Trouble with 2012?

January 2nd, 2012
Hi folks. I joined today and would really like to participate in this site but my very first uploads are causing me significant grief. I've uploaded the photos, written all the tags and picked the dates but I keep getting "This date cannot be used" errors. I've used 2 January 2012 since that is the current date here in Australia. I also tried 1 January but got the same error. I also tried 3 January, though that is the future, but with no greater success. I did a search for the error and found a few people with the same problem last year but they all seem to have been trying future dates.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me a solution to this....
January 2nd, 2012
You seem to have photos on those dates already, so that's probably all it is.
January 2nd, 2012
Well I don't see how - this is the first 6 photos I have ever uploaded and even those haven't yet been saved successfully?
January 2nd, 2012
Wait! They have all uploaded despite the error message?! Sweet, I'll just carry on as if I never got the error :-) Thanks Jinx:-)
January 2nd, 2012
I see three photos in your album - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of January 2012. You don't have an Ace account, which means you have one album, so you can only have one photo for each date. If you want to add extra photos for the same dates, you will need an Ace account, and you'll need to create extra albums (and select the alternate album when you upload). HTH!
January 2nd, 2012
I'm seeing posts on 1, 2, 3rd Jan so as Jinx says the uploader won't let you enter a shot that is already posted to that day. The uploader will default to the date the photo was taken, if there is already a photo on that day you have to manually change the date to a free spot on your project
January 2nd, 2012
Thanks folks, I wasn't aware that I could only load one per date. After the third I'll be more selective about the one photo I'm allowed. Thanks again for the clarification :-)
January 2nd, 2012
Furthermore, this has made me realise that the date wasn't set on my camera! Fixed now but I wonder how long it would have taken me if not for joining 365Project! :-) Well, I guess I did join so I could figure out as much as I could about the camera :-)
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