Make your photos "Frame Worthy"

June 30th, 2010
I've been looking around on how to make my photographs better. I've read books, look at other people's photographs, galleries, magazines, etc. One thing about these great shots are they're "frame worthy". I used to just go around and snap pictures and always come out with crappy pictures. Sometimes you just have to pay attention to what you're shooting. you can shoot anything and make it a great photograph by just stopping and paying close attention at what you're shooting. Remember, shooting exotic is easy, shooting the norm and make it look great takes effort.

Everytime you shoot something for your project, think of it as something you're going to frame on your wall. I believe this type of mindset when shooting will make your photographs better with less effort =)
July 1st, 2010
yes i agree. i always know it is great when i can say......"i would hang that on my wall"
July 1st, 2010
That is how I look at most photos too.
July 1st, 2010
that is so true paulo!
July 1st, 2010
I've been trying to do just that. pay attention to the backdrop, compose the picture. It sometimes just doesn't work if your subject is an animal. they don't care about your picture so you just shoot willy nilly and hope one is good.
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