What's happening with views?

December 8th, 2011
As the year has gone on - my followers (friends) have gone up but my views have gone way down?

This photo got viewed 36 times - yet I have 383 followers? Do you get lost once you have a bunch of followers??

December 8th, 2011
Ive been wondering the same thing lately, Perhaps this community is'nt as vocal as they used to be? And this time of year is just crazy...
December 8th, 2011
I've also noticed a drop. I think it's just that time of year.
December 8th, 2011
I am thinking if they don't click on it, maybe it doesn't count as a view, i had 12 commnets on one the other day...when it was still at 5 views! So if they just look at their feed and comment there...no view!
December 8th, 2011
Well I know I viewed that picas it is one of my faves, so beautiful! But I agree, views have gone down recently, I suppose it is a busy time of year. I have been having trouble commenting much as my baby has been very wakeful at night lately and I seem to always be holding him, so it is hard to type :/
December 8th, 2011
Yeah I know what you mean my views used to be a lot higher but lately have dropped very low, I'm hoping it's the time of year & not my photos dropping in standards :)
December 8th, 2011
I've never had an extreme amount of views and comments, but I've noticed both for me has even gone lower which is kind of discouraging even though I try my best to comment as much as possible myself.
December 8th, 2011
I've been thinking the same thing lately. Seems like the community has gotten busy with other things, tired and uninspired for the moment but I'm sure it will turn around after the holidays.
December 8th, 2011
I would imagine there's a lot of people approaching their year and with that the volume of followers and capacity to follow and comment back reduces - also this is an incredibly busy time of year for everyone so I suspect the combination is the result. There'll be an influx of newbies in New Year so you will once again revel in the joys of lots of views and comments I'm sure!
December 8th, 2011
I have followers who are still listed on my profile but they are no longer part of the 365 but they are keeping their account active with the occasional post. I wouldn't sweat it.
December 8th, 2011
I think the same is happening to everyone of us and as I often get behind on commenting nowadays I don't blame anyone for doing the same. It's a shame but life is just so busy...
December 8th, 2011
Sheesh! If this pic is anything to go by, you have just picked up a new follower here! Nice tactic! LOL!!
December 8th, 2011
Pretty sure you get less views the longer you are on this site... I've experienced the same phenomenon... Only that I have just 80something followers. :P
December 8th, 2011
i have a hard time keeping up with everyone, unfortunately. the more folks i've started following the harder it is to keep up. hate that because i KNOW i'm missing out on a ton of amazing pics.
December 8th, 2011
Holidays, Priorities, Depression, Not enough time. Too much to look at...
Maybe it should not be about views as much as it should be about the fact that YOU have the what it takes to create and post... Have fun, we are all in the same boat. And besides, it's not like we are getting paid!!!
December 8th, 2011
I read on a similar thread to this one once that unless someone views your shot in the large format, it is not counted as a view. They have to click on the photo in order for it to count- not view in the thumbnail format on their home page. Sometimes I look at the amount of people that commented on a photo and then the stats and it doesn't seem to add up. So perhaps there is some truth to this theory. But I try not to get caught up in the stats game. I'm on this site to see other's work and to keep my creative self creative. I love getting comments and such, but I find if I think too much about that, I don't improve artistically. So, I agree with Jason- I wouldn't sweat it. This is a stunning picture- you should be pleased with the excellence you acheived in it.
December 8th, 2011
Same here. I really dont participate as much as I used to. But, you're one of my favorites! Ever since that ghetto blaster necklace!! :)
December 8th, 2011
last time I posted a photo was Sunday.. so busy at moment at I havent even taken a photo...
Time of year when people get busy .
December 8th, 2011
I have the opposite problem. I don't get lots of views,and that doesn't bother me because I'm kind of new. When I get a follower I always check out their pictures every day. But lots of times they don't keep up with their photos so I feel like I'm wasting my time always checking out their project day after day and no new photos to see. I wish they would delete me so I have more time to look at photos of people that choose to actually post a photo a day.
December 8th, 2011
I'm also guessing it could be the time of year. With the holidays approaching, I think a lot of people are very busy and may not have time to comment as much.
December 8th, 2011
@buttercup In their defense....they found your photos interesting enough to follow you so they could continue to see your work, so why would you not want them to continue to follow you if they are on here every few days to either post or check in? I have probably 40 or 50 dead followers, they are no longer active on here but Ross hasn't deleted their accounts yet so they inflate my number of followers. As for myself, and I can only speak for myself, I don't post every day or even every other day because of family and job responsibilities. I am on here as often as possible to comment and read threads but I usually end up posting a filler or a few photographs from one session that I did get to do. If you know that one of your followers is doing something similar where they dont' post every day, don't check every day. It is very nice of you to check your follwers every day but I don't think it's nice to wish they would quit following you simply because they don't post everyday and you end up looking at the same photo multiple times. If they quit the project,which is usually evident after a week or two of no posting then you can just skip them when you are going through your followers. I had a work related absence of 5 weeks this past summer. I posted about it in the photo before I left so anyone visiting my album would see it and know I was going to be back. I hope I didn't lose any followers because I didn't post for that long. I was amazed that I actually gained a few! Anyway, I am not trying to be mean, just to point out that each person is approaching this project from a slightly different angle and might not be able to post everyday. Just try to keep that in mind.....some people on here literally beg for followers in a discussion thread, so don't wish yours away!
December 8th, 2011
people tend to comment on the thumbnail which doesn't register as a view. Personally, if I like a photo enough to comment, then I click through to give them the view count. Sometimes I still like it enough to click through to view. It's my way of "liking" a picture.
December 8th, 2011
Great photo! I used to get tons of views and sad to say I am getting around 10 views per photo and I think I have been putting out my best work to date too so I try not to let it discourage me plus I am guilty of being so hectic busy I can't comment on others work like I used too its its like a double edged sword
December 8th, 2011
I agree.... I only have 54 followers who seem to be all active... but hardly ANY views. That sucks because I feel like I am taking the best pics I have ever taken lately!!! :(

