Copy cats

November 16th, 2011
Were you able to experience that someone copied your idea for an image and it turned out that the copy cat will land at the "Popular Page?" If so, how do you feel about it? And how can you tell that they stole your idea?

Feel free to post the photos if you like (what a big bitch I am eh? LOL)

This is just my thought and would like to know different views of people regarding this situation =)
November 16th, 2011
why who's copied you mate? depends if it was a blantant copy...but the pp aint the be and end of all! :)
November 16th, 2011
@paulremulla You think they copied your idea, or your actual image? If they copied your image, BOO. If they copied your idea, well, I don't know. There's a fine line between "inspired by" and "copied". I went out last night and shot a bunch of B&W images because someone I follow had posted some beautiful ones. I feel like I was inspired - someone else might say I copied.
November 16th, 2011
I do not worry about it at all. I assume you are talking about an idea you had and something that they re-executed on your own. Sometimes getting to the popular page is about comments, favs, point of view and number of followers. I have ended up on the popular page, but only after I spent gobs of time commenting on others photos. I have not noticed it happening to me, but I know sometimes I take similar seasonal photos or even the same location as someone and they execute it much better than I have or there is an element in mine that is missing. I have one person in particular and since I love their photos so much, I think it is an honor to see how we can take the same thing and do it differently. It pushes me more.
November 16th, 2011
I think we are mostly guilty of copying an idea... If you mean someone posted a similar pic to you after you had posted yours then Yes I know what you mean, however I like to think that I gave them that idea and that they had to think how to get the shot.
But as @azza_l says the PP aint the be and end of all, it is lovely to get a pic on there and yes you do run around the room lol
but your pics are lovely and I would like to follow you :-)
November 16th, 2011
@azza_l @beautifulthing @brumbe

Thank you for the reply... I will just feel really flattered about it I may say. I am not saying that someone "copied my idea" but just in case it happened to me I will feel happy about it.

I just like to know different views on how people would take it... that's all =)
November 16th, 2011
I just went on to the person who lives in the same City and takes some of the same landmark shots as I do. We tend to have a different perspective and time of day, but I still learn so much and can go back and work a little differently on my next photo there. I actually enjoy when others get inspired by something I post.
November 17th, 2011
Do yourself a favor and ignore the pp. It has become a page that either elates or infuriates people. Now, if someone has taken a copy of your picture and reused it, then that's stealing. If someone is blatantly reusing someone elses photo it should be brought to our attention. Otherwise all ideas and all locations are fair game. That's the way it is. If the person who you have inspired says nothing there really isn't anything you can do. It will make you crazy. So, stay focused on your own project because we cannot make people play nice.
November 17th, 2011
I wanted to add @brumbe is right. You will want your picture to have something that cannot be copied. That's what will make yours stand apart from the group. It's your vision that will determine what people see no matter how many take a similar picture. :-)
November 17th, 2011
Dear Paul,
remember,to steal ideas from one person is plagiarism,
but to steal from many is called research....hAhA---:)
Love and Peace,
November 17th, 2011
doesn't really bother me at all, the reason I take the photos I do is to release something within me, call it art call it creativity call it what you will it serves a purpose If someone copies a shot of mine and I have seen a few in my time I can go away knowing that I have inspired someone so my art has done the job it was designed for and that no matter how many people copy my idea they were originally my ideas I would rather be focusing on my own ideas and creating an original folio than have a folio of other peoples ideas, because one day someone may ask for an original idea and the larder will be empty :D
November 17th, 2011

Right on, Big Joe! =)
November 17th, 2011
@asrai Yep, same as you, I would feel proud because I thought of it first than them, LOL.
November 17th, 2011
Being an amateur, I would feel honored.
November 17th, 2011
@jodimuli LOL!!!!!!!!
November 17th, 2011
Were you able to experience that someone copied your idea for an image and it turned out that the copy cat will land at the "Popular Page?"

