @orangecrush ...its the only way in a busy world ...((o;
October 5th, 2011
My life is hectic, I dont find time to breathe.. I miss the days where i could spend even a hour with the camera.. I realised that its not so important to post a shot each day, afterall no one actually minds..

Dont beat yourself up by what you are not doing, look at all you are achieving.. Take photos when you can of anything.. and now and then inspiration will come back x
October 6th, 2011
Life IS hectic Kate, I think people underestimate the time needed to take ONE photo a day (especially as we like to process, upload, view and comment also). My answer is not to pressurise myself. I know I can take and upload some pretty good shots, but I certainly dont everyday. My shots are usually dary shots, if I can make it creative then great. I guess it depends what you want out of 365. For me its practice to move on to bigger and better things (no disprespect to 365 - its simply a playground for me and a train of thought to keep my eyes peeled everyday !!)
October 6th, 2011
I ran into this when I first started the project. I solved it several ways...taking a camera ( phone, dslr, etc) with me and keeping an eye open for a shot, even of the mundane. I try to keep some form of writing material/utensil on or near me so when an idea strikes I can write it down. I make sure to compile the list in a central spot and refer to it if/when I have time to set up a shot. My project has evolved into a place for me to show some of my past work when I cant take a daily shot. Sure there are fillers but I dont care. For me, its about showing others shots I am proud of when I cant "get the shot of the day". Lastly, I agree with @indiannie_jones said, it can wait if it doesnt really matter at that moment. Sometimes I dont upload for a few days but something more important was going on. I try not to upload more than 3 at a time, so people dont get sick of seeing my stuff on their feed! I grab a spare minute at work to pop in, or stay up a little later to edit/upload/comment, etc.
~my two cents~
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