Finished 365, Now What?

November 14th, 2011
Hello fellow 365ers,
If all goes as planned, I will be completing my project 365 at the end of 2011. I am curious what other 365ers have done with their projects when they finished the entire year. I wanted to do something that uses all of this year's photos. Currently considering laying them out in giant timeline and printing it up. Not sure exactly, but I would like something physical so that my project doesn't get lost in cyber space.

Any ideas?
November 14th, 2011
I'm just about to print a 400 page book of my year!
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
I'm with these guys! Am using blurb to put together a book of my whole project :)
November 14th, 2011
Ross @scrivna should get in touch with blurb so we can have a dedicated 365ers link to the site where he can earn a referral fee each time one of us orders a book.
Every little helps, as someone once said...
n.b. I'm not after discounts, just another way to give a little back to this site :-)
November 14th, 2011
@mjh9590 I'm just learning about from this thread, but we have used Shutterfly for 12x12 books for several years and they turn out great. Looks to be comparable in price to Blurb.
November 14th, 2011
Firstly, my December 31 entry will be a photo slideshow. I don't think I'll use all 365 photos because flipping through that many in less than five minutes would be nauseating. I think my slideshow will be my best 60 or so from the year with some awesome music I have found.

Secondly, yeah I think the book is a good idea. Blurb is great, they have great prices. I don't know about 400 pages though! @sparkle

Third...if Ross @scrivna wanted one of my photos to print a 365 Project photo book to be sold on Amazon, I would gladly donate a photo. This site can't be easy to maintain and I know it costs money. I'm currently publishing two photography books of my own, but the chance to be featured in a book like this would be awesome.
November 14th, 2011
@jasonbarnette hi, what will you use to do a slideshow for on here? i like the idea..
November 14th, 2011
I will do a book for sure. I have also done collages each time I hit 100 photos. I may print these and frame them. A slideshow is a great idea, but not sure how many other people would want to spend the time to look through 365 images. My son always says, "show me your top 50" after a trip where I have shot 2,000 or more images. I agree with Jason above, 60 images is probably about right for a slide show.
Are you continuing next year?
November 14th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Prices on blurb aren't bad...for up to 400 pages a landscape book is about £60 :)
November 14th, 2011
@sparkle Hi Juliette! Are you doing a page per photo or making a collage? I would love to do this too. Just passed 100 photos so I am still early in the project. I know nothing about book making so I guess I should do a little research. Please tell me more!!
November 14th, 2011
I've been told several times that I should pick some of my "better" shots out and get them framed, but I don't think I will. I"ve got all my photos saved in a folder on my computer, and that'll probably be the extent of it for me.
November 14th, 2011
Mine are in a folder on my desktop, lol Never got around to doing anything with them though my kiddos have asked me to print some up so they can put them on their walls.
November 14th, 2011
I had plans of creating a book after I finished my first year of the 365 project... but 3 years into it, that didn't exactly happen :)
November 15th, 2011
I got a photobook discount through Groupon. i have done other books by them and been very happy.
November 15th, 2011
I love and highly recommend Shutterfly. Their photo books come out looking very nice, I've even used them to make coffee-table-style wedding albums for several friends.
November 15th, 2011
@sleepdozer57 I use a program called Slideshow Plus. It's $70. I bought it a few years ago when I was working as a student photography because making slideshows was part of my job. I think there are a few free ones out there, but I've never used them.

@minxymissk Haha...yeah I guess for just yourself that isn't bad. I guess I'm always thinking of selling my work, so spend $100 just to print a book wouildn't exactly go over very well. I mean...who would spend $150 on a photography book?

Oh yeah...and I've got a good 20 of the photos in my project framed hanging on my walls. Kinda forgot about htat haha
November 15th, 2011
@mjh9590 I am keeping a journal of my project and will be printing a book at the end of it
November 15th, 2011
Another idea, is to make a collage from your 365 project, to make one more image...a mosaic of your photos. I saw one that was used to make a rainbow, others to make a picture out of those pictures sized down to tiles. Just my 2 cents...
November 15th, 2011
I have a long way to go before I hit the 365 but I should probably keep this in mind. I too would like to post a journal of my year, and would like to keep the daily narrative. Has anyone done this, ie book with photos and words? If so it is copy and paste for the words day by day? I haven't really kept my 365 photos to date in a folder.....maybe time to start. If not is there an easy way to download them from 365 or will I lose the quality?
Lots of questions I know, but very interesting topic! Thanks for any help anyone can give.
November 15th, 2011
@mixiewing Do share with us what you did with your project... :)
November 15th, 2011
Early in the year I thought a book would be great, but now I've realized that if I'm posting one a day...they aren't all great...and I really don't think I want that book.
November 15th, 2011
@jasonbarnette ..cheers fella.
November 15th, 2011
yeah i'm almost finished (saturday) and i've started a book with blurb
November 15th, 2011
i just started a book on shutterfly....they have a lot more layouts now, and i'm not too concerned with having a full page be a picture, so i can fit a month on 2 pages.....some of them end up being cropped, but i'm ok with that...ya know, like those pictures that you just take of whatever to get your picture done for the, you can play around more with the layouts now and make the pictures bigger if you need to or smaller or re-arrange them around the page....
November 15th, 2011
@eleanor I think the most significant thing for me resulting from 365 was that I put my first exhibition together, chosen from the shots I'd taken in my first year. It so happened as well as doing our usual travelling between France and the UK, we also went to South Africa, where I met up with amongst others, a cousin Eleanor Muller - you might know her! It was called Three Countries - Three Seasons, summer, autumn and winter, which gave me a good collection to choose from. Took a lot of planning and preparation. Had the images printed professionally. It was so satisfying and just to add to it all, I sold quite a few them, which I really hadn't anticipated would happen. I also discovered how much I enjoy taking photographs, so have now signed up for a Photographic Diploma. 365 has been a huge deal for me. It's been and remains a terrific experience.
November 16th, 2011
@swilde I found the same.. sometimes quantity over quality is not always a good thing for me! Still publishing a book.

That said, I have always maintained a photoblog and I'm going to keep doing that, but perhaps not post every day.

@mixiewing That's amazing!
December 6th, 2011
I'm publishing a book when I finish my project next summer. Since I work in a library, my supervisor has already given me the idea to have it added to our circulating collection. If I can sell some copies on my own for fundraising purposes, that'd be even better; but for now I'm happy just to indulge my ego :-D

After scoping out the options, I've decided on Blurb because I'm familiar with their quality, and they seem to really understand the needs of photographers. Like many here, not every one of my 365 photos is a "winner", so I've thought of varying the page layouts to emphasize the better ones and minimize the not-so-great ones . . . 1-2 photos a page for the best ones, multiple photos per page for the rest. That will keep the page number down to a manageable size too.

I'd really like to see links/ images of published projects by other 365'ers on here!
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