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We are Five plus Two: 7 selves, 7 days, 7 self-portraits 7 ways... we have a new theme every week and hope you join in!

Latest members:

Kali @kali66
Susan @wakelys
Monika @monikozi
Manon @sporenmaken
Jackie @30pics4jackiesdiamond
Billy @swillinbillyflynn
Wendy @photohoot

Kali @kali66 I am from New Zealand. I took up artistic photography when my kids stopped being cute and started putting their hands in front of their faces when they saw the camera. Self portraits seem to fit the bill when i have a concept leap into my head and take form demanding to be made, and the themes of 5+2 really get that thinking happening so I'm loving it.

Monika @monikozi I'm a unicorn enjoying taking selfies, because in a selfie no one can really tell how silly you are or if you only pretend. So I can be myself.

Manon @sporenmaken I love photography, always have, but lost my mojo a bit. Looking for some playfulness and inspiration I joined 365project in november '21. Due to the pandemic I was confined by some serious quarantaine rules, so using myself as a model was a sensible thing to do. These pictures resonated with this funlovingnottakingthemselvestoseriously-bunch. And it has been great fun to join in! Hope you do to...

Jackie @30pics4jackiesdiamond Hadn't heard of selfies until started 365, never taken a self portrait until my 366th photo here. Stalked 5+2 for a while and then invited myself into the gang. I'm a quiet, retiring English rose (well actually I'm a quite loud, retired English wild flower!)

Billy @swillinbillyflynn I am a pirate, a musician, a Singer, a songwriter and I take the odd photo (odd being the operative word). I live in the beautiful Dutchy or Cornwall (near England) with my goodly pirate wench @cutekitty. I've been on 365 for over 7 years now and have regularly joined in with 5+2 over the years. So when I was invited to join the crew, I couldn't resist.

Wendy @photohoot I'm living the good life here in Apopka, Florida. When I'm not busy sassing strangers with my razor-sharp wit, you can usually find me photographing my cats in between bouts of playing dress-up with my 5+2 friends. But it hasn't been all fun and games. I've increased the population by two. I now have Viking's disease in both hands. It's made photography a real challenge, but this one time Ansel Adam want to be, isn't ready to hang up her flower crown just yet. Even if my shots come out looking jankier than a kindergartener's finger painting, I'll keep on snapping away. The struggle is real, but so is this fierce spirit of mine. Now say cheese!

Susan @wakelys I have followed 5+2 for some time and now find myself as a member of the intrepid 7. I look at all photographs on 365 in awe of such talent out there and aspire to be an amazing photographer but settle for what I know and what I do. I am shy and retiring but have a gregarious inner evil twin. Home is on the South coast of the UK and I love living very close to the sea.

past members Graeme @graemestevens @gigiz @houdiniem @bobfoto @gutersniperrebecca @martinbrunner @soren @deadschool @gazbadger @luvthyclassics @megstorey @jenteal @graemestevens @amyhughes @tabbycat @izzyromilly @tracys @breiavictoria @wenbow @megameg2018 @kerosene @fearinnocent @northy @kuva Saxa @overalvandaan
Eugene Frenkel @thholyhorse @domenicododaro @mikegifford @summerfield @adi314