Birders by erinhull


So every day I drive by this pond on my way to work. And every day I say to myself "I should take a picture of that." And every day I don't.
Literally thousands of bird perch on the ice that covers this lake and it is so pretty.
So finally today I pulled over.
And marched about in the muck and took some photos of the birds. I wasn't there for five minutes before a car pulled up.
At first I thought I was in trouble and the owner of the property had come to run me off.
But no.
In this car were a couple of birders.
Did you know that was a thing? I didn't.
Birders are people who watch birds.
And within half an hour several more birders had stopped by the pond I was at. All of them binoculars in hand.
We had lovely chats about the types of ducks that were in the pond.
Apparently I was at the hot spot for birds in Fort Collins.
Who knew.
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