Photo block

December 3rd, 2011
I have complete photo block. Since thanksgiving I can’t find a photo to take anywhere.

It’s gotten so bad that I even don’t feel like taking the camera out. I’m leaving for Vermont and don’t even want to pack the camera.

Maybe I need the 3 Ghosts of Nikon to come visit me at night and show me

Photos past
Photos present
And photos future
December 3rd, 2011
honey..i am right there with you.....not been a good month for me...
December 3rd, 2011
I feel the same way. Everything looks ugly out and I can't even seem to find birds.
December 3rd, 2011
@jml0306 I feel your pain - such a frustrating situation!! I felt the same way a month or two ago - a lot of my pics from that time are really lame iPhone snaps. Not that iPhone snaps are lame in and of themselves, but mine were, and they sure were lazy. I'd snap some random thing just so I could say, there ya go, there's my one for the day, happy now? :)

One thing that helped me was learning new techniques. In my case, I have done a lot of shooting on film lately, and exploring my love for vintage cameras. I have concentrated a lot, too, on learning new editing tricks, etc. Maybe this time, for you, can be about learning new techniques or trying something you haven't tried before. Even if you go out and shoot the same tree stump every day!

Today was a bleaaaah day for me, and so I went back and revisited an old photo. I find that, the more I learn about photography and editing, the more I hate the things I've shot in the past! :) So, instead of shooting a photo today, I reworked this one with some of the techniques I learned this week by participating in the Ansel Adams artist challenge.

Oh, and speaking of challenges - enter those, if you don't already! Enter them all. Sometimes that helps spark some inspiration.

Good luck and hang in there!
December 3rd, 2011
@jml0306 Not sure if this will help or not but I have never been to Vermont and would love to see some of the area you are visiting!! For some of us it is the only way we get to travel. LOL!
December 3rd, 2011
I can totally relate, too. It's so dull and gray outside, I'm having trouble coming up ideas. I keep hanging in there, though, since my 365 will be up sometime in January. I took a few pictures outside today and hated them all.
December 3rd, 2011
@jml0306 you may have a dry spell but you will suddenly have the perfect composition opportunity and you will go mad that you didn't bring your camera! hehe
December 3rd, 2011
I have the same problem, especially now that it gets dark at 5:00, is cold, windy, and snow tomorrow. I have really enjoyed this year of photos, but I am having a hard time during this final month.
December 3rd, 2011
I feel all your pain. I live out in the woods. Its all dead and no color right now. Yuck!!
December 3rd, 2011
It is becoming an ugly time of year here. I am looking around, to the right, to the left, up and down. I look for the different, the unusual, the pretty, the unique and then, take a shot of it. I am finding that there are all sorts of unusual thing tucked here and there. I don't always share all of my finds, but I have fun finding them. Sometimes, a different angle is all it takes to get my photographer interest back.
December 3rd, 2011
I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel like that. But when I don't take my camera with me, they are the times I see something and think "that would make a good photo" and I'm not able to capture it. Don't worry, I'm sure your photo 'mojo' will come back to you.
December 3rd, 2011
I feel ya!! Thats why I am trying new things. As you can tell by my most recent shots im going crazy for new ideas. Just tried water crowns and burning light bulbs. I have no idea what is next!! Anyways, you better pack that camera or you'll regret it!!!!!
December 3rd, 2011
All your photos are excellent to me, maybe U are giving too much expectation to yourself. Relax - take simple things (e.g. chair) and edit them excellently.
December 3rd, 2011
Oh man, I've been there for at least the last month. I'm actually looking forward to the end of my 365 so I can stop pressuring myself!!!
December 3rd, 2011
I am suffering from the same malady. Don't make the mistake of NOT packing your camera as then there'll be thousands of images to take!
I'm not sure how to cure this though...
If you find out, please let me know....
December 3rd, 2011
@jml0306 Take it with you and just start shooting things at random. No purpose behind what you are shooting just start taking pictures and you may amaze yourself at what comes out of it
December 3rd, 2011
I think we all get that way in our projects - i've been a bit hit and miss since the dark nights set in...absolutely take your camera to vermont - change of scenery might well help you. As some of the others have said - it becomes a bit pressured - especially when you have had a good run. Some of what I would consider some of my most uninspired shots have got favourable reactions - this drives me to try different stuff and not worry about the outcome. !
December 3rd, 2011
Gosh Joseph please pack your camera!! If you need inspiration have a look back at your shots - the autumn colours may not be there but the skies and the water will be and you seem to be able to find endless good shots!! Try some close-ups if the bigger scene is grotty?! Just please pack your camera - your photos are marvellous! :)
December 3rd, 2011
Joseph.... the problem may have been Thanksgiving. Perhaps you didn't balance the food feast with the beer feast? Too much food feasting and the onset of winter can leave one feeling like a sluggo. As the nights are getting cooler, you need a good stout, a dark ale, a porter or even a milk stout! Something smooth and velvety and creamy and rich and dark and oh so tasty!

Relax, drink one of three of those and take a photo of the glass of beer with its creamy head, and realise that yeah, winter is good for something!

But what ever you do, don't think about me, my frogs and the fact that is 7pm and still 82ºF where I live! Oh I so love summertime!

Don't do it Joseph!
December 3rd, 2011
There is always one great theme at 365, and that is today. Maybe you need a change of camera or style - can heartily recommend Hipstamatic for finding your mojo and having a play with reality. Enjoy all your photos of seascapes, Vermont, autumn, winter and deli's in New York.
December 3rd, 2011
PS Christmas is coming so make a wish list of camera toys

My fave is the iPhone telephoto lens - has brought me lots of fun and experimentation!
December 3rd, 2011
i hate when that happens.

maybe stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something you wouldn't normally do? like candid street shots of strangers.

or... perhaps you just need a little breather. whatever the case, now's the time to sift through your gems and post some on 365 you haven't yet... i love your shots! :)
December 3rd, 2011
The way I do. When I feel like to do pic I take a lot and store them. So I`ve collect many pic . Every day I choice a pic that feels the best that day
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