Busy by erinhull


Today my day went something like this.

1. Wake up with time to run out and get bagel and make it back home in time to shower and change.
2. Get bagel. Line long. No time to go home and shower which was definitely needed.
3. Go to meet girls setting up for prom.
4. Find people running a 5k in the rain and stop to take pictures.
5. Bundle up camera for the rain and head to soccer game.
6. Make it through part of soccer game in very cold weather. Gloves in May. What?
7. Get call a building is on fire.
8. Run to fire.
9. Go meet up with prom girls getting ready. Smell like smoke.
10. Drive to prom photo location and wait with parents I do not know for their children to arrive.
11. Take photos of flooded areas.
12. Eat meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner.
13. Go to prom.
14. Collapse.
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