First month: thanks and request for advices

October 31st, 2011
After my first month on 365, I think it's time to spend a few words on this forum.
When I started the project I thought I could not be possible for me to post a decent shot a day and planned to post mostly fillers; I'm glad to say that I was able to take my camera with me almost every day and only once I uploaded a filler taken in October anyway.

I'm following my own rules and, so far, I'm still trying to experiment with different kinds of pictures: alleys, people, still life, etc... I hope I'll be able to be driven a bit more by this great community, so I'm starting my first thread and I've even taken part to this week theme!!!

I've found many posts about "the sort of shots" everyone should take at leas once in their lifetime (water droplets and stuff like that); what I have not found yet is a similar list for image manipulation: I use GIMP (and I suck at it...) and would like to learn some basic tricks: I guess selective coloring is a must but what else should I try?

BTW: a massive thank you to all my followers who commented my shots and encouraged me!
October 31st, 2011
heres a few ideas with examples

a clone image

an eye colour change

fake tilt shift

out of bounds photo



the smoke picture
October 31st, 2011
What do you want to achieve in GIMP? I'm learning it too as I go along, and because it's something I'm just getting to grips with I possibly can explain it. The other question is which operating system?

You haven't tried selective colour that I could see - the easy way is creating a Duplicate Layer:
Layer menu -> Duplicate Layer.
Grey scale one layer by Colour -> Desaturate
On the colour layer cut out what you want in colour using intelligent scissors or the free select tool - roughly (both on the Tools > Selection Tools menu)
use the eraser and 400% to neaten up the edges (Tools > Paint tools)
merge the layers back together (Layer menu)
blur the edges together using the smudge tool (Tools > Paint Tools)
October 31st, 2011
@woot Sorry - missed a step between cutting out and neatening up

to get rid of the stuff you don't want - you invert select (Select menu) the object you've just cut out and then delete
October 31st, 2011
I've been using Gimp for almost a year, and I still can't do any of the techniques you provided examples for. :( lol.
October 31st, 2011
@asrai wow: cool shots! I will try some. thanx very much
October 31st, 2011
@shanne I use Debian GNU Linux as OS. Thanx a million for the tip: will try it for sure: need to find the right picture first. What I still find hard, is to find the right effect for the specific pictur. I'm not a fan of heavy PP: I'd like to be able to apply the minimal effects which might improve a particular shot. At the moment I'm so bad that I I cannot even know if I should convert in B&W or not
October 31st, 2011
@woot You need to add an alpha channel before you delete to the colour layer Layer-->Transparency-->Add Alpha Channel

(My daughter who does this much better than me looked at this and said:)

To do the eye colour change:
Select the shape you want to change colour Scissors Select Tool (Ctrl+I)
Add a new layer Layer-->Add New Layer-->Transparent
Select the Blend Tool
Then pick the Gradient and the Shape shape you want
When you get to the picture, you have to pull a line across to get the radius, holding down left mouse button
Set the layer to overlay
Adjust Opacity to whatever you would like it to be
October 31st, 2011
@woot I'm on Linux too -that's going to make life easier - Ubuntu

On the Colour menu - try curves and GEGL - you can just lift colours using that - adjusting the curves on all colours or the colours separately. It depends on the picture how effective it is. Or you can increase saturation on the Hue-Saturation menu

If you're using b&w and desaturate, you'll need to up the contrast and brightness on the Brightness and Contrast menu. And if you use the Colourise menu and drag the top bar to the left you can create a sepia colour - tweaking the saturation and brightness controls.
October 31st, 2011
@shanne thanx soooo much! I tried on a sample pic and it worked!!!! I had some basi knowledge about layers: the only manipulation I sometimes do is duplicate a layer and try out the various blending modes. I'm still referring to your first two posts:I need to understend better the one about alpha channel and GEGL (which I never heard before)
October 31st, 2011
@woot In the colour menu you can tick GEGL - it's a way GIMP deals with colour and gives you more control -

If you want a layer to be mainly transparent, because you're using the colour section from it to overlay the grey scale layer, you need to set it as an Alpha Channel - I find that one by right clicking on the layer in the layer section of the toolbox, but it's also under Layer -> Transparency -> Add Alpha Channel
November 1st, 2011
@asrai How about instructions on how to achieve fake tilt/shift (since I can't afford the lens)
November 1st, 2011
@swilde if you click on @asrai 's picture he's linked to instructions on how to do it. I had noticed he's done this, and I keep meaning to find a shot that will work with it and let me try it out
November 1st, 2011
Someone advised me to make my album "my own", doing what I loved - whether it was a photo from that day or a filler from years before. That was really helpful for me because it freed me from the "guilt" of posting fillers that until that point I actually discovered I had. Sometimes life is busy, messy, complicated, we can't feel guilty for doing what's right for our individual situations. We all have other commitments - some more than others, some less. Your followers will understand that and be happy you're posting anything at all! Good for you for trying things you've never tried before - I think it will be very rewarding for you! : )
November 1st, 2011
@beautifulplanet wise and true:) I'd like to let the community guide me especially for pushing me to try things I'd probably never do otherwise. As long as I can find some spare time to look around and shot, it's great to be guided by random events though.
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