Best Advice You Can Give New Members

January 2nd, 2012
If you could only give two bits of advice to new members what would it be. When I first started it was on a whim with a friend and I cannot imagine not doing this for a year. So list below good bits of advice so that everyone can get the most of the project.
January 2nd, 2012
1) The majority of people here are not professional photographers - Most of us are here just to try the project out and we end up learning quite a bit. So do not be afraid to try new things, ask questions and celebrate when things do not work out. The best way to learn is by doing.

2) Participate in discussions, take the time to let people know you like their pictures, do all the challenges. The best way to get followers is to be out there and be seen.
January 2nd, 2012
i like your advice.. also us newbies neet to get ace, like myself.. when i get my debit card in the mail.. i lost mine :-[
January 2nd, 2012
@boycotting Justin, the ace membership is the way to go, it gives you a lot more opportunity to do themes and challenges. I like to tell people it is the cost of five days at Starbucks.
January 2nd, 2012
Excellent topic Paula!!!

I so agree with what you said!! Also for me, I would say:

Never give up, you can do it
Stay true to yourself, it is your project, do what is best for you.

I know for me, there were times it was hard, but in the end, I am so thankful that I stayed with it, I learned a lot, and found that this community is so awesome and supportive, you can lean on them, ask questions, comment, and participate. :) Best place ever!!

January 2nd, 2012
Comment on photos. Don't hesitate to ask how someone did something. Try the themes. Try some edits. Do a challenge.

But most of all...

Have fun and do this project for YOU! =)
January 2nd, 2012
Take your camera everywhere with you...
Use your camera, don't be embrassed to pull your camera and take pictures....
January 2nd, 2012
Oh wait, can I add three - Do not lock yourself in rules too quickly (using only one camera, using only one object for a year, never allowing to edit). There is so much room to experiment and grow so allow yourself to have flexibility.
January 2nd, 2012
* always have your camera with you
* take photos of everything and anything
* participate in all you can on the 365 site
* have fun
January 2nd, 2012
just keep shooting, even when you feel like you've lost your inspiration and your mojo. we all go thru slumps of various sizes and you've just got to hang in there and keep going.

if you want followers and comments, then follow and comment on people who's work inspires you.

welcome noobs!!!
January 2nd, 2012
Great discussion, Paula! Here's my two bits:

1) This project is so much more meaningful if you really get to know people. Pick a few people who share your passions or whose photos inspire you and visit them as often as you can. You can tell alot about a person from the photos they choose to post each day and true friendships can be formed here that transcend the internet.

2) Have fun and don't be afraid to post a bad photo if that is all you have. The most important thing is to post every day. The first month is the hardest, but there is a theory that anything you for for 28 days becomes a habit. 365 is a really good habit to have because it won't take long before you start seeing more beauty in the world every single day.
January 2nd, 2012
I just started today. This is probably the most useful discussion I have seen posted so far. Others may be fun, or interesting in their own way, but this one is actually useful. Thanks for starting it.
January 2nd, 2012
@mbennett my pleasure. There are so many questions popping up and welcoming people, but I thought that if we could share what we found most important it would make it easier for you.
January 2nd, 2012
I agree with all the others, but here are a couple of Mum things that you should always remember
-- Not everyone looking at your photos is a great person..(though all of us here are of course!) DO NOT give specific address details...or clues... especially if you have children, and don't give away too much about your friends and family you photograph as well. Tracking is easier than it looks.
Other than that, have a great time!
January 2nd, 2012
I've had a drink tonight, so I can't say that I've read the other posts ;) but, here is my two penneth for what it's worth..

Get involved, read discussions, reply and become part of the community.
Have a look around, check out the browse tab at the top and have a look at the new and popular people, if you like their pictures, comment and follow!
Check the exif info on photos you like - it'll give you a starting point if you want to re-create what people have done.
ASK....people are more than willing to share their knowledge, if you want to know if someone created a shot, just ask! If you want to know something and you haven't found someone to ask, well then search the discussions or start your own.

This site is beyond friendly. Everyone started on day 1 at some point. Take advantage of us all, and above everything, enjoy it!
January 2nd, 2012
1. The only rule is there are no rules. This is your project so you decide what your goals are. My own “rule” was that the photo I posted for the day must have actually been taken on that day.
2. Don’t obsess over the Popular Page. Sure, it’s fun to see your photo there, but photos make the popular page for various reasons, not necessarily because they are the best. Lots of amazing photos never make the Popular Page.
January 2nd, 2012
Put a good amount of time you spend here into other people - if you follow and really thoughtfully comment on their work you'll be rewarded with attention to what you are posting.

