Firework Display

November 4th, 2011
Hi Everyone!

I'm off to a Firework Display this evening!

I've never been to a display with my new camera before.

Can anyone give me any advice on what setting's to use and lenses to use?

I have the Canon 1000D and I have the normal kit lense 18-55 and I also have a 50mm and 75-300mm

Hope you can help?

Thanks Beverley
November 4th, 2011
The 18-55 should be the best. Unless you will be very, very far, forget the 75-300 for fireworks. In addition, if you don't have a tripod the 75-300 will be too difficult to stabilize. The best is to have a tripod for (semi-) long exposures. If you don't have one, it should still be possible to get good pics, depending on how bright are the fireworks. I have a few pics in my album (July), there were taken with exposures around 1/10 sec. Aperture can be large (smaller f/ number you can get with your lens) if you shoot at 18 mm because the DOF will be almost infinite. Manual focus can help too, and will be faster to take pics. Focusing on the infinite is generally OK. Don't know your camera, but you can higher the ISO, as long as the noise is reasonable. I took my pics at 500 ISO.
There would be a lot to say, but I think this is a start. Have fun!
November 4th, 2011
@scatcat Thanks! You have been very helpful! :)
November 4th, 2011
@bevspics it's a wide subject, if you have more specific questions, don't hesitate to ask :-) I'm not a specialist at all, but if I can help...
November 4th, 2011
Use burst mode and get a few shots as each firework develops. There are some from this time last year in my first album, feel free to nosy at settings.
November 4th, 2011
I just did some photos of fireworks and I used:

18-55mm lens


manual focus

100 or 200 iso

no flash

Bulb mode and a remote shutter release (at least 3 secs)

Lots of Luck

November 4th, 2011
Jason @jasonbarnette had a great idea he details in the caption here:
November 4th, 2011
I wrote this a long, long time ago.

How to Photography Fireworks
November 4th, 2011
Thanks for all your helpful advice :)
November 4th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Wow!!!! Amazing Photography!!
November 4th, 2011
Well that was a disaster :(

Once again I feel so sad and frustrated :(

That I've taken everyone's advice, and it hasn't worked? :(

I set my camera to M, ISO 200, BULB, No flash.

And it just didn't work?

My camera didn't beep to focus and when it finally did it was too late :(

What went wrong?

I even took it off of BULB and set to 1/3 and still took so long to focus :(

It just makes me so sad :( As I'm really starting to give up with the whole night time Photography :(

As for some reason I just can't seem to get it right? And any advice anyone gives me I take on board and follow all their steps and it still just doesn't work :(

I'm going to a Friends house tomorrow and I really feel like leaving the Canon 1000D at home and just taking my normal digital camera!

Can anyone give me any advice before I through my camera in the bin!!!!!!

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