Your favourite 'fav' from between 12th-18th November

November 22nd, 2010
I hope I'm not treading on any feet, but I seemed to remember someone having a thread where we appreciated and showed our fav from fellow 365ers work. It is always hard to choose, but Delia's @deliag photo just gave me a great big smile and that's a nice way to start the week.
November 22nd, 2010
November 22nd, 2010
From FaerieMoon

November 22nd, 2010
Thought this one from Kyla was really beautiful

November 22nd, 2010
I have to be honest. This is a hard one. This week there was a ton of really nice work.
This one for the feeling. Such an amazing photo.

And if you don't mind, this one as well. The composition is excellent. His work is really quite nice.
November 22nd, 2010
I can't pick just one :D

I this this is just the cutest shot of the sweetest little guy in the world:

And I don't think Fiamma has any idea just how amazing her work is

November 22nd, 2010
Love this from pocketmouse...
November 22nd, 2010
I guess I`m a little bit different,because I`m REALLY picky about fav`s.I pick one fav. photo every two weeks,or so.That`s why I have so few.
This is the latest photo I fav`d,it`s from the 10th...
November 22nd, 2010
Definitly this guy, such a cool looking bird and a great detailed shot of him!

November 22nd, 2010
This one from David, I don't see birds like this (unless in cages) where I live, and the upside down pose with the clothes pins just added to it.
November 22nd, 2010
@anew30 Thank you!
November 22nd, 2010
My fave that week was Alecio's pig...Pink Floyd would be proud
November 22nd, 2010
Just because sometimes "silly" is what we need. :-)

November 22nd, 2010
Have to be this one that Brenda did for me,too funny.
November 23rd, 2010

I loved this one from robv
November 23rd, 2010
Love this one as i know how hard it is to get that shot you want when you are at a zoo or animal park & this spoke volumes to me.
November 23rd, 2010
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