Don't take yourself too seriously - just plan to do your best and put something up every day - you won't believe how wonderful it feels to soon have accomplished a body of work. Sure you'll cringe at some when you look back; but others will make you feel proud. And you can feel good about the effort no matter what.

Save favorites of others' work - so many people don't - and I have to say it's one of my greatest pleasures here - going back through my treasure trove of pics that spoke to me, made me smile or tear up or just give me a thrill every time I look at them.

And # 4 - have fun!
January 2nd, 2012
@reba well said about the Fav's... there are people no longer doing 365 that I have fav's and I still adore their photos.
No rules, HAVE FUN and don't be afraid to try different things. I have laughed more at myself this year thanks (@bobfoto) and tried ideas I might never have even thought's YOURS, Enjoy! Happy New Obsession!
January 2nd, 2012
Fantastic advice! Just what I needed to read :D thanks
January 2nd, 2012
The one rule is that there are no rules...but having said that...the more involved you become to more rewards you will reap. Get in and comment on the photos of others, but, if you don't have something positive to say don't say it...that doesn't mean you can't be critical, most people here ask for and expect critique, just be pleasant about it.
January 2nd, 2012
Welcome to all the newbies :) I am in to my second year, so obviously love it. The thing I have found really great about 365 has been that I have gotten to know my camera alot better over time, so experiment with your camera. The community here is great, it is supportive, a source of inspiration, a place to learn technical 'stuff', so get involved in discussions, comment on others photos, enter themes. My other bit of advice would be not to get too stressed about it. So what if you post a similar photo to one youhave posted before, or if you miss a day, the project is for you so enjoy it :)
January 2nd, 2012
In addition to all the previous comments, never overlook the ordinary, mundane things you encounter in your daily life. Sometimes they will surprise you. Not everyone is going to capture spectacular sunsets on a daily basis.
Whenever possible, take lots of photos.
Have fun!
January 2nd, 2012
@traceysday VERY good advice Tracey. I have to say that I've had some unwanted attention due to my carelessness in posting. I'm more careful about that now, but it's a bit like closing the barn door after the horse escapes.
January 2nd, 2012
Number One: Participate in the site in all aspects

Number Two: Get an Ace membership it will help you with Number One
January 2nd, 2012
1) Ignore your stats. Don't get sucked into the numbers game, or wrapped up in how many views and comments and followers and yada yada yada that you have. It's tedious to us and it'll be tedious to you, too.

2) Don't get too caught up in comparing yourself to others. There are better photographers than you on this site; there are worse ones, too. Do the best YOU can with what YOU have, and don't ever ever feel that what you have is not good enough. It is good enough because it is yours. That is all that matters.

Oh...HAVE FUN!! That's the bestest rule of all. :)
January 2nd, 2012
As many people have said keep a camera handy, even if it is just your cell phone. I have some great shots on here that I got with the phone. (i.e. July 3 and Nov 26) If you don't have a camera, you can't get the shot. I have my phone in my pocket and a point & shoot (Pansonic DMC-ZS7) in my car. I pull out the SLR when I want to get more serious. Maybe 20% of the shots were with the SLR.

That said here are my two bits:
There will be days when you don't want to leave the house. That's OK, there are plenty of things you can shoot without going anywhere. (i.e. Jan 29, July 17)

There will be days where the shot you do is a stinker. (i.e Apr 1, Apr 24) Just accept it and move on. Don't beat yourself up over it. Tomorrow is a new day. As others have said this is about you and learning new things and improving your skills.
January 2nd, 2012
Most of the good advice has already been given, so I'll just share my philosophy
"If in doubt - overprocess!" - Picnik ( is fantastic for making an ordinary photo more interesting!

Also, if you start running out of ideas, do a challenge - there are a few around, with new ideas appearing every month. Finding a few challenge buddies to do the same challenge can make it a lot of fun and help you keep going. Just search for 'challenge' on the discussion boards and see what takes your fancy.