I know getting views and comments aren't the say all end all - but it is nice to get feedback. I am in NO MEANS a pro but my pics have improved from when I started - yet with like no comments/views it makes me feel like I am doing something wrong and I just suck!
December 8th, 2011
That's a gorgeous photo, and I'm not sure how I missed it. I follow you and have for ages but I don't recall seeing many of your shots on my new feed lately. I wonder if it's the time you post them (I wonder that about my own shots too). I'm glad you highlighted this one as it's a beauty and well worth the attention. I do know I have been fairly busy lately and haven't had as much time to hang out on 365, so I tend to view and comment on people who do the same to me.
December 8th, 2011
Ive noticed that too. :( I think just so many people are busy this time of year. I have almost 400 followers and only get about only 30 views a day.
December 8th, 2011
Another thing I just thought of is it seems that if you want comments you have to be willing to give comments. It can be a lot of work but the more you put into commenting and being active in the discussions and competitions, etc.,the more you will probably get comments back. And as I mentioned above, it is a busy time of year so maybe people just aren't able to put the time into it right now.
December 8th, 2011
i noticed it drop about 3 months ago, i had 210 followers and averaged 35-55 views
December 8th, 2011
LOL as someone who has only 43 followers, of which maybe half are regularly active, it's very comforting to know that those of you with HUNDREDS of followers are experiencing the same thing! HAH! What a relief. Definitely the season is playing into it. And some people just don't stick with the project. I get a bit concerned when someone who's really active, making the PP, consistently comments on my photos etc, just suddenly stops posting photos.
December 8th, 2011
I am super busy and am about a week or two behind catching up just on who I follow, then have to get back to my followers. Also many of your followers have probably gone inactive as mine have (out of almost 200 I may only have 100 still posting regularly).
December 8th, 2011
I kind of noticed that, too. It almost seemed that when school started in September, things slowed down a little here. I wonder if school starting has anything to do with it.
December 8th, 2011
I know I am just super busy and out of time a lot. I do try to catch up, but sometimes it is taking days now. I also have noticed a drop in views and comments.
December 8th, 2011
I find that the time of day I post really influences both the amount of views and comments that I get on my photos. I agree that's it's both nice and encouraging to receive lots of feedback on your work, and even though I know the time of day influences that feedback it's just what time works best for me.
December 8th, 2011
@shadesofgrey No, you're totally off the point! I don't know anyone that would wish any followers go away, and that includes me. I think it is an honor if anyone even looks at my photos. I appreciate every single comment I get. I have so many great photographers that I follow and have learned so much from them. This is the most rewarding project I have ever had. Every day I can't wait to get on the computer and see the most beautiful and personal photos anyone could ever want to see. Anyone that wants to follow me is very much appreciated!
December 8th, 2011
@buttercup Oh, ok :)
December 8th, 2011
i have noticed the same- i think the time of year plays a big role- i am often guilty of posting and not commenting as life tends to get in the way...i think many of us are in the same boat:)
December 8th, 2011
@buttercup So then who do you wish would delete you? I'm confused. :)
December 8th, 2011
. @beautifulthing I don't wish anyone would delete me except people that quit posting pictures forever and ever.
December 8th, 2011
@olivetreeann Thanks Ann. I didn't know that. From now on I will click on the photo!
December 8th, 2011
@sbb1980 you took the sentiments of my feelings and words right out of my mouth...its good to know we aren't the only ones that feel the photog blues lol...I think I am just resigned myself despite anything and everything I just want to keep working on my art PERIOD views or no views (although that would be icing on the cake :) )
December 8th, 2011
Maybe we should adopt a follower and promise to comment on that followers photo each and every day before we post our own photo :) anyone want to adopt me? lol
December 8th, 2011
@shadesofgrey You can check to see how many dead accounts you have following : http://25tolife.net/sites/365scanner/