~ GUILTY! "from artist challenge/s .... themes.... LOLS ....

but nott really .....
PP doesnt matter ...
but made me happy ....
November 17th, 2011
My wife uses the same camera and we go to same location and end up taking shots of same scene but it always ends up different and beautiful based on how we see the world differently...I think I would be worried if someone took my actual shot and claimed it was theirs...however if they were inspired by and tried to do their take I am with @asrai on the art inspiration aspect.. that's kind of where I am I just want to put my art out their into the feeds art or is that pop will eat I am confused so going to go shut up now lol
November 17th, 2011
Well I think that there's probably not an idea or a photo that hasn't already been thought of or taken in some way, shape or form out there, so the chances that someone will have the same idea as you at relatively the same time is fairly high. I know that I have had ideas and thought..."I'll save that for a later date" and then seen almost the same thing the same day or a few days later....first in best dressed....shit happens and all that:)
But blatantly copying ie taking your photo and passing it off as their own...well that's a whole other kettle of fish.
Have fun with your project...I know I am:)
November 17th, 2011
I totally copied Hitler today.
November 17th, 2011
@dmortega Well said, I don't even look at the PP page, I just don't have the time...hmmm maybe that's what's wrong with my photos. @jodimuli HA ha, working on your PhD? Gotta love students :) Even if we don't want to admit it we are all students learning from one another and can only control ourselves. As to the orginal quandary if it was my idea that someone used, well this is a public place...
November 17th, 2011
I have experimented with thing in 365 that were idea's I have seen from someone's shot. I have always on those occassion been upfront and let it be known the person I have been inspired by. Not only do I get positive comments from my shot, I do get positive acknowledgement from the person who inspired the shot.
November 17th, 2011
I think I would be flattered. I just looked through your photos and saw that you did the planet idea before I did mine but I have never seen your photos before. But it was set by inspiration (seeing other people do it). I have been accused of stealing people's photos twice though (meaning I downloaded someone else's photo and used it in one of my pieces) which I never did. That hurts.
November 17th, 2011
@sdpace Godwin's Law FTW
November 17th, 2011
@paulremulla I wouldn't mind. I had used some picture ideas of people I follow and somewhat copied it with my own twist. I don't think I would mind if someone took my idea for a picture and improved it.

I look at so many pictures, they all blend together on where the idea came from so it would be impossible to give credit to someone.
November 17th, 2011
@beautifulthing YOU FTW!
November 17th, 2011
@sdpace No YOU!!
November 17th, 2011
I would be flattered!! And more power to them if they made the PP!

I just "copied" someone's idea yesterday. I also make sure to give them credit and link their photo.
November 17th, 2011
I also would be flattered. When I have been inspired by someone on here I have been sure to give credit and add a link. I am on here to learn and be a better photographer. I think one way to learn is to experiment with shots or ideas you see on here and see how you can interpret it into your own style. I have made the PP page on occasion, and it makes me happy...but I have been happier with some of shots that were challenges to my ability and I feel like I learned something....even if nobody else looked at them! :)
November 17th, 2011
I am just learning and it is going very slow for me. i guess I am not a natural. I will look at much better peoples work and try to do something like it or use that idea, but never exactly the same way. For one,,,I am not that good yet lol. Like a close up flower. I try the different angles etc. But I will never make the fav. page so I don't look at it as stealing. Just getting ideas. And again, it is not exactly the same shot. Just another perspective.
November 17th, 2011
I think if you are going to nit pick over what is copying than yes, we are all guilty? I mean where do we all draw our inspiration from? People around us, things, and more often than not we someones photo and go "geese what a good idea" and we sometimes re create that photo, I think we are all guilty of "stealing" or "copying" someones idea. I think it would be flattering to know ive inspired someone one, i would say its a compliment.
November 17th, 2011
@jodimuli hahaha! you crack me up! research it is! LOL