Mostly, as others have said, just have fun :)
January 2nd, 2012
@brumbe Great thread, thanks for getting the ball rolling!
And thankyou to all the existing members, some fantastic tips here, I'll definately be taking into consideration!
January 2nd, 2012
Don't be afraid to ask!
Some of the regularly used abbreviations had me perplexed when I started - but then that might just be me ;-) Here's a couple, you'll see frequently:

SOOC = Straight out of camera, i.e. no post-processing
WWYD = what would you do; one of the challenges regularly posted where you can try your editing skills on someone else's photo

If it's the dark time of the year where you live and you don't have the opportunity to take shots during daylight hours - embrace it! Play around with indoor shots and lighting, candlelight, light trails...
the world's your oyster! Have fun!
January 4th, 2012
@brumbe Thank you for this thread! All the advise has been so welcoming and relevant! Sounds like such a wonderful community!
January 4th, 2012
@jadenixon my pleasure and welcome to the group. I just wish the post remained on the side bar longer, but the more discussions people post the quicker you move off, so thanks for finding this.
January 10th, 2012
My new best friend in this project is the search bar. I just started this month, and I have used the search bar just about everyday. Just type in the word I'm looking for and up come all the discussions on that topic. start reading the discussions, then I'm off looking at other people's pictures
@brumbe thanks for starting this one, I found it by searching "abbreviations". Found 4 helpful discussions
January 11th, 2012
I have had this question since day one ( Im a newbie)..Is there any rule about posting a pic that you have taken in the past that you just want to share..or does the pic have to be one taken exactly on the day you post it...Im curiouse on how to post more then one good picture that i would like to share.Any Help would be greatly appreciated!!..
January 11th, 2012
Oh and Thank you for starting this discussion...a must read for us newbies!!
January 11th, 2012
@ellimae - some people will say every picture has to be taken and posted on THAT day or it shouldn't count.... some people say taken on that day, but you can post whenever... others say it doesn't matter when it was taken, but it should be edited that day... and still others say it doesn't matter at all! Bottom line? Decide what YOU want to do for your own project, and stick to that :) As for posting more than one good picture / day? You have to get an Ace account - that gives you multiple albums and you can post the "other" stuff in them - without it, you're limited to one photo per day :)
Welcome, and have FUN!
January 11th, 2012
@ellimae my pleasure, it was to help new membERS OUT. I myself did a week of travel fillers because it made me happy.
January 12th, 2012
@dawnetta Thankyou soooooooooooooooo much Dawnetta!! You have brought me back to Life!! I get really stressed when i cant figure something out on my own and i am reluctant to ask Questions...I have somehow gotten ahead on my calender ( have no idea how so im having to post to the next day and I dont want everyone to think i am not doing it correctly..I am one to follow the rules and i felt so overwelhmed by that!! I know this all sounds crazy but i am stuck in an RV 3000 miles away from my home and family and going a bit that!!! I decided to do this to keep me busy and a sort of diary of our travels...Im loving it so far i cant wait each day to post and see whats up! Thanks again and if i ever have a Question again i wont be afraid to ask I just found the message link by mistake that is the only way i could of gotten this message ! Learning something new everyday...Sorry for the long post i am just so excited!!
January 12th, 2012
@brumbe Its people like you that make all the difference in the world...:)
January 12th, 2012
All great ideas, thank you for this thread :)
I am only 12 days in and loving it!
January 12th, 2012
@ellimae It sounds like you are ready for an ace account which has three albums. Thank you for the compliment
January 12th, 2012
push yourself to do some editing, not every day if your new to it but play around with your photos, even if you just use its super simple and easy1 by the end of a year you will have learned a ton!
January 12th, 2012
@brumbe Wow, thanks for this discussion. Just what I needed! I've been a bit overwhelmed by the photographic equipment that seems to be used, so it was good to read Mike's comment above (@mcrt). I get the feeling tho that I'm soon going to want to invest in something a lot fancier than the Canon PowerShot A3100 I have at the moment! This could prove a costly exercise!! :))

PS: Is there a way to follow a discussion so that you can see future comments?
January 13th, 2012
1. Take the time to look around you
- Have you REALLY looked and seen the buildings that you walk past every day without thinking about it? Anything interesting? Shoot it, google it, learn about it. Not only do you end up with a photo of it, you get to increase your knowledge of what's around you - some things may have an amazing history.

2. If you're really doing this project in the original spirit of it, keep shooting even if you dont feel it or are lacking inspiration. You'll break through the barrier and be glad you did once you're on the other side. You'll also notice your photography getting better from month to month
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