Congrats to 2011 365 Project graduates!

December 31st, 2011
Congratulations to all of you who are completing your project today! I've had the pleasure of coming to know several of you through your very inspiring work and have learned much not only from your work but from your critiques on my photos. I wish you good luck on whatever you do now, but I hope you won't go away!

I'd like to know, and I think others would as well, what your plans are now that you've completed your project. Will you continue with Year 2, or are you just ready to move on? If you're leaving, do you have any parting thoughts or words of wisdom?

Thank you very much for what you've done while you were here and good luck as you move on or continue on.
December 31st, 2011
Mb, I will be moving on as you so gracefully put it. But I will continue with Year 2. Parting words of wisdom can be found in my past week of photos. 2012 is a new year.
December 31st, 2011
Yes, well done everyone! I know a lot of people start at the new year, hopefully you have enjoyed your project. I know I couldn't stop after the first year, so I do hope people stick around for a 2nd year.
December 31st, 2011
I made it to 365 today and can hardly believe it! There were days when I had an abundance of great shots and days when I pretty much clicked at whatever was closest to me on the way to bed but I managed to have one unique photo for each and every day of the year.
I think it's become a life habit now so I can't imagine myself stopping.
The thing I will do differently next year is to store my files in a neat and tidy format on my computer so that when I get to the end and want to print them in a book I won't be searching back through portable drives and iPads etc like I am now!
December 31st, 2011
I've just uploaded my 365th pic and that's me done. It's been a great project that I've enjoyed immensely but I'll be moving on. I'll be back regularly to check on my friends' ongoing projects, though :)

My words of advice?
1/ Don't fall behind. Once you do, it'll be too hard to recover. Make it a ritual like brushing your teeth every day or changing your undies twice weekly. So many friends and top peeps I've followed over the last year have fallen victim to falling behind.
2/ Don't pander to the PP. Keep it fresh, stay an individual. That way your project will truly be your own.

Rock out, peeps! =D
December 31st, 2011
@mebswartz thank you, I was unsure until I actually posted the final photo if I'd be continuing or not, but it was at that moment I decided I'd be heading on to year 2
@Scrivna thank you for making this possible for all of us
December 31st, 2011
Thank you! :-) It's my final day today, this year went by so quickly! I will also continue, maybe not every day, but I would be sad to leave... I'm enjoying this so much! :-)
December 31st, 2011
It's my final day today, and although I have NO idea what I'll be shooting to commemorate my final shot of my first year I know I'll be carrying on. After completing this year sooc so I could focus on learning about my camera and photography basics, next year I'll be finally attempting to learn about editing :)

This site has been beyond helpful for me though, it's kept me going when taking pictures was a struggle and with personal issues throughout the year. I have learnt SO much about techniques, using my camera and just about everything else to do with photography. I can't see me ever leaving! :)
December 31st, 2011
@mebswartz Thanks Mb! My 365th photo will be uploaded later today and I'm quite excited to see it take place! I will go on to year 2 having totally enjoyed year 1 and all the great people I've met here. I'll make a few adjustments to posting and commenting, but I'll still be on the site everyday cheering on my followers who are still "running the race". Thanks for the well-wishes! My advice would be this: take photos and take part on this site because you love taking photos, want to improve your skills and enjoy meeting other photographers who inspire you. The rest is icing on the cake.
December 31st, 2011
I've had images floating around in my head all week. This truly is the last day of my project.

I've kept an album in reserve, which I plan on starting tomorrow to start year 2.


Comment on others and they will comment onto you.

Explore. Don't do the same thing every day. I went in looking for ways to improve my B&W and portraits. I think I've succeeded. I've also improved in a lot of other areas. I've stretched myself and really removed myself from my comfort zone. A year ago, there was no way I'd just walk up to some random stranger and ask if I could take his picture.

