365 INPUT post already closed.

December 30th, 2011
I am sorry, I was hoping to let the members as well give feedback. Why did you close it please?
December 30th, 2011
Ross owns and runs the site -- he has the best input.
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
@sdpace Stacy, since the other thread was closed as soon as I posted I will reply here. I understand who owns and runs the site, trust me. But why do they have the best input? I was hoping others would be able to comment and help by giving their feedback, that is how you make something more successful, or more user friendly, with positive feedback or suggestions. Thanks for the inspiration!
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
@billbetten Can you link the thread?
December 30th, 2011
@billbetten Most of your questions were technical - the full site thing to reply to comments is standard - I've never considered it a bother. I don't know how anyone could help with your email photo problem - sometimes it takes awhile. Maybe it's your cell provider. Maybe it's the image size ... Lots of variables there. @eyebrows has already joined in so maybe he has insight. Ross is very thorough and and fast to reply - he probably felt the nature of yor questions meant the post was addressed to him so he answered and closed it.
December 30th, 2011
@sdpace Thanks again! Love your work............
December 30th, 2011
Yeah Ross closed the thread as it was done. He'd answered all your points and there was nothing else to be said on that topic, really. Every so often he's created a "give me your feedback please" thread himself and then taken on board comments and feature requests, but he can't be responding to these all the time.

This entire website is also hand coded by him, and run by him (in his spare time), so there's no standard "forum software" that he could just get a PM/IM plugin for - he'd have to write the whole thing himself, as well as consider the privacy implications. Most people do fine with commenting on photos. If you ever do want to contact people externally, you can always create a temporary mailbox at Mailinator and stick that in your comment, to avoid publicly disclosing your email address. Works well enough as a stop-gap mechanism.

Also have you noticed the little grey speech bubble at the top right? It turns black whenever you have any notifications, and you can always use that to navigate to the specific photos/comments without having to manually search.

If you're curious about me, I signed up January 2010, have hung around because I like the place, and am a moderator, but we don't have many abilities besides closing threads. I'm also a professional web developer so I know my way around these things and try to help out where I can :)
December 30th, 2011
As far as your "emailing my photos in" woes are concerned, I can only echo what Ross said - make sure you check the size of your files you're trying to mail in. Email isn't 100% reliable or guaranteed, and there are *tonnes* of different reasons why these may not have been getting through.
December 30th, 2011
@eyebrows It really does not matter, in the big picture of things. I will keep on sharing my project where I can w/o uploading issues. . I started this project to learn about who I am and what inspires me. I upload elsewhere every day w/o a single issue from my phone, which was working here as well. Nothing on my end changed, it just nevers shows up to upload. I take a picture (many) a day and I share that picture the same day easily here as well.. I see so many great photographers here and want to learn as much as a I can. There are a few people I have connected with and would like to share my finds history/location of subject matter) with them in a less time consuming manner. in 2012, creating ANOTHER email address to reply in a forum to just too much work on both ends. Thanks for the input about the speech bubble, i found it, it shows 7 days back.

The bottom line is this, IT IS WHAT IT IS. I am continuing this project and having fun while doing it. Thanks for your input.
December 30th, 2011
@eyebrows MOI?????
December 30th, 2011
@stepheesue que?!
December 30th, 2011
@billbetten I'm going to guess English ain't your first language. Really not sure if you're being aggressive there or not. Nobody's telling you not to continue, or having a go at you...
December 30th, 2011
I am not being aggressive here at all, I am frustrated that I cannot easily share my picture here with people is all. Sorry if that is how it appears. If there was a PM or IM, this conversation would not be taking place publicly, and yes English is my first language. Thanks for your feedback.
December 30th, 2011
@billbetten hi bill, sorry if you wanted something extra, I agreed with your points and have even started working on the better site notifications. I also left my email address for you to contact me personally if need be. I will take a look in to your problems.

The policy for closing threads are that if a question arises and is answered to a satisfactory level and it isn't of much use to the wider community, then it is closed.

Good luck with the rest of your project, and I will get those issues sorted out.

Thanks for your participation, this thread has now been closed.