Six Word Story 142 August 2023

August 14th, 2023

Thank you Merrelyn @merrelyn for hosting Six Word Story 141 and to all who entered and voted. Thankyou all who chose my photo.

I am sorry this is a little late. It's been a busy few days. A six word story in itself!

The Six Word Story challenge is a creative challenge. All you need to do is come up with a six-word description/story of your image: witty, nostalgic, descriptive, whatever you choose. It’s so much fun to see the varied entries in this challenge.

Take a photo and title it with a short story of just six words that describes the image. You can think of the title first and take the photo or take a photo that has a six-word story naturally attached to it.

You can submit as many entries as you like, but only one of them will be selected as a finalist.
There are only two rules for this challenge:
- the photo must be taken within the time frame of the challenge
- the title must consist of six words - no more no less!

Challenge Tag: sixws-142
Start Date: Saturday 1st August (backdated to end of previpus challenge).
End Date: Monday 31st August.
Your photos must be taken within this time frame.

All entries may be viewed here:

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