Blocking someone on 365?

November 28th, 2011
hey guys. This doesnt have to do with photography but rather a safety precaution. I will not say names but there is a guy on 365 who im not comfortable with viewing and always commenting on my photos. I looked at the people he is following, and all of them are young women. I dont mean to stereotype but i am just not comfortable with him on my page. He seems to ask awkward questions people won't usually ask, and so on.

is there anyway to block him from viewing my page? i have taken him off my followers but i would like it if he didn't associate with me.

I hope this doesnt come across horrible. I am a teenage girl who quite honestly wants to enjoy life with out the constant "fear" of someone "stalking" me. Quotations around those words 'cause im not sure if i should use them...

if there is no way to block him, thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully this helped you see that this website is meant for photography, not a way for men to meet young girls. Not saying you in particular are stalking any one, but for those few and possibly the man im talking about.

Thank you.
November 28th, 2011
I don't believe that there is a way to block someone. I know it's been asked before. However, your concerns are certainly something that Ross should be made aware of. @Scrivna
November 28th, 2011
Unfortunately there is no way to block someone. I actually wish there was such a feature to be honest. Maybe posting this discussion will be a good enough incentive for him to back off a bit.

I am a very social person on this site. Didn't use to be. When I first started I was all business. Post a photo, discuss nothing but photography, then move along. Over time I have become friends with people through this site and moved friendships off the site through phone numbers and FB and such. But from time to time someone will post me a comment just to let me know they don't want to banter or joke or talk about their day, they just want to talk about photography. It is nothing but a polite reminder and I respect their wishes.

Maybe you could try the same. Post it in the caption of tomorrow's photo. Or just respond to one of his comments and let him know you just want to keep the discussions relevant to your photography.
November 28th, 2011
In one word? No.

You can report them here if they get out of hand. Otherwise all you can do is ignore them and hope they will do the same with you.
November 28th, 2011
@jasonbarnette @mej2011 thank you so much for the advice and support:)
November 28th, 2011
@dmortega thank you
November 28th, 2011
I was looking through some of your recent shots, just because this thread naturally brought out my curiousity (which are quite lovely by the way) and I'm not sure who you're feeling uncomfortable about, because all the comments I saw seemed the usual encouraging and interested in your photos type comments. Unless maybe you deleted the comments from said person? Anyways, I don't really think you have anything to worry about from any of the comments that I saw. But just take care not to post to much personal info. I'm glad you're smart enough to realise the risks of public internet sites though - seems a smart thing to know in this age of massively stupid internet posters:)
November 28th, 2011
@pwallis yea i did delete some of the comments actually but thank you for taking the time to read this:) my mom was also concerned about this man and thats when i realized maybe i needed to make this public. its very unfortunate that teens these days do not recognize the potential dangers of the internet and thank you for pointing that out!

Thank you for saying you liked my pics btw:)
November 28th, 2011
@kkfielding Oh, I'm glad you posted this then, if your Mom had some concerns too. Hopefully he reads this and will realise his attentions aren't wanted.
November 28th, 2011
I'm sorry to hear you're not having such a great experience. Most people on this site are just genuinely friendly, but if you have concerns then it's great you can raise them with your Mum and with people on here. :-) Hope things settle down now.
November 28th, 2011
@pwallis yes thats what i am hoping too! Thats what i was trying to pitch.
November 28th, 2011
@wormentude thank you rachael!
November 28th, 2011
Very impressed that you are being careful Kayla....just don't give too much personal and private excess info out and you should always be fine.
November 28th, 2011
@traceysday yes thats what ive been taught thank you!
November 28th, 2011
good for you sweetheart, trusting your instincts! it will serve you well in many aspects of your life!
November 29th, 2011
@paulaag thank you:)
November 29th, 2011
In no way are you overreacting and I am impressed by your maturity of the situation. I just checked out your page and it was immediately clear that you are a teenager and a minor. I am glad you got your mother involved in this and asking her for advice. I am sorry that you are having unwanted comments that make you uncomfortable because they are not appropriate from a man towards a girl. While you cannot get rid of him, the next time he has a comment that is not about your photography, take the opportunity to let him know that you are still a teenager in high school and that his comments make you uncomfortable and you and your family find them inappropriate and that you would like to ask him to not comment on your photos again.

I wish you luck in hoping he gets the hints, but make sure you make copies of his comments in case there are any future problems.
November 29th, 2011
@brumbe great advice Paula.
That is pretty much what I was going to say. I was going to ask if you've confronted him directly. Being subtle and deleting comments might work, hopefully will work. But if it does not, a more direct approach may be needed. Not ugly, by any means, just honest- asking him to stop. And if you are uncomfortable with being the one to do that, maybe you can have your mom sign up here and make the comment?
Just some thoughts...
November 29th, 2011
You can also contact Ross with what is going on. letting him know what kind of things he has been saying and see if Ross can maybe let this guy know that if does not stop he may have to leave the site? or something to that effect
.. no matter what age, you should not have to have this kind of unwanted attention.. hope you get it sorted out...
November 29th, 2011
@brumbe @amyhughes @nikkers thank you all for the helpful advice:)
November 29th, 2011
Hey it's good you've got your eyes out for nutters - the internet attracts some low lifes. But it also attracts some people who are a bit maladjusted and are maybe misunderstood. Maybe he'll lose interest if you just leave him be. I know if I don't get replies, a follow, or reciprocated comments from someone I eventually lose interest. Maybe he's seen this and gets the message. I think you'll get on fine. Good luck. PS nice pics, I looked out of curiosity like Paula.
November 29th, 2011
@chewyteeth thank you:) and thank you! haha
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