Fictitious stats???

October 27th, 2011
Has anyone noticed that sometimes their photo stats cannot possibly be right? I have one pic from last week that had 6 comments, and yet the stats said it had only 4 views..? Also, on the graph thingy, you go along having maybe 10-30 views per day, and then there'll be this random day with like 150 views or something - and you've got nothing on the PP. Makes no sense to me at all! Can anyone shed any light on this?
October 27th, 2011
I know for the comments/views, many people just comment from seeing the thumbnail on their news feed, and that does not count as a view. I don't know about the other one though!
October 27th, 2011
@rleonard Really? People do that? How bizarre! What foul Philistines are these..??! LOL!
October 27th, 2011
My photo that has the most views and comments is not even in my top ten! Crazy right? Oh well. :-)
October 27th, 2011
I had a random day recently but then I remembered I had recently given the link to my 365 to a friend I had got in touch with after about ten years so maybe she had a good old look. I don't know if views from people who aren't 365 members count. Also I will occasionally share a shot of mine that I particularly like on my facebook and maybe the odd person will look from that. All very random me thinks!!
October 27th, 2011
You could have a random day with lots of views. There are some days where I find someone new (like yourself) with interesting photos and I may look at a lot of their photos. I may only comment on one or two but I'll take a look at a whole lot more.
October 27th, 2011
@5unflow3r Oh yeah! and THAT! My top ten is totally non-sensical too!

@moirab @chriswang Yeah, good point guys. Sometimes I'll go look at one of fave people's old stuff for a long time, and then discovering newbies too. Maybe the numbers aren't so crazy after all, but I'd really like to know how on earth our top ten get rated...??
October 27th, 2011
@tabbycat I really think that the top ten ratings have some sort of weighting given to the number of views in proportion to the number of followers. My top photo is from when I had 4 followers, so 56 views is more impressive. Of course, I really don't have a clue.
October 27th, 2011
yeah, i have wondered the same thing... and I did also hear that if they comment on the small pic, it doesn't count as a view. along the same lines, I recently uploaded a pic that I feel is the best pic I have ever taken. I was so excited to post it. It got one comment.... and then a stupid pic of an oyster has like 45 views and tons of comments.... go figure...
October 27th, 2011
sometimes if someone goes through all your shots then you'll have high overall numbers, but very few views per photo.
October 27th, 2011
@dmariewms Ok, thanks. That's interesting!

@kimfaria Ha ha! Yeah, doesn't that suck! People always love my crappy pics and then nobody seems to care about my 'masterpieces'! Glad it's not just me anyway ;-)

@laurawheeler True. Thamks Laura. LOVE your profile pic!!
October 27th, 2011
@5unflow3r I don't think that's really crazy at all. My top viewed one isn't in my top ten. It has the most views because it made the top five for one of the weekly themes, so it got a lot of views... No faves on it, so it's not anywhere near my top ten however.
October 27th, 2011
@webfoot Bizarre!!
October 27th, 2011
Simple algorithm really!
October 27th, 2011
This is SO bizarre having commented on this thread earlier I checked in recently and have 485 views. On a good day I have about 50 :oD
October 27th, 2011
@swilde You mean the top ten?

@moirab LOL! I don't think it was me! ;-)
November 22nd, 2011
@5unflow3r I have the same thing with my Top 10. One of my recent photos has way more views, comments and FAVs then 6 of my "Top 10" yet it's not listed as a Top 10 itself. I don't understand that. By the numbers, it should be #4 on my list, but it isn't considered top 10 over others with half as many views, comments, and no FAVs.
November 23rd, 2011
@christiehicks Yeah, I'm getting the feeling that our top ten are chosen by the magic photo monkeys, as mine seem to have very little to do with views, comments or faves, but then I wonder, where do they find the time to rate each photo individually? Most of my top ten are what I consider to be some of my best, but then every now and then a completely crap photo will show up in there, and I really don't get that! I'm glad it's not just me anyway, so thanks for commenting!
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