Hint Series-- Over-toppled by glennharper

Hint Series-- Over-toppled

My wife recently brought home a book from the library called Hint Fiction. Here's the idea behind the book: write a sentence, using no more than 25 words, that tells a story, or at least 'hints' at a much larger one. The classic example cited in the book is "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." (This quote is attributed to Hemingway, but there is no evidence he actually wrote it.) But the idea remains. And I thought it was a fascinating exercise.

The thought also occurred to me that I possibly borrow the idea for photography. To visually use "25 words or less" to hint at a larger story. Of course that has to translate into the use of just a few objects or a simple setting or the like when the medium is switched to a visual one.

Admittedly, the use of photography to tell a story is as old as the art form itself, but for me at any rate, this is an area of photography I have seldom explored. To try to limit the visuals to just a 'hint' of a story I find even more appealing and interesting. I am not claiming this is an original idea, as I have done absolutely no research to see how many people have done this before. But for me it is a new area of my art to explore.

I don't think I fully know where I want to go with this idea, but I'm going to play with it for a while and see where it goes. I am sure things will change and evolve. And I am also not promising that I will be doing these types of shots exclusively. I am sure ideas will come and go. But here anyway is the first of the Hint Series. I am calling it Over-toppled. Don't ask me what the full story behind the picture is supposed to be... it's just a 'hint' of a story for a viewer to fill in for themselves. I hope you like it and have fun envisioning your own story!
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