Hello Everyone!

January 3rd, 2012
Hi everyone I just found this site and think it is amazing! I have one question...I thought this site was for uploading a pic a day and at the end of the year having a collection of photos, but I am starting to think maybe this is more of a photography site to post good pics...not just silly ones or whatever you're feeling that day. Please let me know it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!
January 3rd, 2012
The purpose of the site is to take and post a photo a day for the entire year. Whatever the subject matter is up to you. Welcome and Good Luck!
January 3rd, 2012
I'm new to this site too, but I think it's both. You take a picture of how or whatever you're feeling, but push yourself to do it in a creative way so people can feel or see what you do. I am no nowhere near a professional photographer, but I want to take some awesome pictures this year :) I hope you join and good luck!
January 3rd, 2012
Thank You!
January 3rd, 2012
Carly, I just take a picture that inspires me during the day. Somedays it may be on my cell, or my camera. Just have fun!
January 3rd, 2012
@carlyswanson , @lostwaveitb
Yup , its a photo a day,, unless you buy an Ace account and then you can have three albums therefore submit 3 photos..

You can submit a photo of your big toe or do an artist shot. landscape or portrait. It can be about pushing yourself creatively or about documenting your life for a year.. Some people are about SOOC straight out of camera. and some like me edit edit edit..
Its your project to use as you see fit.. it is an adult sight, so the subject matter can be of an adult nature, although for the few people that submit nudes etc there is always some type of controversy ..
There is a weekly Themed comp. Ross (owner of site) will choose 5 photos and then we will all vote.. the winner then chooses the next theme.
We also have other weekly comps that members have started and again its based on the idea that the winner chooses the next theme...
It can be a fun and social place or you can just do your year pretty low key.
If you want feed back and crits then you should request in your photo description,
sometimes people will come from behind their pc's and actually meet each other. and that is a fun time to be had..
anyway hope you enjoy your time here.. and have fun

oh and most of my photos are silly ones... nothing more fun than a silly photo ..:)
January 3rd, 2012
From what I've learned is the only rule is, there are no rules. There's every sort of calibre of photography here, so it's whatever suits you!
January 3rd, 2012
It's your project - use it as a diary, a blog, or a means to improve your photography - it's entirely up to you. The main thing is to have fun:) Welcome to 365!
January 3rd, 2012
Simply.........it's 365 days of YOUR life. Whether you are pro or not....it's a great place to learn lots of things and meet some really cool people. Enjoy the ride!!
January 3rd, 2012
Best online community ever! And, yes, the type of photos you shoot and post are totally your choice... if you look around you will see total beginners, people who use the site as a photo diary, professionals, "artsy" types, really a bit of everything! Just enjoy it in whatever way you choose. :)
January 3rd, 2012
Hi everyone,I`am new here too.
I love Photography,Arts.....just want to have some fun & maybe learn a thing or two about taking better photo`s. cheers!
January 3rd, 2012
It's your project so you can do w-h-a-t-e-v-e-r you what want. Some people do a pic-a-day some people take 10 photos one day then upload one, known as filler for the next 10 days and some load pics from years before. Some are good, some are bad, some are silly, some are mad. The idea is to have fun with it, learn a bit and 'meet' some crazy amazing people, from all over the world along your journey. Good luck and enjoy. :)
January 3rd, 2012
The interesting thing about this site is that you have a range of skills. Those who take a photo of whatever to those who Photoshop the heck out of them. I find some photos to be so amazing that it pushes me to try something new. It's fun and I learn something by trying to replicate what someone has done.

I think the only goal that is important is to try to take a photo each day. You'll keep your learning process going, and at the end you're hopefully have a fun set of pictures to look back on and be excited about. It's not always easy, so don't be discouraged. Try again tomorrow.
January 3rd, 2012
As everyone else has said, it's entirely up to you how you use the site. I try to upload photos that reflect my life, and some of those might be of interest to other people or as photographs in their own right, while others might not. If I have one photo a week that gets a few favs and lots of views then I think I'm doing well! Seeing other peoples photos on here is a great learning experience too.

Good luck with your project, however you use it!
January 3rd, 2012
I agree with what everyone's said here already. Do whatever you want... I wanted my project to be a journal for my year and i'm kind of glad that I did it that way. Of course i did side track myself for a while to take part in the alphabet challenge and still tried to tie it into what happened that day.

I found that as I progressed, I wanted to find out how to take better images to highlight my day... looking back from the start of my project to the end, I can definately see an improvement
January 3rd, 2012
* and just so ya know....there is a guy on here that takes pics of dog poop everyday because he has a job that deals with removal....so it can be about anything, anyway you want it to be!
January 4th, 2012
You all are so nice! You've made me very excited to use this site. Thanks to each and everyone of you :)
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