Ask questions. In my opinion, the only dumb question is the unasked one. Scroll through the discussion boards to see if your questions has already been asked. If not, ask away. I would venture that 99.95% of us won't bite.
December 31st, 2011
I have yet to post my final photo today, but I have already renewed my Ace membership and plan to complete a second year. I was pretty rigid this year in that I could not miss a day or use fillers so I might relax that rule a little bit in the coming year. I went from barely knowing how to turn my camera on to using it almost exclusively in manual mode. I've learned so much by doing this project and doing a second year will help me keep developing skills.

I started this project as a daily photo diary of my year, and I noticed yesterday as I was looking through my photos that I remember where I was, the weather, and other things about the day I took each photo so I think the project served its purpose in that way, too.

Last, but not least, I've enjoyed the interaction with others and actually met a couple of new friends through this site. I'm not ready to walk away from that.
December 31st, 2011
@Scrivna Illbe here and thanks for creating/managing this great site!
December 31st, 2011
To everyone - thanks for the inspiration, advice, comments, feedback and creativity! This has been the BEST thing I have done for my photography in years. Although I won't be continuing for year two on a daily basis, I will post occasionally.
@Scrivna Ross - can't even begin to thank you for this site! You have done a remarkable job and I believe this is one of the top sites on the internet! Thank you for helping me realize my dreams with photography!
December 31st, 2011
I've just uploaded my last photo. Congratulations to everyone else who complete their project today.

Adding my thanks to you too Ross for starting and maintianing this site. @scrivna
December 31st, 2011
BIG thanks to you Ross for creating this site but thank you to everyone who offered advice and their knowledge to help me grow this year. I've loved this project immensely but I will be continuing here!!
December 31st, 2011
I have just uploaded my last 365 picture today as well. Happy New Year!
December 31st, 2011
I just uploaded my last photo for the project - but not my last photo. I do plan on taking a few days off though and then starting again. It has become a part of my life so now I need to think of a "new theme" for 2012!
December 31st, 2011
Congratulations to you all for your hard work and dedication this year... I have throughly enjoyed your pics and inspiration. today should have been my 365 too but unfortunately life got in the way earlier this year, I expect to finish around March time. I am looking forward to seeing your fab pics of those of you who continue into year 2.
But for now.... happy New Year and I wish you all good health and lots of fun for 2012 xx
December 31st, 2011
I just uploaded my last 2011 shot! I will definitely continue in 2012 with a second project. I can't imagine not to!

The only advise I can give is just to go on shooting and take it one day at the time :)

December 31st, 2011
I've just posted number 365 and will be continuing. I think my advice (especially to myself) will be to relax and go with the flow - all of my favourite pictures appeared out of the blue - you can think too hard!! Thanks @scrivna for a fab site!
December 31st, 2011
My last shot for 2011.

December 31st, 2011
@webfoot Fabulous shot! Mine will not be nearly as dramatic... :) As a matter of fact, I am still toying with ideas!
December 31st, 2011
@hagscat I have missed you... hope things are good and I will be looking forward to seeing more from you. :)
December 31st, 2011
I will be way I could stay away! I think I'll use my second year more as building a portfolio, where year one was just learning more about photography. I may not be as hard on myself year 2 to get a shot EVERY day, but will definitely continue.
December 31st, 2011
My last day today too, I did it - whoo hoo!! :oP

Well, nearly.. just need to upload my last pic haha ;o)

I'll be sticking around, although not posting a picture every day this time! Have a happy new year everyone!!
December 31st, 2011
well done all you are all awesome ! ..... well u did better than me haha ! ..... i gave p but now restarting tomorrow fingers crossed i get there ! .....
December 31st, 2011
It is wonderful to hear so many of you are staying for a second year. I am part way through year 2 and am still really enjoying it. 365 helps keep me sane (I am a stay at home mum at the moment), something I get to do for myself :)
December 31st, 2011
I'm going to be finishing up today. I dont think I'll stick around and do another whole year but I'll try to upload some of my best shots I get this next year. Thanks to everyone who followed me for your support I really appreciate it.
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