K-Bails by erinhull


Katie. Saved me and my non-ability to work drag shutter. Set up studio in her case, hung up some Christmas lights and made it work.
you sound far too advanced for me! - although I have heard of drag shutter and I think I know what is aimed at - not something I have tried - like to see some more of your shots using the technique to see if I can follow! _ I am so scared of using flash - havent used my built in yet and I've had the camera 3 years at least!
January 3rd, 2016  
@handymaurice I don't think the built in flashes on cameras are very good, so I think youre fine to never use yours!
And drag shutter is actually pretty easy. You should give it a go. It's fun to play with at night with lights (cars driving by etc).
January 6th, 2016  
@erinhull thanks I will give it a go - also will catch up with comments soon!
January 9th, 2016  
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