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Just keeping a photo journal (Jan. 1, 2015)
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Second half of Year 4 starting Jan. 1, 2015
I did my Everything Old Is New Again (EOINA) from Jan 1, 2914-Dec.31, 2014. I recommitted to a daily post. But I finished that and have been a 365-er for 3.5 years. So I am taking a break. I have zero rules for myself. I know I will mostly post iPhone journal pics. Some days or weeks maybe nothing at all. But I do not want to give up my photo journaling!

Year 4- Started June 21, 2014! I am halfway through my "post every day" year. Some days I just post a diary snapshot and move on. You cannot put up quality work every day. Lol!

Added July 14, 2014:
I am still doing the "post a shot a day" in a proper 365 fashion. I call it "EOINA" Everything Old is New Again. So far, so good. After I passed June 20,2014, I finished my THIRD year on 365. So here I am, in Year 4! I don't believe that.

2014: As of Jan. 1, 2013 I am rededicating myself to post a photo a day. Check out my discussion called "Everything Old is New Again" on the boards. Now I can also follow a year from Jan. 1 to Dec.
31! Yay!

I have enjoyed looking at others' "top pics" that hit the PP, so here is the link to mine.
I think these are from April 3013 onward, according to Alexis.

2013: Year 3 on 365. All my earlier bio entries are below. My goals this year are to learn how to get the most from my new 50mm and macro lenses, participate in challenges and themes, do some "set up" shots that are out of my wheelhouse, have fun, and stay in touch with all my friends on this site.

2012: I am on Year Two on here. Not sure how that is going to work out. I have bought the DLSR and learned (mostly) how to use it. I love taking photos. But need a break from the daily posting-- for a while at least. But then, I won't be interacting with all the great people on here daily and that doesn't sit well with me either. So not sure what will happen. I am feeling a let down from finishing my marathon to the end of Year One, and sad because some of the nice people I followed finished and quit. We'll see...

Added this a few months in to the project:Now, I have had people tell me " you are a photographer, so you need to change that bio." I do think I've learned alot in a few months. I love the journaling part so much, too, which I did not really expect. Still shooting the P and S Canon, but going to buy a DSLR and a zoom lens (later a macro) soon.

Posted this when I started:When I started 365 in June 2011, I put this:Not a "photographer" in the slightest...but enjoy coming here to look at my niece's and nephew's photos and other people's as well. So I decided to put up photos too! It's fun to have a "project" that will end up as a year long photo journal. I live in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA. :0)