
July 4th, 2011
I decided today to begin a week long theme where I select "all songs shuffle" on my ipod. Whichever song is played I will use in some way as inspiration for my photo.
Be it the title, a lyric or just the general feel of the song.

Lisa (@psychographer) commented that she might try the idea too so I thought I'd see if anyone else wanted to join in the shuffle theme.
Tag your photos with "Shuffle"

Here was my pic for today, my song was the Foo Fighters, Marigold.

July 4th, 2011
@emmar84 I'll certainly try this Emma although as this week's theme is toys I need to have at least one photo for that :o) xx
July 4th, 2011
oo cool!!
July 4th, 2011
@emmar84 that sounds like a cool idea - taken my photo for today, but i may join in tomorrow for a week!
July 4th, 2011
Nice idea! Shame I don't have an ipod. I'm not cool enough for one :P
July 4th, 2011
@sobefree My advice would be stay away from ipods, I got mine in a sale after my old Zen broke and have regretted it since.
You can probably have a random song selected on most media players
July 4th, 2011
I like this idea! I usually don't do these theme/challenge sorts of things but I might give this a go.
July 4th, 2011
@emmar84 Haha not on my little thing! Ah well, I'll find a way :)
July 4th, 2011
@sobefree Ask someone to pick a song for you :)
July 4th, 2011
I love this idea! I'm often inspired by music anyway so it'll be fun to try I'm sure :)
July 5th, 2011
Fabulous idea! I hope to try it!
July 5th, 2011
@indiannie_jones That might work :) Thanks
July 5th, 2011
Day 2 gave me Bowling For Soups "Cold Shower Tuesdays". This is what first sprang to mind

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