I have had one account that I followed and versa vicy, went away for over thirty days, came back and then has disappeared again. Life Happens.
December 8th, 2011
In the last 3 weeks my views have dropped to a fraction of what they were,

every photo would quickly get to 200 and eventually 300. these day it's in the 60's for on a good day 70. The comments are still stong but have also dropped.

Todays photo I think is one of the better one's that I have posted to date and it's under 70

here it is

December 9th, 2011
@byrdlip Thanks, I pretty regulary check that out. Thats how I know I have 40 or so dead followers (at last check anyway). I am rather perturbed that we can't elimnate our dead follwers because it inflates the number of followers we have when they aren't really following us. However I understand that people come back and leave and come back sometimes, so I understand not having the ability to control our followers and actually agree with it. They found something worthwile in my work and wanted to see more so they might still want to should they come back.

@jml0306 That is an amazingly beautiful photo! Please see below as I didn't want to flood your notification inbox!

@buttercup @mittens @nanalisarocks @shortperson2002 and of course @tnaki I feel like it is the time of year as far as school, holidays, etc. I also think that part of it is that only the hardcore 365'ers are left. I noticed that in Jan the number of new users was way up as most seemed to be trying out a new year's resolution...I know I came in during that time of year, albeit not because of a resolution, only because of timing when I found this site. I remember spending hours on here viewing, following, commenting on many many photos, threads, discussions, and the like. Now I am lucky to get an hour or more.... I'm sure that in a month or so the views will be bumped up again with a new crop of people finding the site and feeling the excitement of the project's beginning. I personally don't stress views although it is nice to see more than less on a photo I appreciate! I have way more followers than I ever really expected and more than some others on here so I have no space to complain about anything, really. JMO.
December 9th, 2011
I agree, Shades of Grey. I started last January, also not as a resolution but since my daughter started it and wanted me to try it. It probably will pick up again in January for the reasons you mentioned.
December 9th, 2011
I dont have that many friends... so I barely have views in my pics... sometimes I get bored of that and I stop downloading pictures but then I realized that I am doing this just because I like it (although is nice that other people get to see your pictures and comment on them )
December 9th, 2011
@tnaki Fab photo and I have faved! I too find my views and comments are down, but then I feel this is self-inflicted. I have less and less time in my day to view and comment on others, and therefore cannot expect this to be reciprocated. At one time I went through my daily feed and tried to view each photo and comment.

I just wish we had a few more hours a day to view more and enjoy the brilliant artists on this site....but unfortunately life is busy. In the NY I expect to be able to post only once or twice a week as I am travelling for 6 months and living in a tent (for my sins), but I will do what I can to keep up. I expect views, comments, etc to drop right back, but I think I can only get out of this site what I put into it.
December 9th, 2011

I think the numbers of views/followers/whatevers will pick up significantly come January! :)
December 9th, 2011
After having been around the internet for ages it seems, this time of year is always slow. Be it online forums, online games, ect. So much is happening in people's real lives with the holiday, that something has to give.
December 9th, 2011
ive been super busy lately so im guilty of both not posting and not viewing much but trying to get back in to it lol ! .... i think people just have less time this time of year
December 9th, 2011
@laceyjogautreau Ha ha thanks Lacey !!!
December 9th, 2011
@kiwichick I wondered if it was timing as well - but I think the more people you follow the less you see of others - it just depends on the day you look as to what you'll see!
December 9th, 2011
Yeah I think the more people you follow - the more likely you'll miss photos - I follow alot of people and haven't had a chance to get online as much with my new job - so if I miss a day - I miss all those photos - must be that and the time of year!
December 10th, 2011
lol, my views are always on the low side. Nothing's changed for me.
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