Where are the views coming from?

October 15th, 2011
I have a photo I posted back in Feb. It now has 1057 views, but only one comment from my friend (whose daughter is featured in the photo). So the views obviously aren't coming from 365 members. I've just joined up as an ace member and I can see that this photo has had 2 views in the last 24 hours and 35 views in the last 7 days. Neither myself or my friend have put a link to this photo anywhere else, so where are the views coming from? Has anyone else had something like this happen? It's not that I mind, I'm just curious. Here is the photo I'm talking about...
October 15th, 2011
Hmmm, that's weird! Although it's an adorable shot! You should check tineye or something? But tineye probably wouldn't show a link to 365 so maybe that wouldn't work - but you could always try it? Either that or it's a werid glitch? I've actually seen random shots of people I follow linked to facebook by people i know aren't even on 365, so you never know.....
October 15th, 2011
Would you know anything about this Ross? @Scrivna
October 15th, 2011
@pwallis What's tineye? It's weird that it's such an old shot but I think it gets consistant views because I've noticed before that the view count was way up compared to my other photos!
October 15th, 2011
If you google tineye, it's a website where you can upload your own images and see if they're being used without your permission anywhere else on the web. It's a good way to find out if people on here are using stolen photos too.
October 15th, 2011
@pwallis Thanks Paula. I just tried it but nothing came up! It's a mystery.
October 15th, 2011
@kiwichick I know that 365 photos can be viewed through google or yahoo
October 15th, 2011
Maybe someone added it on a site like Pinterest?
October 15th, 2011
I have a shot of a candle from early in my project - not quite that many views but up in the 500's with no additional comments from the original post (2). It appears on the bottom of my stats a lot when I get a few new followers in one go. All I have assumed is that they are drawn to it when they surf my album in thumbnail view! Strange I guess, but I can imagine the same may be true here...it's a lovely shot
October 15th, 2011
Because it's a nice clear shot of children's faces, I'd worry. Apparently, according to the NSPCC, one of the dangers of child portraits on the internet is photoshopping by child pornographers.
October 15th, 2011
I have a photo like this - it has hundreds more views than any of my others - and I have been curious about it too! Even tho I didn't tag it, I am guessing it is because it has "bears" in the title and maybe people are searching that?? Here it is....
October 15th, 2011
First of all, that is one DElightful photograph of 2 very lovely children. :-D To join in, yep, I've had some weird stuff happen also. One thing in particular was not long ago, my views one day SOARED to 5 times of what they were on my highest day. My stats indicated that nearly my entire "365" was viewed in that single day; no comments were left; nothing faved. It creeped me out a bit. I "consulted" tineye, but didn't come up with anything. It pains me to say this, but you may have to be careful in some way about posting pictures of your children. Les
October 15th, 2011
Thanks for all your replies. @bkbinthecity @jinximages I hadn't heard of pinterest but I guess it could be on that site or something similar. I'm not sure how to search it though. @sparkle @sybil66 It would just be nice to know who is viewing it, I've wondered for a long time! I'm glad I'm not the only one. @shanne @glimpses This is a creepy thought, and I have no way of checking this. But then I wonder because people are obviously viewing the photo through this site so if it had been used inappropriately then surely they wouldn't keep viewing it on here?! Or not?
October 16th, 2011
@kiwichick On Pinterest, the "rule" is that anything added must link back to the original, so that seems a possible source of your rising viewcount. :) Not a bad site, if you like that sort of thing - Koshi is slightly addicted to it.
October 16th, 2011
I've seen other threads like this one where people suddenly get loads of views for no discernable reason. Couldn't it be something as simple and mundane as a glitch on the site's counter? After all, other things go a bit wonky from time to time : uploading takes forever, comments you try to post won't , thumbnails only have partial pictures, shots - along with the comments on them - suddenly appear twice on your home page. There's a lot of complex things happening to make a site like this work, things are bound to go wrong from time to time. I would have thought it's reasonable to conclude that the counting can go awry too.

October 16th, 2011
Hello Lesley - I'm glad that you received many thoughts about your question. Frankly, it's been on my mind a bit. I'm REALLY uncomfortable that your picture of your children (and not a cat, or dog, or flower, etc.) exploded with views. There could be any number of plausible explanantions for the oocurance. But you know what, I think if it were me, I would remove ALL the pictures of children from the site; at least temporarily. And don't post any new ones for awhile. If some sicko is preying on your dear littles ones, they'll find nothing on your site, and move on (perish the thought.) I can't BELIEVE that I'm saying this, but unfortunately we live in a "climate" where we have to be more protective and vigilant. It would be just to be on the safe side of things. If I have any further occurances, I will notify you, and Ross. Take care, Les
October 16th, 2011
@Scrivna @dulciknit I have wondered about a wonky counter for a while. But the views seem to consistantly go up over the weeks though whereas no other of my old photos get any views. @glimpses Thanks for your concern and for coming back to the thread. I hear what your saying, but the fact that it's only one of my many photos that is getting the views seems a bit strange. And there are so many other people who post photos of their young children every day that don't seem to have this problem. So I think it more likely that someone, somewhere has put in on a site like pinterest. If there was any way to check for sure I would love to find out, but I don't think there is.
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