I would be flattered too, but the chances of someone copying me is very minimal. Hahaha! I'm just a beginner. But I do get inspired by a lot of people here. That's why I follow them. Everybody is like my unofficial mentor. :))) When I try to recreate a scene, I try my best to mention the one that inspired me. I have seen a lot of water shots in here. I ask advice on how it's done and try my own twist. Unfortunately, I still couldn't shoot a decent crown. Hahaha!
November 17th, 2011
I was actually quite surprised the first time someone was inspired by one of my pictures - it made me very happy and I would have never thought in the beginning I could inspire anyone with my shots. It is always nice to be mentioned, when your picture was the inspiration and I try to do that myself but sometimes my shots are a mixture of different ideas and sometimes I just don't have a clue anymore why I took the picture this way, even though subconsciously I might have been "copying" someone else. As this community is very interactive I think it's a necessary and great side effect and I love to be inspired and inspire others :).
November 17th, 2011
Copying is flattering, that's how I feel. It means the original has something special, which made someone else copy it.
November 17th, 2011
I think someone copied one of my shots (long time ago, absolutely don't remember who it was) because it was just one or too days after mine appeared on the PP, and as the subject was very special and abstract it could hardly be a coincidence. In this case it was not just inspiration, but really copying.
I agree that copying is flattering, but it's also nice to mention to person who inspired you, which was not the case for this pic.
November 17th, 2011
I dislike it when people say someone blatently copied there idea of a picture, i come on here all the time looking at other peoples pictures and getting ideas and inspiration, how far do you go with a copied idea, after all a photo of the moon appears on here hundreds of times, are we all copying the first person who took it? Or a photo of a landmark or a viewpoint, we all take them because its a nice view, it doesnt mean we copy each other, we dont own the rights to a view, nobody does. If someone gets inspiration from your picture and does something similar and gets more views then good on them for finding a better way to put that picture across. These are only my personel views. :-)
November 17th, 2011
God i sounded really grumpy there............. didnt mean too, sorry :-)
November 17th, 2011
I agree with Ian about disliking accusations of copying. Just about every subject has been photographed at one time or another and you can't be sure that someone has seen your photo before taking their own.

On quite a few occasions I have thought of a photo to take, imagining it to be quite creative and original and before I've taken it I've seen a shot of what I've envisioned by someone else.

Today I have had someone comment that my photo is very similar to someone elses, the comment wasn't rude but as there's no tone with text it could be read as accusing. As it is I've never see the other persons photo so the similarities are a coincidence.

Also today one of the people I follow took a fantastic photo inspired by an image in a book. A few weeks ago I saw the same picture and on Tursday decided to try my take on it, I couldn't get a photo I was happy with so I did a different shot. If I had posted one of my atttempts I could have accused the person of copying me whilst instead we were both inspired by the image in the book. Instead I am really impressed with her take on the picture and it has encouraged me to try again.
Coincidence again that we both had a similar thought only a couple of days apart.
November 17th, 2011
Quite honestly, if someone says one of my pictures inspired them to do something similar, my heart soars. I don't think I can get a greater compliment than that. I am constantly in awe and inspired by the people on this site and most definitely use those ideas in my work too, not to try and better what they did but to experiment in something I probably wouldn't have thought of myself. I don't see anything wrong with that. Some say 'copying', I say 'sharing'. :)
November 17th, 2011
no, but i've done a shot and logged on to see another similar shot. makes me say, "DAMNIT!!" But, i knew they didn't copy, it was just a coincidence. I'm sure copying has happened quite a bit around here, and everywhere else. it happens. i would just take it for what it is and move on quickly. doesn't matter at the end of the day. also, the popular page is a big joke. it's all geared toward the same types of shots, and people get all worked up (in a good way if they are on it, in a bad way if they're not), and it starts to put a negative spin on people's projects. frankly, that popular page business makes me think people have waaaaay too much time on their hands, and maybe need to go outside and take a deep breath and think about what really matters in life.
November 17th, 2011
@paulremulla People do copy, people are inspired by as well. Hard to tell. I have seen much wonderful work here, much of it gallery worthy.
Very little of it, though, is truly unique.
November 17th, 2011
I think if you straight up duplicate the photo, you should give credit for that being your inspiration. (I've totally done that before, and also had it NOT done for me before, that was frustrating.)
But if it is something you were inspired by, the idea that made you think of something, etc, and you made it your own, then come on. No one should be that petty, you know? There is not a picture in the world that has not been done before.
Trust me, you didn't think of it. And neither did I. :D Just my HO.
November 17th, 2011
@deens - well said - I am of the same mind on this subject.
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